done with it after ep2

The migrant crissis was so idiotically covered, I wanted to puke. Libtards like her shold start using their brains.

She lied that most migrants aren't young men, they are. She mentioned some myth of relocation, migrants travel to Europe they aren't relocated by anyone. There are no checks throo data bases, the migrants threw away their documents and refuse to be identified.

Most of them are not refugees, that was another lie in the show.

They are very dangerous, that is a fact. Crime, espetually rape has skyroceted including organised mass rape attacks in Germany. Such a feminist Samantha Bee must be to ignore all those women that are raped for the sake of her liberal crap.


Feminists promoting Islam make absolutely no sense to me. If Western men treated women the way Islamic men do, they'd be rioting. But if we have some sort of problem with apostasy crimes and the death penalties associated, or any of the other myriad of terrible, deadly sexist standards at work in Islam, now we're "Islamaphobes"? It just shows they don't really believe in anything, they just use moral self-righteousness as a cudgel to bludgeon people with into compliance.


Feminists and other assorted leftists promoting islam makes perfect sense, as far their objective of subverting/destroying traditional western society and it's part of their holy tenet of multiculturalism.

As far as I'm concerned, the Samantha Bees of the world that have the audacity to preach from their ivory towards and browbeat us "commoners" who have to deal with these violent third world primitives are more vile and deplorable than the biggest migrant rapist or murderer. When it comes to people like this,we "should" accept women being sexually assaulted/raped, properties vandalized, our collective standards of living decreased and other ills,just so she can virtue signal and feel warm and tingly about herself.

If there was justice in the world, she and her partner John Oliver would be shipped to Bangladesh, Ghana, or wherever else these economic opportunist welfare parasites came from along with them.


Feminists don't have a problem, or at least don't take much of an issue with, Islamic men's misogyny and horrific mistreatment of women solely due to the fact that these men are not white males. Sorry but that is just keeping it real as they say. Oh they may indeed be against misogyny towards women, but only if it's perpetrated by those of The PC variety, i.e. White men.

"Life IS pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something".


Anyone who uses the term "libtard" loses all credibility. You have real words. Use them.


I can't believe you lasted to episode 2. She is just so annoying, miserable, and unfunny.
