There are plenty of things to laugh at about Democrats and liberals, and the best comedians and comedy shows do that. No one on Comedy Central has been kind to Hillary Clinton, nor has Seth Myers or Stephen Colbert. Nevertheless, Trump is comedy gold, as are Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz. Trump just flat out lies again and again and doesn't even try to cover himself up. McConnell is a hypocrite and a coward, hiding behind dubious procedural mechanisms so his party does't have to vote on what they really stand for. Cruz is a true believer in some fantasy of America that dates back to before he was born. They all deserve to be the targets of satire, and if they and their fans can't take it, what does they say about them?
I am really tired of conservatives whining about comedy and comedians targeting them. Quit crying and be funny yourselves for once.
PS: "Disney can't be trusted!"? Give me the funny version of why you say this.