Intellectually dishonest

The show comes across as a commercial for the DNC. Just a snarky version of right wing radio except the obvious liberal bend. Why no new commercial for TBS the week Bill Clinton met AG Lynch in Phoenix or when wikileaks exposed DNC shenanigans? Other than the political differences I could readily interchange Bee and Limbaugh in terms of intellectual capability.


Did you miss the part of the 8/1/16 show where her team interviewed people at the DNC who were out-of-touch intellectuals? I have never heard Rush Limbaugh put a comic spotlight on any of his fellow conservatives. Oh, right. He's not a comedian. Samantha Bee is.

Also, the Bill Clinton/ Loretta Lynch fiasco happened on June 27 and started being covered in the press the next day. Full Frontal broadcast an episode on June 27 and took a break until July 18, so it is not surprising there was no advertising for the show that week or the week after.


I give sporadic attention to either as I do not consider either of the two overly informed. Also, neither Bee nor Limbaugh are willing to put criticism to any great degree on their own respective parties. Interviewing out of touch intellectuals is not the same as shining the bright lights on the problem that in most states primary voters got screwed as the contest was engineered against Sanders. It would be one thing if they voted as independents crashing the Democratic "party" where they would be invasive to the process. The problem is that in a vast majority of states a person has to register as a member of that given party several months in advance to be able to participate. Not that people can not readily change back and forth but most people make a move intending to stick with the party they moved to. These people that supported Sanders did so by the book and were legit party members whose wishes were ignored. The Democrats may have gotten away with controlling the outcome but now they have the bitter feelings of many Sanders supporters to deal with for the next Presidential cycle. How many will become apathetic or leave the party due to the party bosses or the super delegates? Donna Brazile does not inspire confidence and was brought in to squelch criticism because the Democrats can and would play the race card should Brazile be criticized.


I very much agree with you that a bright spotlight needs to be shone on all manner of problems with our election system, including the really horrible primary rules that seem to change to fit every new wish of those currently in power. If Samantha Bee didn't focus on this in one of her spring shows, that is a shame. Others on the left did, including John Oliver, right after the Nevada controversy.

How many will become apathetic or leave the party due to the party bosses or the super delegates? Donna Brazile does not inspire confidence and was brought in to squelch criticism because the Democrats can and would play the race card should Brazile be criticized.

Donna Brazile was put into the position of temporarily filling the suddenly (and justly) vacated seat of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Brazile is a reliable warhorse and someone the party can count on to do no harm until the new chair is in place. The minute you write "play the race card" you make me suspicious that you are not an independent. That is the language and the faulty reasoning of a Trump supporter.


I am an independent. I am unaware of a litmus test for an independent. I can hold positions that can be attributed to one party but not another. I am pro-labor. Not a plank in the platform of the Republicans. I believe in a progressive income tax. Republicans would love to be rid of that but they for the most part do not scream that at every turn. I believe in the 2nd amendment but also believe it should be harder to obtain certain firearms. Not hardcore enough for conservatives and the fact i do not want guns confiscated will make me unloved by liberals. I tend to lean against the legalization of drugs but I am also against excessive search and seizure. Frankly, if you want to smoke pot I can accept that as long as you do it in the confines of your home. I just do not want to hear that you would have been a "success" in life if had only not fallen into some addiction trap. Yes, not all substances are physically addictive but some are mentally addictive. That in your mind you can not survive without them. My position on drugs would get me no love from a majority of liberals.

I think that most people who can think for themselves are not line by line in the Republican camp nor the Democratic camp. People such as this are fearful of revealing too much of their personal views because of scorn by those who feel it was one camp or the other. I can retain my skepticism of Brazile's position without morally sacrificing views on other subjects.


Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed reply, BiffGG. The reason I post on IMDb boards that may deal with US politics is that I am a bit of a political junkie, but there aren't many places where you can get into discussions with people that aren't echo chambers for one side or the other. I respect your nuanced positions on the difficult issues you mentioned.

RE: Donna Brazile. I have no skin in the game there. I just wonder if you were using the term "race card" a little too easily.


There was advertising in the interim as the commercial concerning the Brexit was run a couple consecutive weeks. Because it fits Bee's narrative of slamming conservatives and Republicans it was allowed as filler. I don't understand the need for a hiatus if this is supposed to be critical programming. I can understand personalities who do not show for duty because they do not receive a paycheck but if you are paid you should be on air. This goes for all commentators regardless of political stripe.


BiffGG, Full Frontal is not a news show. It is comedy, entertainment, not "critical programming." Lots of comedy shows that focus on politics and current events take breaks: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Real Time with Bill Maher, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.

They have contracts with their networks stating what dates they will and will not be available, and I am guessing that these networks don't want to pay for 52 weeks anyway.
