Sam wants it both ways

She contradicts Trump's statements about how dangerous our country is by saying violent crime is at an all-time low, and yet she practically screams for increased gun control and a ban on "assault" weapons. So which is it, too much violence or relatively low violence? If it's all the mass shootings that she's concerned about, why not the seemingly daily fatal shootings in Chicago and places like it that liberals largely ignore when they talk about gun control?

(this signature was absent on picture day)


Because she doesn't have to live there. Out of sight, out of mind. If she had to live on the south side of Chicago she'd mention it a few times, but since she lives in a nice part of NYC daily gun violence is not an issue for her.


So I'm confused. Do you guys want the guns of the violent criminals in Chicago taken away?

Anyway, every time I hear that violent crime has gone down in the USA, it is with the caveat, "except in a few cities where gang violence has actually increased." Nobody on the left is ignoring these horrible statistics. Perhaps gun control is a partial solution, but mostly it is going to take kids in these neighborhoods seeing and actually believing in better alternatives. I don't see Trump making any effort to give kids in urban war zones hope for a way out.

For the rest of us, there is less violent crime than there was 20 or even 10 years ago. But then there are all these mass shootings that make us feel vulnerable. With a few exceptions, notably San Bernardino, they are committed by mentally unstable people who should not have weapons at all, let alone automatic or semi-automatic guns with large magazines. We can argue about to what extent our nation should pay more attention to mental illness or to background checks, but the point is Samantha Bee was not contradicting herself. It doesn't have to be either/or. It can be both.


So I'm confused. Do you guys want the guns of the violent criminals in Chicago taken away?

What are you using for a brain? A block of cement?

Of course, everyone would love to have any kind of weapon taken out of the hands of criminals. But the fact of the matter is that no law will prevent a criminal from getting a gun. Criminals don't follow the law. Which is why they are called "criminals".

Driving drunk is illegal. Sooooo, we don't have anyone do that right? Of course we do.

Nobody on the left is ignoring these horrible statistics.

Yes they are.

it is going to take kids in these neighborhoods seeing and actually believing in better alternatives.

I agree with you on this 100%.

I don't see Trump making any effort to give kids in urban war zones hope for a way out.

I don't like Trump so I will not defend him. But if Hillary has a plan I would love to see it. Because the only thing I see out of her are policies to keep people in urban areas dependent on the government.

Kiss my Converse! - Sho'nuff: The Shogun of Harlem.
