Who the **** watches this???

Pathetic indenial liberal BS spewing out of a 50 year old unfunny hag. I guess they give TV shows to any loudmouth nowadays


Clinton News Network viewers. Can't wait til it's dropped.


It was an info-mercial for the Clinton campaign not unlike an info-mercial for a Swiss Army knife type garden tool. As long as somebody (Clinton Foundation) was willing to pay for the slot so TBS did not lose money it did not matter to the TBS execs who most likely found the politics appealing.


That foundation is in a lot of hot water anyway. Hope they get audited soon.



She is ugly both internally and externally.


I watched an episode for the first time last night and asked the same question.

Who finds any of this nonsense entertaining?

22 minutes of the same unfunny joke with a live audience of slack-jawed yokels hooting and hollering the entire time.



Assume much? You should follow your own signature line's advice. If you had read through the threads here you would know why people dislike the show and it has nothing to do with racism, sexism, warmongering, etc.. As far as it being above our comprehension I don't think so. I am starting to think that there are rogue Hillbots operating north of the US border. In any event the election is over so you need to find something productive to do with your time.


Liberals sure like to label people, did you even use the word 'bigot' before this election? Don't be such a pessimistic, narcissistic, country-dividing, judgemental smug imbecile. Kleenex are on sale right now at Walgreens if you want to stock up for Inauguration day


50 year old unfunny hag


pessimistic, narcissistic, country-dividing, judgemental smug imbecile

Yes, it's just the liberals who are labeling people. 

I've been making fine jewelry for years, apparently.


I thought it was obvious but the last string of insults was sarcasm to show that it's easy to put demeaning labels on someone. Liberals love to label people and then proceed to tell everyone that they are more intelligent than them - just look at some of the replies on here.


Where are my manners? Happy Inauguration Day :)


By the way, please shove Samantha Bee, Trevor Noah, and any other C-list celebrity unhappy with this country up your ***hole and make your way back into Canada. America doesn't need your input


Thanks for the belly laugh, Trumpsters, too bad none of you know how stupid you sound!  But then you'd have to have an IQ higher than your age, more than 6 teeth in your head and not be a wife-beater to understand anything that Sam Bee et al have to say. You know, being born addicted to meth/heroin/crack wasn't your fault - but to perpetuate the behaviour is. Get help, Bubbas!! It's never too late!

Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot - than to open it and
remove all doubt!


You are a case study for living in denial. You tend to generalize too much. I am not a "Trumpster" as you put it. The election is over and Hillary is done.


True. Just because one is anti-Hillary or finds the show unfunny and offensive doesn't necessarily mean they are pro-Trump.


Gosh you sure do prejudge people. Such hateful speech, just like the smut on full frontal!


People with brains and cynicism. You aren't invited, so go watch cartoons.


People with brains and cynicism? Not from what I have seen. The only qualification for the audience from what I have seen is for them to clap like seals when Bee stops to breath.


I can't even watch the commercial for this show because this woman is so offensive. I'll quick change the channel to anything else for the duration.


I gave this show a chance, but it just sucks. She is not funny at all. I just saw they are moving it, which is always a sign of poor ratings.
