Women are NOT funny

Never were and never will be. All female "comedians" just come off as super annoying and awkward. Screw that feminism crap. This has nothing to do with that. Doesn't mean I'm sexist either, I just never found women to be funny. I'm sure millions more agree.


Another insecure sexist. Perhaps some day, you'll get out of the dark ages. And stop blaming everyone else for the fact that your parents were siblings.


Stfu tumblr




Yeah, I remember this Hitchens guy saying women weren't funny---but the thing is,nobody made him or asked him to be the authority on whether women were funny or not---plus it was a stupid,ignorant sexist thing to say, and it was coming from a dude who apparently got too caught up in his own fame and had his head up his uptight a** for too damn long. He wasn't the last word or authority on anything to do with women comedians---he was just a typical arrogant stuck-up white British male who thought he knew everything because he had some fame.


Seriously? I've seen so many unfunny male comics down through the years that I can't even count them. Sorry, but a male comedian isn't automatically funny just because he's a man. And being funny has nothing to do with gender---you're either funny or you're not. You're just sexist,immature and that's a stupid/ridiculous thing to claim that ALL women aren't funny simply because they're women. Plus you obviously have issues with women----that's what insecure men do---put down women down all the time to big themselves up. I know damn well you don't find each and every male comedian funny just because they're men and you can relate to them more. There are male comedians I like/don't like, and there are female comedians I like/don't like. And no, millions don't agree with you about that, so get over your sexist, immature teenage self.


I disagree, I didn't find her that funny when she was on the Daily Show but she really improved once she got her own show, she didn't get to use her talent much when she was Jon Stewart's sidekick.
