This is my version of the Japanese demon himself. He was a 'Tengu' from the very beginning. The beginning of the film shows him throwing the bait out to fish (important symbolism scene). As he was a demon trying to reside in Goksung, but because hes a demon (or foreigner) he know he won't find acceptance and that's not what he seeks for. The entire Goksung was his game of experiment or like 'citysign' had said above a mockery towards Jesus. He never intended to save those people, but he did however wanted to revive them and testify his power. Notice how the very first scene of the zombie of the frenzied women was attacking our Jang-Gu (our hero) and he was also there. He performs the ritual and goes out to see if it had worked. Thus also explain why he had lived in the high mountains (as 'Tengu' does) and the crows around him. It's a film that used zombies, ghosts, and demons as mixture to tell a biblical story of a devil's game in Goksung. Again, this is just my version of what I interpret this film to be. As it is open ending I wouldn't be surprised to proven wrong and glad to be! I love this film and like discussing about it :)