MovieChat Forums > Van Helsing (2016) Discussion > latest episode was excellent

latest episode was excellent

Yep I said it. Cue the haters but whatever I enjoyed it especially when the vampire went outside and wreaked havoc when the volcano ash darkened the sky. Reminiscent of 30 days of Night scene when the vampires openly attack the town. If you're looking for a Van Helsing in the vein of Dracula you're not going to find it here. Clearly the title was to suck viewers in because her name has nothing to do with the show so far.


All three episodes are excellent. Haters just can't stand a female is the lead of a show.


I couldn't give a rats ass about a female lead so can the leftist b s and look at yourself if you want to see a hater so far this series is a snooze fest,there is no plot and everytime someone wants to do something the plan gets shot down so nobody does anything and nothing happens this show has no direction its a mess.


Its like when they made the new GhostBusters and it was rubbish all the sad little left wing plebs come running out screaming it was only because it was women. No, it was because they were rubbish actresses, not funny, didn't fit the film, the film didn't need to be made as it added nothing to the original.

But they try and deflect everything by trying to childishly label people or deflect genuine criticism by bringing gender and race into everything.

This show is utter garbage.


i very much like this show and i liked the first 3 eps definitely but ep 4 was, for the most part, pretty bad/boring. again, i DO like the show though.
