MovieChat Forums > Van Helsing (2016) Discussion > Which SyFy show will die first

Which SyFy show will die first

This or Aftermath?


Aftermath is worse. But they should both get the axe.


This has 87% ratings on Rotton Tomato. It is the top 3 critic acclaimed show. Only iMDM users whined here while most critics are saying this is the best show of the year.


Rotten Tomatoes has lost all credibility lately. They're paid off shills for the studios and production companies. This show sux. This last ep still had zero characterization. Who cares about these people when we've had nothing to get to know them. And having Vanessa, who is supposed to be the badass star laid up in bed for this ep and apparently the next one, too, according to the sneak peek, is insane. All we've had so far are people who mean nothing getting killed and getting sent out to be killed. There's no story. There's no backstory. Nothing is happening on this show. It's disjointed writing, like we're missing half the script every week.


No back story? The show just started but already has shown back stories on Vanessa and her daughter and the guy who came back from being a vampire.


As long as VH does not go too far down the Vampire War Human Resistance crap it will be fine.


i don't even know how long the storyline in AFTERMATH can keep going on. it seems more fitting to be a mini-series type of show.


Van Helsing already got renewed so Aftermath.
