What's with

The doctor and the blood at the end if episode 6?
Where's that going?


obviously she's the killer.

Yeah I used to love dying, but that speech really turned me around.


I don't think it's of any consequence. When I cut myself I tend to do the same thing. It's an impluse. Salvia is a good cauterizer for wounds and helps stimulated healing.

River: Don't worry, I'm quite the screamer. Now there's a spoiler for you!


i think the doc/blood scene at the end was to show that even though doc was turned back to human there's still some blood craving (maybe). she wasn't just putting her cut finger in her mouth like most people do. her face conveyed (sort of) what a drug addict looks like when they get a hit of their drug. so maybe Vanessa's ability to turn vamps back to humans isn't 100% fool proof?

also i think Sam (the deaf man) is the serial killer. i can't believe no one questioned him since he seemed to say AS A FACT that he saw the intruder group specifically say they intended to execute every person in Axel's group when the intruder group (it seems) may never have had any intention of doing that.

even if they believed it somewhat it would make no sense for the intruder group to kill the doctor lady. having doctor or nurse around in those times would be essential.

the serial killer though could be the Doc i guess too (or the other man who was a vamp but is no human again. we see at the very end of ep.6 that Doc is still craving(?) blood. maybe those turned back to human form from Vanessa aren't fully sane?


I think the killer is the deaf man too. He probably lied about the newbies wanting to kill all of them.

Doc cut herself intentionally, I believe. Also remember the other man cut himself with the weapon of the teen. I think the "cured" people have still a blood craving.


i think the doc/blood scene at the end was to show that even though doc was turned back to human there's still some blood craving (maybe). she wasn't just putting her cut finger in her mouth like most people do. her face conveyed (sort of) what a drug addict looks like when they get a hit of their drug. so maybe Vanessa's ability to turn vamps back to humans isn't 100% fool proof?

also i think Sam (the deaf man) is the serial killer. i can't believe no one questioned him since he seemed to say AS A FACT that he saw the intruder group specifically say they intended to execute every person in Axel's group when the intruder group (it seems) may never have had any intention of doing that.

even if they believed it somewhat it would make no sense for the intruder group to kill the doctor lady. having doctor or nurse around in those times would be essential.

the serial killer though could be the Doc i guess too (or the other man who was a vamp but is no human again. we see at the very end of ep.6 that Doc is still craving(?) blood. maybe those turned back to human form from Vanessa aren't fully sane?

I figured the writers were going to pin the serial killing thing on Doc. Honestly, I hope that doesn't happen because I really like her and want her (and Axel) to stick around for the long haul.

I really like Doc's character. Her vulnerability catches my eye. Also, every time Axel touches her, or expresses how much he cares, she freezes or acts like she wants to get within running distance from him. So yes, I'm hoping the serial killer doesn't turn out to be Doc, because right now, her reaction to what happened to her and what's happening around her (and of course, her skittishiness around Axel) intrigues me.

Also, I hadn't considered the deaf guy to be a serial killer either. Gives me pause for thought.
