You're absolutely correct.
It's an anti male reboot, disguising itself with a false title in VERY poor attempt to attract those who are keen on the original MALE character (it was a film, not a series... but good try, you obviously never watched it)
Feminism has such a lack of creativity it boggles a sane mind as to why anyone would ever use it in the creative industry of film making and story telling...
it's impact faded over 30 years ago when this type of re-framing males (ALWAYS as weak, clueless, or pure evil--especially if they're white; then they're extra clueless) wasn't considered the wide spread sexism it's become today, but it was considered 'fresh' 'new' thinking.
That was 30 years ago, in the 90s...
It's 2016, and telephone (a child's game, if anyone can recall how it works) once demonstrated to me how easily a simple and obvious message gets completely distorted the more people pass it on, the longer it's passed on. When do we let grandma and grandpa rest in piece, and stop rebooting their personal issues and bias perceptions of a world long dead, into our own minds?
50 years since feminism
70 years since the original women's movement that mutated into feminism
What has feminism mutated into now? Are we even brave enough to look at it with unbiased eyes, or are we so WEAK from empowering EGO that we can't accept we're still human, still doing it wrong--and only one step closer to doing it right, not actually doing it right now by surrendering everything to the 'almighty' vagina, in everything we do?