MovieChat Forums > Van Helsing (2016) Discussion > Two quick questions about episode 6

Two quick questions about episode 6

1. Why did Axel kill innocent people during the takeover? I understand shooting those who attacked him, or who may pose a threat, but we see him shoot an innocent woman laying on the bed and others running away. Why?

2. Why did they kick out the children? I understand kicking out the men, who just moments ago were holding them prisoner, but the teenage girl (as annoying as she may be) and the little girl should have been allowed to stay inside. They have zero chance of survival on the outside.


So far the only real heroes in this are Vanessa, Muhammed, and Susan (She seems like a good person and she can kick ass too). The doc seems okay. Axel, like that teenager said he is an *beep* We see that when he would not let that guy out in the beginning to save his wife(there was no danger in letting him out so why keep him there against his will). We saw it again when he could have saved her when the vamps had her tied up. His excuse for not saving her was lame. He could have provided cover fire while two or three people run outside quickly to rescuer her. It's still possible that he could be the serial killer. If a guy like that was in my unit when I was in the military they would probably court martial me for breaking his jaw.


It looked to me like the lady on the bed bad a gun and was shooting at him.

Frankly, I was all for him going after those creeps. They reaped what they sowed. They had no problem taking over his home and beating him up and locking them all up and throwing out that kid that was there BEFORE them. They brought their deaths on themselves by their own actions.

I'm just glad that obnoxious bratty teen is gone. I could not stand her. Why do shows always have to make teens bratty and obnoxious?

"Dean exists, therefore it is his fault." Sam Winchester and the Supernatural writers


I thought they deserved what they got too. It's dog eat dog when the apocalypse comes.


1. Battle is always foggy, even if she wasn't reaching for a nearby weapon, you don't want an enemy behind you.

2. That teenage girl was the first to pick up a gun and point it at Axel.

'Go get an education, learn to talk you first language, lerarn to spell countries names' nidii-76417


A more pressing question: how can any sane person still be watching this show after six episodes?


Those of us still watching are not sane.




This scene was amazing! One of the best in the history of tv!


They didn't send the girl away. She hurried and chose to go with them, they were her friends. The marine could have open the door, though, but it was obvious the lil girl didn't want to be with him and the others but with her own group.
