five episode axe (spoilers)
WOW!!!I made it through FIVE EPISODES
1) I have TRIED,SERIOUSLY TRIED to PULL info from the episodes and was able to pull darned few nuggets at best
let's see
1) super volcano erupts virus spread and I might add it seems to be some form of the reaper virus in Blade II i could be wrong though feel free to correct me on that
2) there seems to be two types of vamps one created by this um virus or whatever and another which is like julius called "ancients" I don't buy that they are ancients just vamps turned before this um virus or whatever broke out.
3) this um marine called Axel FOR SOME GODDESS KNOWN REASON was told to guard "this woman" who no one knew anything about but orders are orders right?even at the end of the world right?
4) here is the worst of them when Vanessa is finally awake oh yes i think she somehow remembered her name or maybe they had something that told them her name i probably missed that part but THE WORST OF IT is I never see ANY connection to the van helsing line. I'm sorry I have this crazy idea that either through instincts even if abandoned you would see IN FIVE EPISODES something emerge oh hell even the flawed buffyverse weapon use would have been great.WHERE IS HER CONNECTION TO HER FAMILY/CLAN???!!!
5) now we have the worst out of the way here is the strangest IN MY OPINION.
instead of seeing a connection to her family/clan she is a REVERSE VAMPIRE...
explanation her blood when bitten turns vamps back into humans and her bite can also turn vamps back into humans. what does this mean??simple again it's blade time blade:trinity use her blood to create some sort of super daystar from her blood one that doesn't need the first vampire's blood(thought I forgot about that huh? :P) only in this case instead of destroying turns people back to humans for the ones who are infected by "the virus" or whatever it is.
6) now nothing has been shown that the vamps are even vulnerable to even buffyverse weapons(come on somewhere there has to be something wood to turn into a weapon) but worse than that THEY ARE PUT DOWN BY GUNS!!!!ARs and shotguns to date ARs take a bit more but shotgun POW they go down easy.this is easy CONGRATS CRIMINALS you can now turn things around and be the heroes not to mention the army the marines(represented by Axel) navy airforce the reserves NORMAL NRA PEOPLE come on WE HAVE TONS OF HUMANS(flaw addressed next)
7) FOR SOME ODD REASON THAT IS UNKNOWN AND NOT STATED some humans are IMMUNE otherwise we don't have any cast. HOWEVER before buildings and underground are used(yeah HA!!! thought of that too :P ) eventually they have to come out of their protection which means even if the virus in the air didn't get them the vamps outside would have.
8)once more we have a humanity vs enemy show HOWEVER we already suffer from humanity vs humanity problem. Axel has lost control of THE FACILITY has was supposed to be assigned to originally to protect Vanessa TO A GROUP OF STRANGERS who no one in their right minds should have let in not to mention we have a traitor and a killer within. the new group's solution KILL THEM ALL!!!