Cheese, Forced Characters, Anti-Male celebration
Just utter garbage so far we have had
Unrealistic fights where the woman would of got the poo kicked out of her but somehow manages to win.
Every time a new entity turns up be that the mortician or the military you have some forced female lead attached to it. Just so forced and unrealistic but on top of that they have pushed it so that there is a docile male character directly beneath her exaggerating the ridiculousness of it.
Then you have the anti-male crap that is dripping from this show, we have the stereotype of a wife beater which is laboured and exaggerated. We have the dead beat dad that doesn't want to have anything to do with their child. All tired stereotypes but ones that feminists love to use over and over again even though stats show that it happens in equal numbers with the genders switched.
It seems with all the agenda driven crap that SyFi is pushing out, (usually from Canada I might add who are delusional and so full of retarded social justice warriors they applaud this lack of realism in favour of their wet dream), this kinda rubbish might of died down by now. However its becoming apparent they wish to continue to churn out this rubbish even though its tanking hard.