MovieChat Forums > Van Helsing (2016) Discussion > Help about episode 9 (Major Spoilers!!!)

Help about episode 9 (Major Spoilers!!!)

So, I need help understanding something. Why Gorman turned? Because of radiation? That would be stupid, radiation doesn't that to human beings. And if he was bitter by the feral, I thought it would need more time to transform. So...what happened? (It's specially relevant because I am pondering Alex's chances to appear again?


Well as for Alex returning you can be pretty sure he'lll be back because the show lists him as being in all 13 episodes, I'm guessing the bloody hand on the glass wasn't Alex's and was probably Gorman hand but they wanted to throw you off, so you can be pretty sure Alex will return, as for Gorman turning I'm pretty sure it wasn't radiations especially since there were feral vampires down in the bunker with them



sandman, IMDB is not reliable either by accidental erroneous info or intentionally erroneous info so as not to spoil who survives and who doesn't on shows like this one. the "John" character (who Vanessa killed last week when he was threatening to kill Susan. is listed for all 13 eps and unless he's in flashback scenes, he's gone for good.

but i DO hope Axel survived. the Doc is scum for doing that to Axel.


IMDB's listing aside, I am pretty convinced too that we have not seen the last of Axel. I don't know in what condition we will find ( vampire or not ) but he'll be back.
People need to stop calling the writers idiots. With the unusual way they chose to tell the story ( throwing characters in without much introduction about who they were and all that stuff ) it makes it tricky to connect to the characters. At some point they have to stop killing characters off if they want an audience to be left to watch their show.


I wouldn't call the writers idiots. I'd say they were totally off base with their vision for the show... But that all comes from the showrunner, who has let this show meander all over the place.

To be fair, I found the whole "Vanessa lets herself get captured by the vampires" to be one of the most appallingly written storylines in TV - ever - and there have been so many others in this show.

But I'm still watching. It has something about it. A certain naive charm...


Pauly_Gomez, I assumed Gorman was bitten at some point when we lost sight of him.
For all we know, he might have escaped through the vent, got himself bitten outside and went back to eat the fresh flesh still trapped in the Farm.

As for the vampire transformation, unlike say.... the zombies in the Walking Dead, it's a pretty immediate reaction. Remember episode 2 with the Rising how it quickly spread in the streets or how it went for Doc : a few tears, screams and minutes later she was done.


Hi arck, Gorman said he was going to find the feral who was in the quarantine area, which was rather stupid considering he would be trapped himself. So no, he didn't escaped through the vent. But he could have been bitten by the feral before killing him.

And you are right, I forgot that reaction was so fast. Thank you.

But I think Vanessa can't cure ferals, sadly.


when Vanessa and the other climbed out of the newly found exit from the bunker weren't those creatures that attacked them ferals? if so, then Vanessa can cure them. the one that bit Vanessa is shown to turn back to normal.


I don't know, but I didn't think they were ferals.

When Van was bitten by a feral who left his tooth in her, I thought that feral died because she was "poisonous" to them, instead of a cure. But of course I could be wrong.


In episode 3, a feral bite Vanessa and died right after.
I always assumed he died, not directly because of Vanessa's blood but because he already was badly injured ( gunshots ) when he was turned back human.
But I could be wrong about that. That would be cool if Vanessa's blood had its limits as a cure.

On a side note, all these vampires are so brutal and savage I can't even tell which are Feeders or Ferals. Except maybe the dog one Julius keeps on a leash, this one I can recognize lol.


Axle being listed for 13 episodes does not mean he will return. Other cast members that are dead are also listed at 13. No guarantee but for me if he's dead I'm done with the show.
