Do people still watch this?
I have heard nothing but terrible things about this show.
shareI haven't started because its behind a pay wall, CBS All Access isn't worth the monthly cost. I havn't heard great things about it either. A friend of mine has been watching it lately and he is pretty open minded. Of the 10 eps he watched, he has only kind of liked one.
shareI'm hoping this travesty of a show will eventually get cancelled.
shareIs it cancelled yet?
shareNo, season 3 is still on the schedule.
please cancel!
shareWell Season 4 is about half over. I haven't heard of a renewal for 5, but I think it likely. I was pretty harsh on my criticism of seasons 1 and 2. I think 3 and 4 have been better. I still have some issues with some of the characters, but it has improved.
Improvements after the 1st and/or 2nd seasons is fairly typical for most of the Star Trek series after the original. TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT all experienced the syndrome. Discovery seems to as well. I do think Lower Decks was very good from the 1st season. (it was a bit manic in season 1, but that has definitely improved.) Picard was a bit iffy, but the 2nd season hasn't started yet. Prodigy I have enjoyed from the 1st episode and, I think, has been quite good. Some episodes have been better than others, of course, but overall pretty positive. We will have to see about Strange New Worlds.
Its over in Season 5.
shareIf you don't like it, don't watch it.. Why do you hope it gets cancelled?
shareIt's a huge insult against Star Trek fans everywhere, and is nothing at all like real Star Trek. This is "The Expanse" with phasers and a discount store ship, with a crew of losers and rejects who would never even make it into the Academy, never mind graduating and serving on a starship.
This is basically imitation Star Trek, written and produced by people who don't know Star Trek and hate it, and make it for people who never liked Star Trek to begin with.
And no, I don't watch it, particularly if Alex "The Asshole" Kurtzman's name is in the credits. But I have to hear about it, and now that shit is included with Star Trek Online, and it has come very close to ruining my experience in that game. I have heard horror stories about this show and the Below Decks garbage from people on YouTube, and honestly, I really wish Kurtzman would fall off a cliff and die for what he's done to Star Trek. He's the Kathleen Kennedy of the Star Trek world, and I hate what he's done to the franchise.
I believe it was written with the help of ST fans.. So some must like it.
That besides, I understand your hatred of the show.. It's not exactly my favourite either, but to hope a series gets cancelled serves no purpose. It takes away a series that a lot of poeple obviously enjoy, and it doesn't negate the damage that you think it has already done to the franchise.
Just let it be, watch it if you like, ignore it if you don't.
Yeah, I heard about some former Star Trek alumni trying to go in there and quietly try to fix Kurtzman's crap, but honestly, there isn't much they can do at this point, considering the show is so messed up you can't fix it, even with a veneer of gold spray-painted on.
shareI hope it gets canceled, too, because the longer it sticks around it sends the wrong message to the powers that be this is what we want in Star Trek.
shareππ...funny. Though i don't want Kurtzman to die he has kinda ruined star trek along with his pal Abrams. Star Wars at least does a decent job of maintaining continuity both written and visual. I don't mind that they update visuals and sets a bit. But they went way overboard. Bigger Enterprise, Holoram communication before it was used in Starfleet,Klingons that looked like the Alien queen etc.
Picard seems to have improved. We shall see how that goes....
Do Trolls still Troll? Ask a stupid question, ...
shareYes, I think there are lots of good things about this show. The acting is solid, the characters are engaging for the most part, and the production values are impressive. It's not my favourite show but there is much, MUCH worse that is currently popular.
I'll admit I wasn't as fond of the second season, but there was still enough to keep me keen for a third.
All the woke bs you hear people talking about, nothing but a furphy. People seem to have only one way to dismiss a show they dislike these days, drop the W bomb. The reality is it's only as progressive as Star Trek has always been.
I watched two episodes. Just couldn't get into it.
sharePretentious social activists and people with no taste for quality story telling still watch this identity politics garbage.Farscape and Firefly didn't get nearly as much network attention and are both light years better than this dreck.I only regret i wasted 2 and a half seasons hoping it would get better before i gave up.
shareThe first three episodes were so idiotic that I laughed many times while watching. I couldn't imagine watching any more than that. Shockingly bad.