Oh, there will doubtless be some troubled, wrinkled foreheads, followed by a lot of nodding and pursed lips, "We understand"s and "The problem is"s. They will find someone, somewhere, to make up a set of statistics which will prove that they're trying to ensure that 'this kind of thing won't happen again' - It will be a priority!
Somewhere along the line, it will be 'the previous governments' fault. Then, Jeremy (Trotsky) Corbyn will get another obligatory hammering - perhaps, because of the shoes he wears, or something else, equally as damning. The media will have had the opportunity, by this time, to reveal even more Benefit Frauds and immigrants who are, obviously, responsible for all the misery, in the first place. After which, they'll fill the front pages with news of the latest fatuous bint in Hollywood to have had a face-lift. With a bit of luck, that Trump bloke might become president in the USA - Now, that would bury this story, surely!
If it's resurrected, because of some inconvenient award, the British people might have started to count their blessings; at least they can die in a hospital, shortly after being informed they have been assessed as 'Fit for Work'. After all, the NHS is safe in their hands.