... why do they even watch it? If I find a show to be boring/stupid/uninteresting, you know what I do? I stop watching. End of story. And I most definently won't waste my time going on a messege board just to spew hate. I have better things to do with my life. When I do go to messege boards, I go to discuss the shows/movies I enjoy.
I guess some people are only happy when they're spewing hate on something/someone...
Let me explain something to you as thoroughly and coherently as I possibly can, you schmuck...
This country has a huge GD problem with the attention and emphasis we place on our leaders, laws, AND our pop culture. If 2016 and the idiots and garbage cinema we've endured wasn't representative of what the terrible parts/areas of America wants, I don't know what is. First Ghostbusters, then MacGyver, and now THIS bs.
I said it once and I'll say it again -- there's nothing wrong with remakes. I don't have a problem with remakes. I have a problem with shallow, lazy, and and money grabbing tactics that employ cheap, split second creative decision-making done at the behest of idiots like Matt Miller, who have openly and publicly admitted that they're doing this for money. He has deliberately and openly admitted that they are rushing the product for sake of getting it on the air.
The more remakes and reboots that come out the worse they have become. This show represents the pinnacle of insanity when it comes to that type of current creative content we're engaging in. We aren't even going to try to change character names, dynamics, or even the freaking font/ logo. They insist, or rather the idiot Fanboys insist, that the elongation of pre-existing character dilemmas and arcs somehow adds something new to the material. Well, it doesnt. All we are doing is watching Martin Riggs, (played by a wonderful dramatic actor who is *painfully forcing* himself to try to nail the comedic side of it) eat and toy with the idea of killing himself in his trailer every freaking Wednesday. Yeah, like we haven't seen this a bajillion times over. And you're going to throw Damon Wayans in there who is looking for his last-ditch hoorah acting job before the industry benches him for being too old, careless, and downright ineffective in his acting. You have Jonathan Fernandez on the show who is so monotone, dull, and unremarkable that if you were to replace him with someone next week we would probably forget that he was there for the first few episodes. I mean, Jesus, look at his stupid character Scorsese. They can't even get some kind of workable L.A. character cliche going with him. They just say he went to film School and his nickname is Scorsese. The end.
Thanks, a$$holes.
The flip side of the argument is even more hilarious. Even in moments where they come close to doing something new and original they end up having to fall back on the fact that this is called Lethal Weapon and it contains the characters Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh. If this thing is so creative and so different and so new, then call it something else. Stop hiding behind franchises and known names to get you halfway there. I think any educated person would call that cheating.
The reason I'm going to sit here and complain about this show is because of how bad it is and how it manipulates dull headed, moon-faced morons like the people on this message board who give this crap its low, *low* baseline ratings that keep it on life support. You go from David Sanborn and Eric Clapton and Michael Kamen doing a trifecta on the film score to some unknown rapper doing basic synthesize $hit for every scene. I'm just citing a handful of examples on how stupid this show is. I could create a whole other thread listing them until the rapture.
The point is that it's more than apparent now that we aren't even *trying* with our content anymore. It became painfully obvious the minute the Ghostbusters reboot hit the theaters and Leslie Jones was told she could act. Hollywood and the television industry are a business like any other and businesses are always looking to create profit. I'm not denying this and I'm not going to try and argue this. What I will get irritated at is the fact that we have CAVED and don't give content the proper time of day or prep. Instead, we are going to create content like this show, where even just the writing in and of itself is so painfully horrible, cliche, and elementary it makes it all more than apparent that Matt Miller is doing nothing but staffing the writers room with pretty young people that he wants to bang. Period.
Yes, I'm going to bitch and go after the people on here who give over embellished and almost falsified and inaccurate views on the show because they are too stupid enough to see that they are getting duped. This isn't an opinion, this is fact. And as long as we're going to allow Scott Caan, Hawaii Five-O, MacGyver, and whatever else they decide to dig up from the grave this week to put on the airwaves instead of pushing ourselves to try and be influenced by the material rather than trying to remake it, I'm going to continue to speak my mind.
*beep* you, Matt Miller. You know you're phoning this in just so you can buy more of those tacky blazers that all the douchey Hollywood producers love to wear.
See that's what you say, but the fact that I broke everything down perfectly and YOU idiots yelling troll in response in lieu of any sort of actual educated or witty reply PROVES you're easy, sad, gullible, de evolved, pathetic, and slovenly stupid.
Keep trying, moron. I've got 4 people behind me watching me type and they're loving the fact that you guys can't keep up
Seriously, though, you guys understand how stupid you are right? The fact that someone not only laid down something completely and thoroughly articulated and all you can do is cry troll. Do you realize how dumb you look? If not I can give you all detailed descriptions on the amount of stupidity that your parents bestowed upon the World by not having an abortion and allowing you carpet crawling douchebags exist.
i, for one, thoroughly enjoyed your previous post, it echoes what most people over the age of 20 feel about movies & tv these days
but for me it started with the Miami Vice remake, they took a gritty 80s snapshot of Miami and turned it into a modernized watered-down generic hollywood action movie
and then just a domino effect with stuff like 21 Jump Street, Total Recall, Conan the Barbarian, Clash of the Titans, etc etc
You see what the other numb-nuts was doing, like at the end of s01E12, Brotherly Love: Riggs and Murtaugh are in the captain's office while he 'chews them out' for taking the evidence and whatever - and then they start with this cheap mockery, speaking incomplete sentences and not even words, while the camera jumps around, or something.
This is, like, beyond idiotic, for someone in a nut-house to watch and laugh while pointing at the screen, right... I mean, I have no idea. WTH are they doing, the whole thing is a joke (on them, though).
this is an lethal weapon reboot the incoherent and incomplete excuse is classic Riggs and murtaugh .The show not brings 90s action to 2017 it brings its on vibe and brilliance to the show believe it pr not it is far better than many show now airing
You've laid out a lot of well stated reasons why you don't like this show. Unfortunately, you've also gone down the path of telling people that if they don't feel as you do they're basically stupid. That's where your own shortcomings show. Everybody has different backgrounds and experiences that might lead one person to like something that someone else doesn't. When it comes to something like entertainment, no matter the form, originality doesn't have to be a criteria for some people. I personally like mindless entertainment once in a while. That doesn't mean I'm "Dull headed".
Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but that's all it is, your opinion. With the exception of the Hispanic guy, I disagree with most of what you said in your post. I don't like the Hispanic guy. I don't feel he adds anything to the show. You're right, he could be replaced by someone else and he likely wouldn't be missed.
However, calling people stupid because they like a show you don't is just ridiculous. Everyone, you included, is entitled to like or dislike a show. That's the beauty of people. They're all different. I bet there are a bunch of shows and movies you love/like that I would hate, but I'm not going to call you stupid for enjoying them.
Is Hollywood mindlessly regurgitating things because they're too lazy and cheap (paraphrasing your words there) to come up with new/original things? Sure. And most of it I have chosen not to watch because it didn't look interesting to me. However this show did capture my interest. As such, I chose to tune in and watch from the first episode. I found it entertaining, and enjoyable to watch. Big deal. You didn't like it. Again, big deal.
It is unfortunate that creativity is waning, you're right. But instead of attempting to insult people for choosing to watch a show you have no like (or apparently tolerance) for, perhaps you should try your hand at creating something you think would be better. Because currently all you're doing is causing people to try and attack you as you are attacking and insulting them. You're not going to get people to listen to your point of view that way. As stated above, you're just going to get people spit vitriol back at you and that doesn't solve anything either.
Well said lstones, agree with most of what you wrote in that longass post. I'd add that today's superhero film culture is extremely shallow, and history will probably judge this generation as complete idiots for it -_-
Ghostbusters and MacGyver were garbage, not because they were remakes but because they weren't done well.
Lethal Weapon the series is fantastic, and does justice not only to the movies that inspired it's existence, but as a series all to itself it is very well done.
You are just another stubborn idiot who is scared of change and enjoys complaining about things.
Don't like the show? Don't watch.
I won't even waste my time picking apart the prattle you've spewed, most of it was childish gibberish framed as social commentary. You failed to make any valid points that are worth refuting.
I'd tell you to grow up, but you come across as an older person too set in their ways to embrace change.
I liked what you wrote (and how you expressed yourself) so much I clicked on your name and was sorry there wasn't other stuff you've already written. I also agree with what you wrote and am puzzled by the people who got bent out of shape since what you wrote had nothing directly to do with them. Write on.
The show is running in the background, wasn't good enough to keep my full attention, came here to see others' opinion if I should continue. I might, but will look more forward to reading you rip it, since this is the quality writing the show lacks.
Also fun to read the shilly clowns trying their usual lame comebacks. They'll grow out of it.
Never seen so many words employed to say so little. Which is a shame, there is some merit to your point of view. However, it is wise to choose the right battle. This has been a good adaptation of the Lethal Weapon. The stories have been interesting. The actors acquit themselves well with the parts they play.
You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!
Brush up a little and hit me back when you have actual ammunition to fight with
This statement says more about you than anything else I have read in your diatribe, at least so far. Outstanding piece of attention seeking. Why else you write three posts, three, before the other poster replied. You are only interested in conflict. The big man, while hiding behind a keyboard. I have never seen anyone this desperate for attention.
Don't know what your other two posts are like. I barely made it through your first. You and your ilk are the reason these boards are closing. Well done. Mission accomplished.
You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!
What REALLY bums me out is how repetitive you are with the $hit you say. It's like it's not even a challenge. You FAIL, every single time at having any sort of educated, thorough, thoughtful, analytical, or even comprehensive retort to any argument, weather it's a civilized debate or just straight up $hit-talking. I have owned every single person on here JUST LIKE YOU and in turn, unintentionally, developed a fanbase. I get private messages HOURLY asking for my opinions and critiques.
You think that stepping in now is going to change anything or cause a different outcome? Dude, I'm just shaking my head at how BORING you are. At least the other idiots who stood up (and eventually got knocked down) to the mat actually had a little bit of gusto and stones to try and throw down. You're coming in at the LAST SECOND to try and start and fight and you're already losing by incessantly repeating yourself with the same, dull, dumb and easy responses:
"Meh! I'm blocking you! Meh! I didn't read your post because I didn't like it! Meh! It's your fault for things being bad! Meh! Boo! Cry! Whine! Meh!"
PS -- you have now said THREE TIMES that you don't read my posts... yet you keep replying. And if you truly aren't reading them it's because your pea-brained mind is getting butt-hurt over the fact that your education and social skills never progressed past the third effing grade.
Dude, you just suck as a HUMAN. These boards are getting shut down because YOU don't know how to interact. Like period, at all, in general.
You just got shut down. HARD.
Walk away before I actually put effort into engaging you, dumb ass.
Also don't dog people who have better creative writing skills than you. It's like talking *beep* about a body builder because you wished you really wished looked like him.
Also don't dog people who have better creative writing skills than you. It's like talking *beep* about a body builder because you wished you looked like him.
This is the dumbest show on TV. What's even dumber are the idiots who always say...if people hate this so much why do they watch it. You have to have watched something in order to hate it duh. I'm pretty sure after someone has hated a show, they stop watching. I know I do. People are free to express their opinions regardless if it hurts your snowflake feelings or not and they may continue to express their views long after they stopped. Welcome to the 21st Century.
People are free to express their opinions regardless if it hurts your snowflake feelings or not and they may continue to express their views long after they stopped.
True, but what you don't seem to realize is that works two ways. They are also free to say things like, "If you don't like it then don't watch it."
Stupid and tasteless people *deserve* to be insulted. No, I will not shrug off that dumb people are allowed to have opinions and I have to act like I respect them. If the person sucks, if the opinion sucks, I'm gonna say something.
Well, it's a good thing I met you then. I have been wondering who has the ultimate say on what is stupid and tasteless. I just didn't realize it was you.
You have to petty fog any somewhat decent element of this show to make it look decent.
Although this fairly incomprehensible sentence pretty much belies the idea that you actually are any kind of authority on what is stupid, unless it's as a practitioner.
Stop trying to one-up me on this board, you androgynous little amoebas. I already shut it down.
Where is billy goat gruff when we need him?
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I wouldn't respond to Istones. He is nothing more than a mere troll who thinks he is right and smarter than everyone
I can see he's a troll, and a piss-poor one at that. And I don't normally tweak their itty bitty little noses, so I don't know why I bothered this time.
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I love it when the subhumans get butt hurt over being name calling. It'll be okay, sweethearts. Don't get your underwear too twisted overt it.
PS the more you try to set your sights on me specifically the worst you two look. You're losing because I'm getting the better of you and you haven't ruffled me once. :)
Don't fret. Your fat, basement dwelling asses will die of heart attacks by the time you're forty. Point is that nature will put you out of your misery soon.
I just read this because I got so bored by you guys that I forgot.
Buddy, do you understand that what happens on these message boards wil never go past the responses that you I, and the other morons on here are exchanging? Nothing we say or do here will ever be recorded and documented in any sort of relevant text or documentation of human history.
I come on here to mess with you guys because you start acting like a bunch of nerdy little cannibalistic piranhas on each other the minute someone insults you! You and star wolf are the favorite now! You're on here within seconds putting so much passion and energy and big words into it because for 5 seconds it makes you look like relevant and wanted people.
The reason people like you and star wolf come on here, is because if we were in a real life situation and you and I were going back and forth, neither of you would have anything to say! You'd be speechless! You'd just choke and gag and choke until you turned on your heel and walked away. And then while everyone made fun of you afterwards you would claim you were being the bigger man or you're an introvert or some *beep*
You have to hide behind a keyboard to make yourselves look like you're competent! Don't you or this idiot star wolf or any other of the idiots get it??? I'm doing this for the very responses that people like you and him give me! You never stop to actually look at the context of what we're talking about and how absolutely silly it is. All that me and my buddies are doing is wanting to piss off geeks. We are succeeding. Every time you respond, bro, we take a shot! You, most of all, are like our favorite little dumb dumb on here and we love you for it! Dude, read the last response you wrote. You tried to come in and act like you had a guy's back in a fist fight... it's a message board, homeskizzle... a MESSAGE BOARD...
Do you understand how hard we laugh when you do that????
We do it because we know that people like you and Star wolf can't compete in real life! That's why he just sits there and picks apart, literally word for word, people's responses and gives his critique! Sweet Jesus! LOL! It's like watching the pathetic nerdy teacher's aide trying to correct grammar on the other students. All that happens is we laugh at you and call you a bitch!. He's that guy at that party that sits in the corner and waits for someone to talk to him. People make fun of him for being weird.
That's as important as he will ever get.
Dude, what I'm trying to tell you is, is stop trying to sit here thinking you've gotten the better of somebody when that somebody and his buddies are just doing this to see which one of their favorite little geeks is going to throw a hissy fit. Because of you and star wolf I have now won two beers, something we would call a closed cigarette, and the potential to win more, granted that you two morons keep trying to look impressive. I kind of want you to. I'm hoping you'll top yourself so I can screenshot my favorite.
You know what though? It's all gravy. I, truly, down to my bones, from the bottom of my heart know that you and star wolf and the other lonely guys will never ever have any sort of relevance or following or human connection past whatever little trivial crap you guys exchange with one another. That's why star wolf tries to use as many of the SAT test prep words he retained instead of proper Message Board shorthand. (PS you really flagged yourself down with using them in alphabetical order, you transparent idiot. AND the fact that it says you're on IMDB ALL DAY LONG...) The fact that he has to go that route means that he spends all his energy and time on here.
We love you all. You are nothing short of impressive with your mediocrity.
So, I see you've created this account just to bitch and complain. The only comments you've ever posted are about this show, and ONLY about this show. You've only had this account for one month, which tells me that apparently you have nothing else better to do than to go around messing with people. That is the legit definition of trolling. Then when people call you out on it, you throw a temper tantrum and poke fun at others for your own insecurities. I hope no one says anything to you that would make you think too hard. You might mess around and commit suicide. I'd hate for that to happen because I know there's at least one sole being on this earth you've accidentally convinced to love you: parents, a dog, your hand while you're jacking off to every bad movie you've ever seen, etc.
Don't you have the decency to go on Facebook or YouTube where there are more people to harass, or did they ban you from those sites? No real adult wastes his time holding a four day bullying dispute on an IMDB message board!
Get off the borrowed computer/laptop because I know you don't own one. The times you pick in which to insult people are very suspicious. Like during classroom time suspect, or after school taking advantage of that one hour limit to use the library computer suspect. No one in their right mind wakes up to leave nasty posts at seven in the morning, except school students.
Unless you actually are an adult doing this on purpose. If so, you've gone above and beyond the call of duty to prove your brilliant intelligence on manipulative belligerence. Get a psychiatrist, talk your problems out like a big boy, and move on from whatever bad experiences lead you to be the stubborn lunatic you're portraying. Go drink a beer. Eat a burger. Get laid if you can, but for the love of God! Stop using Lethal Weapon as an excuse to be an idiot. Nobody gives a *beep* about the reasons why you hate your life.
If this is how you act about remakes of tv shows, I can only imagine all the hate you'd spread about certain toppings that make slices taste horrible in the Pizza Hut comment section. Oh, the protests you could start about how cucumbers and tomatoes should never exist on any Subway sandwich!
Now. I know you're going to type me every bad name in the book and tell me how worthless I am for enjoying what you despise. Your behavior is predictable by now so that's a given. But I'm going to leave this entire pissing contest right where it is. I know how to write what I mean and then end it. I don't need to stick around and partake in the theatrics like you do. After all, what I wrote was for my own satisfaction. There's no need to come back here and entertain you. That's how to one-up a person who thinks he's killing the game.
I read the first two sentences. It was okay, kind of redundant and sounded sort of like it came out of the mouth of a retard. If you would like some tutoring Services I'll totally hook you up. I'm sorry but I can already tell was boring and had to skip it because you going on that long shows that I got the better of you. :) And the fact that you're too stupid to see why I'm on here and how lucrative it is and how my responses to your, I'm not going to say replies because they really aren't good enough to be called that, so I'll go ahead and call it your 'whimpering.' What I'm trying to say is my reaction to your whimpering has never been anything but slight giggling and it just shows me how truly insignificant you really are.
You and the other people pro Lethal Weapon morons are on your own side. Everyone else is on mine.
NEW UPDATE: Player 2 wins the GAME and gets to *beep* your sister.
You know, I am actually enjoying your posts because you try to come off as a total know-it-all and feels that he has superior intellect over everyone. So I am just going to sit back and read your posts while laughing my ass off.
Istones....did you ever stop to think that maybe poking YOU...is just as funny? I type a couple sentences as a lark, and you toil for 9 paragraphs in response? I know your history, your multiple accounts...and the reason you troll. And when you get booted once again, for trolling, and start yet ANOTHER new account.....I will, once again, not take you seriously.
1.) I am multiple users 2.) You've lost every interaction we've had 3.) They've never shut me down. ONCE.
And dude... a majority of the users are on my side. Looks at the boards. Look at the shows ratings. You're fighting a losing battle.
You and I are on two different sides of a line. The only difference between my side and yours? A BUNCH of people are on mine, if not ALL of them. There are... hmm... one or two on yours. Tops.
So, if I were to go the petty route, like you, and equate this to a REAL life fight: You're getting your ass handed to you in a high hat. Also, if you need a visual aid to help you understand how badly you've gotten (repeatedly) beaten, I've attached a video link for you, as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSet6htnVcQ
Go home, love. It's okay to lose. In your case, often.
They are free to but it doesn't stop the comment from being completely nonconstructive. It is usually an attempt at handwaving away different opinions and nothing more. Just dismissing what somebody has to say because they don't like it isn't beneficial at all because whether they like it or not my opinion will still be there, but I'm not going to pay any attention when they essentially tell me to shut up and go away, so they might as well not bother getting their panties in a twist on a PUBLIC discussion board designed for opinions both negative and positive.
The OP just asked an honest question - why waste time watching a show you don't enjoy?
But instead lstones just let loose a bunch of insults.
Then went on to state that if others didn't agree with them then they shouldn't comment at all.
That's not a discussion - that's bullying.
Well, because of actions like troll lstones decreasing the signal to noise ratio IMDb is shutting down the Message Boards.
I am not surprised. It's gotten very hard to have an intelligent conversation on here without people like him who have nothing to say saying it poorly anyway - over and over ad nauseum.
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I personally don't enjoy these shows the majority of the time but this one is just fun. It's gonna get hate because people like to put the nostalgia glasses on and nitpick all the little details. It's the way this generation is. Anything that's being rebooted is automatically bad according to this generation. EX: SW TFA, MadMax etc.
Enjoy the show for what it is. A fun, simple popcorn flick with good acting that doesn't tak itself too seriously. Oh wait, that sounds a lot like the movies doesn't it. Stop caring what others think and just enjoy.
I agree with you. I just don't understand why someone would waste their time with something they hate, instead of something they enjoy. If I hate something, I stay the *beep* away from it.
I hate it and I've only seen previews. It looks *beep* ridiculously ridiculous. Nobody asked for a Lethal Weapon TV series, but they gave it to the retarded masses anyways because they knew you all would eat it up.
Damon Wayans as Murtaugh? That's like casting Adam Sandler to play Vic Mackey. Sorry, but every single show on every major network is complete booty. It's all cringe-inducing, unoriginal, recycled GARBAGE.
Why not call this turd The Last Boy Scout? At least that would make sense with the leads they have. Just thinking about one of the previews of this show makes me wanna stick lit sticks of incense into my eyeballs and eardrums.
If we're talking shows that started out okay and hooked you, then that's why (damn you Pretty Little Liars you piece of-). But if we're talking a show that came out recently, no idea. Just stop watching, time is precious.
Just fyi, I like this show. I didn't expect to, but was pleasantly surprised.