plot holes (spoilers)

The problem with most movies that have huge twists is that a character who is pretending to be something they are not usually will have a scene or two that intentionally misdirects the audience for no plausible reason. So in this movie Sofia is not really blind so when she is alone in her apartment she continues to act blind. I suppose this could be explained that she wants to keep working on her acting abilities or she thinks that somebody may be spying on her. So ok. But when she drops the poison and doesn't look down to pick it up makes no sense other than to mislead the audience. this was the goal of her mission, poison Radic. so at this point the risk of being caught is worth the reward. plus, nobody would have noticed is she tilted her head down or bent down to pick it up and if they did would they really come over and ask her why she was bending down. "I was scratching an itch, etc." other than that it was good. I liked how she instinctively reacted to Veronique's body falling past her window and that they conveniently explained in the next scene that she was light sensitive so it was plausible that a blind person would have had some reaction to the shadow passing by her window.


Those are really good points. I was bothered by the poison thing too after finding out she wasn't blind.
