MovieChat Forums > The Eighties (2016) Discussion > Crash News Network in full BREAKING NEWS...

Crash News Network in full BREAKING NEWS mode--no "Eighties" for days...

...if not longer. Just like two summers ago, when that other plane was blown out of the sky over the Ukraine during the airing of "The Sixties"--schedules and viewings were canceled or postponed for WEEKS.

The same thing will probably happen now.

I have ALL as-yet-unaired episodes, for at least the next TEN days, scheduled for recording on my U-verse DVR...and I am willing to bet that ALL of them will be pre-empted by 24/7 coverage of this event.

Why do these crashes always seem to happen on a Wednesday, thus wiping out CNN documentaries? Has anyone else noticed that? If I were flying internationally, I would not fly during the week, especially on the day before CNN schedules these series. They rarely seem to happen on weekends.

More importantly, if CNN and Tom Hanks spend so much time, so much effort, and millions of dollars to produce these excellent shows...why the f'k are they not being shown?

Because of, Prince, the GOP, and now terrorism (again)...this seven-week series has already stretched out to eight weeks, with only four episodes aired. CNN is a ridiculous joke.

For those trying to capture this series via DVR...good luck. Better set your device to record all the unseen episodes, all the other words,on every date they are scheduled.

But they probably won't air, and you will once again be pissed and disappointed.

This series probably won't end until July...maybe August. Thanks again, for nothing, assclowns.

🚋🚋<i> Just take that streetcar that's going uptown...[/i]


I think they should have a sister network like ABC does that airs their regularly scheduled programming or at least CNN should put the episodes on their website.

Seeing the news of Morley Safer's death made me think that alone would have probably cancelled the series. It doesn't take much for them to cancel so when big news happens then that is when I think a separate sister channel would be very useful.


WOW...I didn't even know he was dead yet. Thanks for the heads-up!

Ironically, CBS just ran a tribute to his life and work last Sunday...four days ago...which he watched. I wonder if he knew that his time was short? Or was his death unexpected? I'd have to guess that he was a lot sicker than he let on.

This story alone might not have been enough for CNN to cancel, as he worked for a competing network. But then, look at how they reacted to the death of Prince. So you're probably correct.

What irks me is the way Crash New Network seems to believe that so many viewers have a total fascination with air disasters, and a need to know every last detail, and to broadcast the same information...or speculation...via the talking heads. And not just for a day or two, but for days and weeks.

They will be showing BREAKING NEWS feeds (the very term has become a parody of itself) for an excruciating length of time, and long after everyone else has resumed normal programming. What they do is, in a way, almost sick.

As in offensive. As in sick joke. So the Crash News Network, with its days and weeks of endless repetition (and non-news "bulletins") after a plane crash, has become a sick joke.

🚋🚋 Just take that streetcar that's going uptown...


It's not just the gop that this gets cancelled for. Don't forget that the first cancellation was due to democrats. This network has no business makin original programming if they aren't going to air them. If I were Spielberg or hanks, I'd put a clause in any future contracts for programming saying that preempting the shows will not be allowed except in extreme circumstances. Prince's death, Ryan not supporting trump and an international crash (already confirmed no Americans were on board) don't qualify as extreme circumstances.


I agree. I think it is ridiculous how often CNN decides to cancel this series and that there should definitely be something done about it. The series is great and I think it should get shown and if it keeps getting cancelled fewer people will watch it not knowing it is on since their scheduling and re-scheduling is not very clear either.


And to add insult to injury, when the episodes are put OnDemand, they're only available for like 3 days.


I wish WE THE VIEWERS could vote online if we wanted BREAKING NEWS or the scheduled program.

I'd love to see the news goons announce that as a result of audience voting, we are resuming our regularly scheduled programming, and NOT in progress BUT whole and complete.

I wouldn't mind breaking news IF it were actually breaking.

Recycling the same bunch of talking heads at every thunderstorm/terrorist act/plane crash/political nonsense isn't BREAKING news any more than chanting is having a conversation.

As annoying as living in a mountainous region before cable with only two channels and one is the bible thumper channel and the other is old grainy reruns.

Carumba! :-)


Old grainy re-runs are far superior to the HORSECRAP that passes for programming today...whether it's news or "entertainment." One of my favorite networks is nothing BUT old grainy's called ME TV. My mother had it, because the dish on the roof of her apartment building (in the Twin Cities) was able to pick it up.

Unfortunately, U-verse does not carry it, at least not in my city, and maybe not even in my state. I would kill for some old "Twilight Zone" episodes in this "Second Summer of Trump"...when I feel like I am LIVING in a REAL LIVE Twilight Zone.

🚋🚋 Just take that streetcar that's going uptown...
