I know CNN has royally messed up the scheduling for this series so far. I know for a fact that episode two about the Reagan revolution is on YouTube in Hd quality. Someone Saudi episode one is on there as well. Check out the episodes there instead of waiting for the channel to reair them.
That's all well and good, if you merely want to view them. BUT...I don't want to just WATCH them...I actually want to RECORD them. So I am at the mercy of the CNN schedule.
Eventually, they will all be shown, but as the old song goes...who knows where or when?
I have hedged my bets by scheduling DVR recordings (of each episode) multiple times on multiple days. Like the blind squirrel looking for acorns, I'll luck out at least once...I hope.
Maybe CNN will actually run an episode at the hour and day it's scheduled.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
There's no excuse for this sort of bullsh*t.
🚋🚋 Just take that streetcar that's going uptown...
Good luck with that. CNN would rather make a "big deal" out of the Republican Speaker of the House dissing the "dumpster" instead of just running a top of the hour news break. They had to take up an entire hour to trash the Republicans. AGAIN
They scheduled ep 2 on an election Tuesday so the running on that would have been justified over playing this show but the "Ryan thing"? Give me a break.
If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Only 258 more days left!
Looks like were missing "Video Killed the Radio Star". Instead we get another hour of wall to wall coverage of that plane crash Paris/Cairo. They even have the Hildabeast flapping her know nothing former Sec/State gums for a good 20 minutes. If I didn't need another reason for not watching CNN that's it.
Looks like we have to wait until Saturday and "hope" to get it.
If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Only more days left!
I just recorded "Video Killed the Radio Star" and I'm shocked to find out it is the last episode by coming on here. They've skipped Episodes 2-6 by covering the elections, or did I miss it?
Anyway I never saw the 60S and 70s either. I stumbled on everything on On Demand and I watched each decade the entire day. Truly an interesting series.
If Video Killed the Radio Star is the last episode, it won't be long the entire 80s will also be on On Demand. I will have to watch the rest on it.