MovieChat Forums > Mother! (2017) Discussion > "They're just things. They can be replac...

"They're just things. They can be replaced."

When the guests start destroying the house, Javier attempts to comfort Jennifer by stating, "they're just things. they can be replaced." This adage is often used to combat materialism and though it may hold some validity, the issue is that while things can be replaced, the time spent obtaining/creating those things cannot.


His character, ultimately, treats everything, including his wife, as a thing that can be replaced.




I suppose if you exist outside of time, you can.


good point - it's in his character to say that


The whole movie is a metaphore (in case you didn't get it, without assuming that you didn't). Basically, Jennifer Lawrence is mother nature aka heart, and Javier Bardem is humans destroying the nature without any restraint.


That's an interesting perspective. I could certainly see it in the context of the film.


I think Javier Bardem is actually god for purposes of the metaphor. He created man (Ed Harris) and then used his rib to create a woman (Michelle Pfeiffer). Harris and Pfeiffer have two sons, one of which kills the other. The house is the then overrun with more and more wickedness until a flood causes it to be essentially reset only to once again become overrun with wickedness and humans destroying it again. Bardem (as god) basks in the adulation while Mother Nature's heart breaks at the destruction of her world.
