MovieChat Forums > Mother! (2017) Discussion > Seeing this in a multiplex that teens fr...

Seeing this in a multiplex that teens frequent

I'd rather see this movie in a theater filled with adults who can act like adults. People in my theater were very disrespectful to others who were watching. Making comments throughout and laughing at inappropriate times(fake laughing) is annoying. I am going to see it again at a theater that is close to an ivy league university and see if the reactions are similar. I have seen many films here and the people who go to movies are generally respectful of others. Even if people don't like it, they don't ruin the experience for others. Seeing it again tonight.


I hate that those clowns busted up your movie experience. Try going really early in the day? That's when I like to see most of my movies.


I went again and it was a much better experience than the night before. Thanks God, there are still people who respect others in an almost full theater.



Define "urban"


Rhymes with smafrican shamerican


Excuse me? I'm black and I've been to theaters with mostly black folks who are quiet so that they can see the damn movie they paid to see like anyone, thank you very much. I don't like any idiots talking over the movie, either. And JordanPLL, you have no business assuming things about people you don't even know, so STFU. As if you never heard white folks talking over a movie on their phones----please. Cut the bull****. And, for your info, deliciousfeet, white/Hispanic/Middle Eastern people live in urban areas too---and watch movies with black people,too. Also, the OP didn't even mention race---white folks act up in theatres,too.


Excellent point, sleepingtiger. In my experience the best predictor of someone disrupting my theater experience is their age, not their color: the younger, the most disruptive. Teens are the worst.

(Or adults who stupidly bring babies or young children, but even though that fits the "young equals annoying" metric, in those cases I blame the parents.)

reply are not good with sarcasm or satire as a whole...this is the second time my humor has to be explained to you and only you...op makes comments of a racially charged nature...someone asks what op meant and with humor ,I merely point out what the op had not the balls to say in his/her original post...was not agreeing or supporting their opinion....but instead ,using obvious satirical tones,answered the question posed...what do people mean when they say "urban". Sure...I could have gone all snowflakey and written a long convoluted diatribe on the social injustices found in our local Cineplex ,but I chose to cast shade at them with a smile on my face. Your approach always tends to that of hostility and a half informed opinion...although liberal by all are not nearly progressive enough to help institute the changes society desperately needs....made obvious by the fact that two times now you have maligned my character from things written that you have simply not understood...did you take the time to ask any questions of me the TWO times my expressions went over your! You just jumped to the first conclusion that entered your brain and ran with it...although you tout your liberal stance...your approach is straight out the republican playbook...mean spirited,emotion driven,and lacking of substance. I am progressive in my views and opinions and usually ruffle the feathers of more conservative
Folks,but upon occasion a liberal gets upset with me. Ironically it is typically because I refuse to hold their hand and spoon feed my opinions to them...but not to worry buttercup, I'm sure you will find those who don't mind keeping you in their comfy protective hot houses, shielding you from the woes of society,but like the great Bob Dylan ain't me babe...I just hope your college campus provides you with plenty of "safe spaces" because I feel your education could suffer if too many distractions present jokes you don't get.


Edit...NOT THE ORIGINAL POSTER!!! Sorry for my misquote(see buttercup that is what it looks like to take accountability for your actions!)


Apologies to modica for accidental involvement...jordanppl was who my comments were were in reference to.



Actually the loud theater I went to was mostly filled with white people. Just saying...


How do you know they were "fake laughing"? Perhaps those young adults just found parts of the film funny that you didn't. Perhaps they understood the allegories better than you. Did you shake your walker at them and yell "get offa my lawn I mean outta my movie place"?


I understand your pain.
I saw it last night and I had the misfortune of having the constant talkers right behind me.
They seemed to not know what kind of film/director they walked into, and they just could not stop their blabbering for a whole damn minute. Throughout the whole damn movie.
And, get this: They were not even teenagers (my guess is late twenties).
I still blame the parents, though.


It was a pair of 20 something newlyweds (or they appeared to be so) in my case... they were talking from the moment they steppend into the theatre, 5 minutes after the movie had started...

They stopped once things got a bit creepy, but then they'd explain the movie to one another, as if it took their combined brains just to process what was on screen... this was before any of the [spoiler] deaths, but when the baby was taken by the mob they bolted from the cinema! they couldn't get out fast enough... hahha... [/spoiler]

I tuned them out for most of the movie... it wasn't worth getting security to kick them out as they weren't rude, just clueless, a bit inconsiderate and a bit overly taken with one another...


Too bad a baby wasn't eaten 5 minutes in, then they would have left and you could have enjoyed the entire movie. lol


haha... that would have worked!

I was thick skinned about it for once and enjoyed the movie... their chattering didn't bother me too much, but it was almost worth it seeing them scurry off... ;)
