MovieChat Forums > Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) Discussion > Ant-Man and the Wasp has now officially ...

Ant-Man and the Wasp has now officially passed Solo

The weekend's not over yet but it has reached the first goal.

AM&W Worldwide: $394,224,127

Solo Worldwide: $388,535,898

We all know what this means.


So now we will see if DCEUFanticArmy is truly a man of his word. He said he would eat his own feces and put it on youtube if it beat Solo at the box office.


So now we will see if DCEUFanticArmy is truly a man of his word.
1. Who told you he was a man or even the definition of a man or a man of his word? He's not true to his word and of course he has been trolling you and this board all along for the one thing he never gets in real life, attention. He's got it now.

He said he would eat his own feces and put it on youtube if it beat Solo at the box office.

2. Not going to happen and all he is doing is hyping his YouTube channel for hits and views. Don't reward him for trolling you.

He's not going to eat feces * excrement * human waste * poo-poo * doo-doo * ordure · dung · manure · scat · excreta · stools · droppings · dirt · filth · muck · mess · doings · turds · caca * or himself.

He's NOT going to leave the internet or this board because he has gotten more attention with this one troll than all of his previous attempts. Stop engaging this knucklehead. Yes I realize I am commenting on him which again is JUST what he wants. This conversation about him and his ramblings needs to be flushed. He is not a person of shame, humility, reason or honor.

Are you kidding me? He's not even humorously funny in a juvenile or easy to pity kind of way.

You'll never ridicule him because he doesn't even know what that means.

Ant Man and the Wasp passed Solo and this guy couldn't pass a urine test with three tries.


Does he even have a youtube channel?

And yeah, he’s not gonna do it but I am bored and this little topic is fun just enough for the off chance something comes out of it.


DCEUFanticArmy is Andre Cedeno or a pretty faithful clone of him, or his unpleasant twin or his doppelganger.

He hasn't posted a link to his alleged YouTube channel has he? He never will.

If he posts like Andre, talks like Andre, attempts to insult Marvel like Andre then it is Andre. Do not view his YouTube channel. I repeat do NOT view his youtube channel. I will award you zero points if you do.

Just kidding. You are free to do whatever you want, just don't award this knucklehead.


I was one of the first people here who thought he might be Andre. He denies it and has yet to link to any channel. Honestly, I'd rather not see anyone eating shit, but I figured someone here would verify if it ever happened, which it probably won't.


It reached two goals.

The other was beating Ant-Man domestically which it has now done.


As far as the shit eating goes, the other goal is beating 600 mil.


My comment was in reference to Queen and the Scot Mendelson love affair where both were sure it wouldnt top the first movie.

At this point, I wouldnt bet on this movie not squeeking past Solos domestic target.
