MovieChat Forums > Jack Ryan (2018) Discussion > Makes you wonder about the real situatio...

Makes you wonder about the real situation in Venezuela

This series so far seems to try to portray the happenings on what's happening or could be happening in Venezuela right now. Wouldn't be surprised if they got some of it right as there are those that still love to support these despotic dictators because it benefits them and them only. Seems like our species is meant for self-destruction. The sad part is that throughout history, even if the US tries to do supposed good, it does the same amount of bad so it's hard to trust US as the bastion of savior it wants to be. Pity though.


Nothing about this show makes me wonder about anything anywhere. Other then how did such a stupid story get made.


***spoiler alert***
I am not in Venezuela, or a military specialist, but I tell you, there is no way a US black-hawk halo could go on a rescue mission deep into Venezuelan airspace and, on a whim, gallivant into Caracas and then storm into the Presidential palace just because they can and have enough fuel in their tanks... without Venezuela AF not knowing as soon as they cross into their airspace, and shooting at it.

Of all the stupid things they could have thought of...


> there are those that still love to support these despotic dictators because it benefits them and them only.

Well, except that under Hugo Chavez poor people got a much better break, education, health care. He was elected popularly with a real democratic election.
