Detective Loki

Please please PLEASE bring Detective Loki into this!
His character was the most intriguing and best part about Prisoners.
Imagine bringing him into this world of Sicario, alongside Emily Blunt or Josh Brolin or Benicio del Torro.
How awesome would that be?


Loki and Alejandro..? Come on,that is just....awesome. Good idea,I´d pay top dollar to see that.


Brilliant idea but I doubt they would do it plus I doubt Denis will direct this


If done right, and not in a cheesy way, that could actually be really dope.


I've just actually watched both Prisoners and Sicario for the first time today and. - while neither were great. - Loki was the best part of Prisoners so it would be great to see him in this


Prisoners is great. Loki is a great character. Watching both of them together are you nuts? Too dark and too intense, watching them back to back not the smartest viewing of those movies.


There was several hours between viewings of each lol, but, I agree. They're dark and heavy films


I think too much after watching movies, Prisoners really got to me. So it takes me a bit too process them. Didn't like Sicario as much as Prisoners but after watching it last night still can't stop think about it.


That would make no sense but would still be awesome


This would be a cool concept. But I like thinking prisoners and Sicario are separate movies. Not intertwining. We do need a Detective Loki stand alone movie. I wish they would consider this. Denis Villeneuve's films are so good he creates franschises
