MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > I'm a white and loved it I'm so enlighte...

I'm a white and loved it I'm so enlightened, right?

Gosh I simply adored this movie. I'm white. I totally related to Chris even though I'm white. I was talking to this guy in my class once and I could tell his life was rough. He is a person of color. I felt badly for him so I bought him lunch and let him pick anything he wanted. He is cool even though I'm white he let me buy him lunch several times. We have thrown the shade at other white people in the class. Trantorious (my friend) is very funny like Chris friend in Get Out but not chubby. He is a student though.

My friend reminds me of Chris and other whites (which I am white) should stop hating people of color like they did in Get Out. I think it is the best movie I have seen and I'm white. If other white were like me this world would be less hate full. See Get Out if you haven't. It's thoughtful and the message of how evil us whites are is real.

Do any other white here understand the important message Get Out told?


Funny thing is while in the movie the black character tries to Get Out... in real life it's the white people the ones that often Get Out (it even has a name: white flight), and they even vote about building a wall to prevent other people from Geting In.

Hollywood is really disconnected from reality.


kuku I think white flight is terrible even though I am a white and possibly unlawful. How can an airlines not allow persons of color to board the plane and fly? I agree that the movie was funny though. My friend Trantorious is a person of color and he is always joking and laughing like Chris friend in the movie. He was on an airplane once and there were other persons of color too he said.

I think Hollywood people are very smart. I'm white and they are too good whites like me. They always tell us to be nice to persons of color and women and that the white are bad. That is not disconnected and you may be a evil white so change. You need a person of color friend like I have made. I am white.


I think Hollywood people are very smart. I'm white and they are too good whites like me.

Obviously you are not. Repeating again and again that you are white while trying so hard to look stupid fits too much the black sense of humor.


Humor is color blind. I am white so why would I not mention it so as to let persons of color know I am down with them and Trantorious says it's good to do that. Why do you hate persons of color? Have you seen Get Out? As a white you need to hear and understand it's message.


Humor is color blind.

No, it's not. Humor is heavily linked to culture: English humor is very different from Italian, or from Japanese, or from Chinese, and the north of China is quite different from the south. In US, humor from the white Yankee community is very different from black community one. Each one has its own traits, some of them are common, some are not.

For example, what you are doing right now, which is playing the role of somebody mildly retarded while suggesting political connotations, that kind of humor is extremely rare among western white people. Political satire or parody goes one way, and dumb humor goes another. You don't see Dumb and Dumber trying to convey political messages.


The term retarded is not proper and it's mean. My friend Trantorious who is a person of color uses the term but it's okay because of slavery. I am white and don't use it though. You should not because you seem white.

I like all the foods you mentioned. Italian are white and has spaghetti and different sauces. I like the red ones. Japanese is also yummy but not the fish that is not on the table cooker. Chinese is also very good. I like the rolled eggs and the soups and it is like the Japanese but not the same some how.

My friend Trantorious who is a person of color does not like those foods though and I let him pick. I am white but I like the foods he picks. You should try the chicken after you go see Get Out which I know you have not seen yet. The wings are good and the breast. Trantorious says he used to get thighs and legs but since I pay he now gets the white chicken. Why is the dark chicken cheaper? It's not fair but I don't know why it is cheaper.


Dude, seriously, drop that play. You need to learn when to end a joke.


Why do you think it's a joke for a white which I am to enjoy Get Out and to have a person of color as a friend? You should see Get Out and absorb it's message. Also don't be a hated. I think that is the proper way to call people like you.


Dude... not fucking cool at all to use the "R" word like that.

Shortly before I converted to Islam, my mentally handicapped white brother committed suicide after seeing "Get Out" as way of apologizing for all the atrocities and genocides western whites have committed, and for making black people feel uncomfortable in their own skin. Seriously though, if you're white and you think you have the right to use a word like that, you need to seriously check your privilege. Or I'll check it for you, motherfucker.


Shortly before I converted to Islam, my mentally handicapped white brother committed suicide after seeing "Get Out" as way of apologizing for all the atrocities and genocides western whites have committed

Ok, it seems that you have fun creating clones that represent retarded white characters, like the pankoeken one o this one you're using now. I suppose you must believe that it's witty, or clever, or funny.

Yourself, brotha.


White people are always apt to think they're smarter than everyone else.


That's not true. Asian people are highly smart too.


I said "apt to think". Smh another pseudo-intellect entitled western white, you really should watch 'Get Out' again.


Wait a minute. I'm his clone? I was here first so how does that work? As a white, I prefer not to offend people of color but what race are clones exactly? Is it okay to ask that question? kuku why do you hate anyone that is not a white?


I'm white and really did love this movie. Not because I'm enlightened or thought it was great social commentary (although I think a case could be made for that) but because I actually thought it was a good movie.


Yes. I'm glad to see as a white that other white can enjoy Get Out as well. It was humor and also had a message. Did others see the message do you think?


"Did others see the message do you think? "

I think the message is probably a Rorschach test...people will want to see the message they want to see. There is definitely some strong social commentary and allegory at play (a black man picking cotton before escaping). But for me any social commentary is secondary to a great story and strong performances. This was my favorite movie of 2017.


White people simply don't get the message on the first viewing. I think you need to watch it again, usually when a film has a black main character and white villains... whites, especially western whites, really have trouble seeing a film for what it really is.

I should know, I saw Precious Based On A Novel 'Push' By Sapphire about 8 times in theaters, when it was first released back in 2008.


lmfao OP


But what color are you?


I am white. Sorry I didn't make that clear.


Still not clear enought for me.
Are you like Michael Jackson white or trash white?


Michael Jackson was a person of color. May he rest in peace. I am white. Trash is a variety of colors depending on the contents of the refuse. Perhaps if the garbage was taken from the linen of a hospital or a chef school it would be white as I am. However, even then there would likely to be blood stains and sauces and the like so it would not be solid white.


Maybe, but who cares?



I hope everyone realizes this idiot is trolling. But from the responses it seems this is going over people's heads.


Trantorius warned me about evil white like you. Obviously the idea of a white person which I am being friends with a person of color is too much for your bad white mind to accept. Please see Get Out soon and really listen to it's message for the white. You are white as I am.


I find his satire more compelling than in the movie.


Inspiring post, OP.

As a white man, I decided to take my white family to a matinee showing of 'Get Out'. Needless to say they were floored. It was almost like Jordan Peele held up a mirror in front of their own white faces and showed them what they truly looked like. It was a quiet ride home.

When my white family arrived home, my white father sat us all down and we all had a long discussion about race, Malcom X, white privilege and Donald Trump. After about 4 hours my white family decided to make a selfless decision to kill themselves, to rid themselves of all their wrong doings.

I myself... being a pussy ass whiteboy... was way too scared to drink the kool-aid. But I decided to do my dead white family right, by giving my life away to a poor black man I met at the mall. He was asking me where the nearest FootLocker was, I replied by handing him my wallet, car keys and my wedding ring (my beautiful privileged white wife) over to him. I got down on my knees and sincerely apologized to him.

I've converted to Islam since then, I go to the local mosque 5 times a day to pray to my prophet. I wish more white folks could see Get Out and realize how much they're ruining this earth.


While a bit extreme I feel as a white man you made the right decision. As-salamu alaykum.


As-salamu alaykum! My friend!

If you like this movie, then I think you like a movie called Keanu, written by the black man Jordan Peele.


I have seen it with my firend Trantorious who is a person of color. He said the director of Get Out was one of the guys but I'm not sure if he was making a joke or throwing the shade. I just smiled and said "for real?" which is what I do when I am not sure if Trantorious is joking with me. He is a person of color so our jokes are different but his is funny too. I am white.

I liked the guys in movie had a kitten. People say that people of color only have those dogs that bite and kill children but it's not true. I like Keanu who is an actor but it was also the cats name. Thank you for telling me about the movie. Allah be praised for your kindness. If the other white would see Get Out like me and you they can be changed also.


Is that a true story


Yes Captain. Have you seen Get Out yet because if you white which I am white you NEED to see it.
