MovieChat Forums > The Transfiguration (2017) Discussion > So not really (Total Spoilers)

So not really (Total Spoilers)

a vampire film at all. A young boy finds the body of his mother who has committed suicide. Dabbing a finger in the blood of the slashed wrists he tastes it and this sets him on a murderous path as a wannabe vampire. The lore is reshaped to fit his own circumstances and he has rigid rules in finding his victims – the thought of a prototype Dexter crossed my mind at some point. He meets a girl, a little older and definitely more experienced than him but they become friends then boyfriend & girlfriend and at this point he might have started to lead a normal live. I won’t reveal the final stages of the film but the boy continued to apply his version of true vampire lore in seeking a conclusion and for me this was more about being mentally ill rather than a real (in film terms) vampire.
It’s an interesting film. I liked the cast and the idea of the story, as I understood it, and the way it was made but only ‘quite liked’ the film by the end. Not sure why I didn’t engage but I suspect it’s the emptiness of Eric Ruffin’s character. It’s probably the performance he was directed to give and he did it very well but it didn’t give anything to pull me in to the story. The girl, Chloe Levine and brother, Aaron Moten, were particularly good in more sympathetic roles and for me the film worked best when they were involved.
