Really Grown On Me Now, Possibly The Best Movie Of The 2010's. Shawshank like.
I had first seen this on a stream thing on my tablet and rather liked it, but found some its mix of comedy and emotion / darkness was a bit clunky, some of the things that happened a bit 'convenient', the CGI looking deer, the somewhat over quirkiness...
However, that first viewing left me thinking about the movie for a few days so I settled down and watched it again on my tablet, headphones on, focusing completely on it....
And unlike my first viewing I found myself tearing up a few times.
There was still that odd clunkiness in tone, and other items I mentioned above, but I really began to appreciate how great the music / soundtrack was now and started to see subtle things like how The mother and brother were at different stages of 'mourning' (which I believe somebody had mentioned on this forum here)...
Anyway, the movie had kind of got a hold on me now and I had to see it in the cinema, which I have done now four times.
Today was my fourth time, and I was a crying mess a few times. I sat in my seat all the way through the credits, which I have not done since Shawshank hit me in a similar way all those years ago.
I am not saying this is as good as Shawshank, (I don't think it is) but it honestly does seem to unleash similar kind of feelings to me now.
Like In Bruges, it's slight oddness, but with dark themes, leads to a beautiful dream like slightly surreal dream like movie revealing truths about humanity in a rather surreptitious way.
The one thing I still really don't like is when the family are literally at each others throats and the young woman needing to pee diffuses the tension. That is just a little too quirky for me, but everything else in this movie is bang on.
I now think this is the best general release movie of the 2010's. And I really hope it does win best picture to get more folk to see it, it deserves it.