MovieChat Forums > Insecure (2016) Discussion > that intern was extremely unprofessional...

that intern was extremely unprofessional

And there is no way she would get ahead in the corporate culture behaving the way she does. Too bad she lacks the self-awareness to see how her conduct would be a hindrance.

I also don't understand how she could have done law review anything considering how illiterate she sounds.


I KNOW! It's the most unbelievable part of the plot. I know hires via nepotism and well connected people are incompetent and/or lack self awareness so they can get away with acting foolish, loud and obnoxious, but Not even the president's daughter could get away with this.

She's getting along well with the others, making a lot of friends though. Hopefully she's not just a token hire.


Well, apparently if you saw the coming attractions for next week, she's NOT getting along well with others. Kind of an obvious this was going to happen, but I'll be interested to see what happens.


I honestly wonder how she even got hired in the first place if that was how she acted throughout the interview.


She's getting along well with the others, making a lot of friends though.

To me it looked like that guy was just startled before Molly called her into her office, and did not feel comfortable asking Rashida to tone it down himself. I did not get the sense that he actually appreciated her demeanor.


Oh, just because she's a loud black woman? Racist much?

That was the point of the scene where Molly tells her to "switch it up" around white people.

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


You mean if it were a loud illiterate white woman, that behavior would somehow have been more acceptable? 

It's not about race, it's about corporate culture. You can't be so loud because it's disruptive while others are working. And no one is going to perceive her as competent or professional if that's how she talks and acts.


In fact, now that I think about it, Molly used the "white people" reason with Rashida so as to make it about "them", rather than make it look like a personal shortcoming which it really is. It's less hurtful and doesn't come off as critical this way, but you (by that I mean the audience) just know when you hear it that that argument has no merit.


They're so fixated on black people. SO FIXATED on and BOTHERED by anything that reeks of "blackness." Disgusting.


Once again I have to ask: do you think white trailer trash behavior would have been acceptable in a corporate environment? What on earth does this have to do with race?


White people are so annoying.


I was just about to post this but thank you for doing it for me. It's like they're born with a permanent stick up their butt. Intolerable.


Do you know what illiterate means? She was loud and obnoxious which is why Molly asked her to tone it down but she did not come off as unintelligent or unable to read. She was acting too familiar with her non black coworkers in a serious work setting but that doesn't make her ghetto, that's a nasty stereotype and it's unfair.


Using the wrong verb conjugation is a sign of illiteracy as well.

It doesn't concern me whether she is "ghetto", btw (and I did not call her that in my OP) - I am saying that there is no way she can be taken seriously professionally if that's how she talks and acts.

It doesn't have anything to do with being black or white. I would like someone representing me in court, for instance, to be eloquent and intelligent. I can't even imagine deferring to their expertise if the person lacks the basic common sense to express themselves with more sophistication and finesse.
