what does "put it down" mean?
I did check urbandictionary.com, it didn't help much.
I am generally finding that quite a bit of this show needs to be translated to me.
I did check urbandictionary.com, it didn't help much.
I am generally finding that quite a bit of this show needs to be translated to me.
You need more context than that.
My web series:
Well, in the last episode this phrase was repeated twice.
Like when Thug Yoda said to Lawrence, "Hell, you probably don't even put it down!"
I gathered that it was an expression - I am just unfamiliar with it.
He was implying he was bad at sex. It can have a bunch of meanings.
Did you understand the "no Cs" part of the scene?
My web series:
It's a "Bllod" house, so no "Crips" talk, I.e. No "Bs" allowed.
I knew you couldn't wear the other colors, never heard of not being allowed to utter the letter 'C' if you're a blood. I'm not convinced it's a thing until I see it somewhere else. That jut sounds *beep* stupid.
Sorry, I meant no "C" s allowed
shareI know what it means, and it is a real thing. I was asking if the other poster got that "joke".
My web series:
my dude, its realer then real
shareDid you understand the "no Cs" part of the scene?
I know white people are usually slow with picking up slang and usually when they finally do get it, black people have moved on to using other terms but you'd think everyone would know what the expression put it down would mean by now. And even if you don't know what it means you could have figured it out by the context in which it was used.
shareIf I was able to figure it out from the context, I wouldn't have asked about it here, and in fact I am still not sure what they meant.
I mean, it's not like you or anyone else on this board provided a definitive explanation.
And yes, I did think of the possibility of it being sexual, but I rejected it because I didn't think it made sense. I doubt that Issa and Lawrence are living a completely sexless existence.
"Putting it down" means leaving her satisfied with the way you had sex with her. When a girl says "he put it down" she means that it was good and he left her satisfied. So "Hell, you probably don't even put it down" translates to "you're probably not even satisfying her in bed". Make sense?
shareYes, thanks.
@exa nun answer your q (bad at sex) so what didn't you understand?
@clog cosign! They always made late!!
I've always said white people are culturally-retarded. They have a hard time wrapping their heads around anything that is remotely different from their own culture; moreso than other ethnic groups imo. Even the ones who have means and are well-traveled act slow when it comes to multiculturalism.
shareHa, lol, no, I am not going to feel embarrassed about not knowing something like this.
If anything is embarrassing, it's not being able to speak standard English when you were born in the US, or speaking it with an easily identifiable accent.
Yes, I went there.
You reap what you sow.
No offense, but a lot of white people don't even speak "standard English" or have easily identifiable accents. With that being said, Insecure doesn't even rank for me as a show with black people being "hard to understand" or using slang that can't be understood by context.The main leads of the show are educated and are able to codeswitch in their dialect as needed. If anything, this show is a lesson in how to explore the complexity of a person of color having to operate in a multitude of environments traversing several different cultures and surviving.
shareAgreed, it really doesn't have much to do with race. (And I've been saying it all along in my topic on unprofessionalism.)
But to proclaim white people "culturally retarded" for not knowing the culture of others was just plain illogical and uncalled for.
Brandy put it down featuring Chris Brown
Why am I so good at playing bitches? I think it’s because I’m not a bitch.-Bette Davis