The fight scenes

Is it just me, or is there something a little odd in the way the footage in those scenes is shown, or flows (I can't think of the word), in comparison to the rest of it.

I can't put my finger on what's "off" there. Is the footage sped up, or is it something to do with CGI?

Also, is it purposeful, to make those scenes seem more heightened and kinetic, or is it a by-product of how they're shot and composited later?

I can't remember if I noticed it during Tulip's fight in Ep.2, but last night (Ep.3) I did notice it when [spoiler]Jesse was fighting the Men in White.[/spoiler]


They speed up certain frames, especially when the fighters are throwing certain punches that, if they're not careful, could cause serious injury. The fight was mostly done in a single shot, so they had to slow the choreography down at certain moments. To make it more real, they sped those moments up in editing.


Thanks for the explanation. Now it makes sense. I'm not sure how much more real it made it, though, but it's preferable to slow punching and someone getting hurt.
