Okay, can we all just agree that was bad writing?
So Emily is told that Cassidy is a vampire- can you deal with that? \
Um okay.
Now feed him these animals...
Um okay.
Then calling up the mayor for help (and I saw it coming btw, very cheap shock) and then serving him up to Cassidy?
That was some serious pathetic writing. First off, it was predictable. Secondly; it was completely out of character. There was no indication that she had any homicidal tendencies , let alone to the mayor character. Yeah she had no interest in him romantically, yes she pitied him, but there was zero, and I mean ZERO build-up for her to do this.
There was zero build-up for her to murder a person so brutally. She didn't like Cassidy to begin with, and even if you like Cassidy, that doesn't mean you wouldn't just serve up someone to him just like that. Especially a VAMPIRE- a creature which shouldn't exist BTW but it didn't took long for her to just up and believe that...
Some people online compared her actions to Breaking bad... What? Breaking bad is solid writing, a shock is something that should come organically. It was right in your face, hints were there, and then suddenly the truth is out. Walter White had been losing his humanity slowly, before he completely lost it. It wasn't out of character, we understood it.
It was horrendous writing, a cheap shock. Fan of the comic or not, can we at least agree to that?
It really annoys me that people just accept this. I understand liking this show but come on people.