MovieChat Forums > Shelley (2016) Discussion > I hate to be that guy

I hate to be that guy

I hate to be that guy but what is the main language spoken in this film? I don't mind foreign movies, but I don't always want to have to read my way through a movie either. I just have to be in the right mood for a movie that's mostly non-English and I sometimes have a hard time keeping up with subtitles because I'm trying to take in the entire sense of the movie and read at the same time. I'm just trying to figure out what I'm getting into with this film, thanks!


Mostly English for the duration of the first half of the movie with some foreign (I couldn't pinpoint which European countries for either of the two spoken) dialogue interspersed, but the final half hour is almost entirely foreign. I'd say it's like 60:40/70:30 English to Foreign. Being brutally honest, I wouldn't say it really matters all that much. To say it stays ambiguous would be an understatement. The acting and cinematography was great, story lacked direction. A solid 6/10, well-made but ultimately uninspired and left too open.

"Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone."


Duh.. the two different languages are swedish and danish.



Besides english, the languages spoken are swedish (Leo), danish (Kasper) and norwegian (Louise).


Yea, I first watched it yesterday with NO subtitles, and for the most part thought that not knowing exactly what was being spoken added to the ominous dread that oozed throughout the film. Ultimately I was extremely curious as to what all I did miss out on due to the language barrier(watching with NO subs), today I went back downloaded the English subtitle file, and re-watched the movie with all the subtitles in place.

In many ways it made no difference whatsoever due to their keeping it so damn vague, too damn vague, if you ask me.. I liked the movie, and found it to be effective in so many ways; but the vagueness does leave me with a bit of a bitter after taste in my mouth.. while I'm not one who needs a story spoon fed to me, however, it can be mindblowingly frustrating when you've got something with such great potential thats left so wide-open-ended..[bangs head]


Dear OP,
the previous comments are mostly correct, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian is spoken throughout the film, but also some French and German. Near the beginning, there is also a good deal of Russian and Portuguese.

Turkish and Polish are dominant in the second act, and during the fish and goose soiree, Arabic, Farsi, and Thai can be heard.

The scene in the proctologist's office is almost solely Hindi, Urdu, and Spanish...with a sprinkling of Javanese.

Additionally, Czech and Tagalog are featured, but only during the prison rape scene.

Enjoy the film.




It would seem that since the film is set in Denmark and the couple are DANISH that they speak DANISH. The unfortunate girl is from Romania , when she calls her family in ROMANIA she is probably speaking ROMANIAN.....


.. But they dont actually speak danish.. Previous poster "palmberg" had it right..
