What does deuce mean?
What does deuce mean in the context of this show? Also in se1e2 of The Wire, the main cop and his partner say they will use "the deuce" when interviewing D'Angelo. What does that mean?
shareWhat does deuce mean in the context of this show? Also in se1e2 of The Wire, the main cop and his partner say they will use "the deuce" when interviewing D'Angelo. What does that mean?
share42nd street manhattan ny
sharePoop, fecal matter, a turd, evacuation, moving your bowels.
shareTiger013 is right.
The Deuce was the street name for 42nd Street in Manhattan back when it was a porn haven.
It's slang for 42nd Street in New York City, otherwise known as Forty Deuce.
<< It's slang for 42nd Street in New York City, otherwise known as Forty Deuce. >>
Wow. I lived in NYC for 10 years and never heard that.
I guess it died out...or maybe just the underbelly lowlifes use it (?)
Wow. I lived in NYC for 10 years and never heard that.
The Rambles are a woody (?) area of Central Park, with paths (?) amongst the trees and bushes.
(okay, clearly I do not know exactly what I'm talking about!)
Basically, Central Park was designed to have different areas, with different styles. There are bridges, wide lawns, a little castle on a rocky perch overlooking a boating lake, and a fountain, all spread out and distinct from each other.
Somewhere amidst all that, there's a more overgrown section called The Rambles...which most people avoid because there's less visibility and you could get mugged or attacked. This area became associated with public sex over time....like the characters in Cruising pursued.
I think '70s porn director Shaun Costello's vivid description of arriving at 42nd Street will take you there...
‘The Times Square subway station, my portal to the neighborhood, was an intense assault on the senses. A sudden, almost overwhelming surge of smells and filth hit you as the train doors slid open to the rush of urine, and cotton candy, and damp humanity, and hot dogs on their revolving spits, and vomit, and baked goods like crumb cakes and bran muffins and pretzels, and the garlicky pungent scent of Gyros slowly rotating, and everything suddenly interrupted by someone chasing a pick-pocket through outstretched hands asking for dimes, and a tidal swarm of the disenfranchised huddled in groups, trying to stay warm. And this entire sensory phantasmagoria was musically scored by the overmodulated sound of Kool and the Gang wailing “Jungle Boogie” from the cheap speakers over the door to the subterranean record store. And then the cold again as you climbed the stairs to the street, and there it was, “The Deuce”.’ (from WILD ABOUT HARRY © 2013 Shaun Costello).
Fabulous excerpt...Thanks!