> I don't think they're going to change anybody.
Well, nobody will actually change personalities. But, they will be put in different circumstances where they might react completely different. Eleanor was originally paired up with Chidi and they seemed to have no particular attraction to each other. Ditto for Tahani and Jason. And things played out as they did in Season 1.
But, we can already see that, in Season 2, Eleanor is paired with a hot mailman played by an afterlife actor. Probably each of them will be paired with a hot soulmate. Eleanor felt bad for cheating Chidi out of his afterlife reward. She may not feel so bad hooking up with her mailman. So, she may never feel guilty enough this time to make a big deal about why she is in "the good place."
As I say, maybe Chidi is the bad guy this time and paired with some as perfect as "real" Eleanor was. Maybe his guilt is the trigger for the season.
Or maybe Season 2 won't be as "good" as Season 1. Maybe it will be dressed up as "the medium place" and the characters need to battle over who gets to go to "the good place."
> I find it interesting that Michael never mentioned if people in the "bad place" have soulmates, so perhaps they're the equivalent of that
"Soulmates" was just part of the story that Michael created. Humans eat that crap up, so he added it to his neighborhood. I doubt that the afterlife, either good or bad, makes any attempt to match up soulmates. The idea of soulmates created the tension between our four characters since they each knew that their own match wasn't working out.
> I think S2 will be about Eleanor figuring it out again, but much faster.
Now, I am thinking that some of what Michael has said about the afterlife, in front of the viewers, is true. For example, only Sean and Michael were present when they lost track of Eleanor as she explored "the middle place." So, I think that that really is a long-lost neighborhood out in the middle of nowhere. It could be important for Season 2. And, Janet seems to be an unpredictable force in the neighborhood. It is probably true that whatever a guest talks to Janet about is private, and even Sean and the architect cannot have access to secrets she holds. That was important in Season 1 and probably will be in Season 2.
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