MovieChat Forums > The Good Place (2016) Discussion > What would have made the ending slightly...

What would have made the ending slightly better (spoiler, natch)

That was a great twist ending; I didn't really see it happening. Even when Eleanor said it was the bad place, I thought that they had made a model of the good place in the bad place to trick them and that only the good people would leave at the end.

So at the end of the episode, their memories were erased, things were changed and they were given another run.

What I think would have made it slightly better is if they were told that this was the 1,200th time that they had been through the scenario - that they had already been in the bad place for, say, a millenia, and that they had had their minds erased many times.


It would be dramatic, but it wouldn't leave much suspense for Season 2, since we know they are likely to be defeated for the 1201st time. On the other hand, if is the first confrontation and Eleanora outsmarted them, she may be able to do it again.


That's a cool idea but why keep doing it if they keep figuring it out, you know? It sounded like Michael's idea was kind of revolutionary in terms of "torture" in the bad place. The only bits of information we get about TBP is its complete mayhem. Michael wanted to have a front row seat, which is why he designed it that way. But your idea would've been cool too.

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


The multiple times through was done in Star Trek tnG, where they repeated a 5 minute segment several times, gradually experiencing some bleed through which allowed them to finally get out of the time loop. A second season will be good if they can write in such a way that Michael now has to address the possibility that they might find out (which he didn't think would happen at all) and he will have to get more extreme to cover it all up. Michael might also have to encounter some dissent in his ranks from those who are jealous of his project and want it to fail since, after all, they are in the bad place.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


> What I think would have made it slightly better is if they were told that this was the 1,200th time that they had been through the scenario - that they had already been in the bad place for, say, a millenia, and that they had had their minds erased many times.

How do we know that that is not the case? Nothing indicated that this is the first time.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


It's possible Michael pulled Eleanor, Chidi, Jason and Tahani from the real bad place for his experiment & wiped their memories. That's a possibility but I remember someone telling Michael in a flashback that these were new recruits. Plus all the flashbacks occur in the present timeline, which means they passed away recently.

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


Whats the point of telling them its the 1200th time if you're going to erase their memory?
