MovieChat Forums > The Good Place (2016) Discussion > So, a couple of things (Spoilers)

So, a couple of things (Spoilers)

-If Michael's test was to get the four of them to torture eachother, why would separating the four of them in the reboot still work for his Bad Place model? I know this can be answered by a simple 'We'll see', but still something to think about.

-If they didn't want the neighborhood to collapse, why not just give Eleanor and Jason the okay to stay in 'The Good Place' or put her on probation or something? They could have had them continue to 'torture' eachother for some time longer. Forcing them to make immediate decisions about who goes and who stays effectively shortened the life-span of their game.

-If the 'judge' was in on everything, why have him and Michael have a conversation alone together where he's told he might have to face retirement? It wasn't like anyone could overhear them. (This is more of a nitpick, I admit)

I love the show and was blown away by the twist - completely did not see it coming - but these are just a couple of nagging things on my mind.


Because michaels continuation as a bad place architect was contingent on this neighborhood working like it was supposed to


I think what he meant by separating them was not having them live together or be neighbors.
They're all still in the same neighborhood so they'll run into each other a lot plus with everyone in on it they're all going to make sure that every event is designed to make them interact.

I can see this working a lot better since they're just going to see each other as random who live nearby instead of soul mates or next door neighbors.


I agree with the OP.
It's the definition of Plot Hole.

You can't have them separately and still "torture" each other. If they spend more time together and in a more personal way, so to be able to torture each other, they will possibly end up in a similar situation like in the first season.

No or little interaction = No torture.
More close interaction = Same outcome as season one.

Cosmos hates Google.


Right. Like a huge factor of them torturing eachother was the Midsummer Night's Dream esque soul mate matching. If they lose that, exactly will they still be able to torture eachother enough to validate the experimental "Good" place?

Again, this could all be cleared up in season 2. For now, it's a big question mark.


It is possible not everyone got separated. I mean Tahani never bonded with Jason and he was a source of torture for her because he enhanced her sense of loneliness by not speaking. So I think those two go back to living together and being "soulmates", but not next door to Elanor. This way, the torture lasts longer because the only reason anyone found out about Jason is because of Elanor. I think the new design will have them just close enough to play to each other's weak points, but not so close that they feel motivated to improve one another.

"Listen you crazy Bitch"


Exactly, like Michael said it was a slow burn.


Excellent point.


He could have found the note Eleanor wrote, change it to "Find Chidi" and make it impossible for her to do so. He could even write different notes for each of them.


1) He said he wanted a slow burn. He wants to draw it out- it's suppose to last 1000 years or whatever. They're still going to interact but not develop a friendship. He doesn't want them getting close enough to help each other.

2) Eleanor was never suppose to confess to being a fraud. Michael said this screwed everything up. That could explain why they were forced to make more immediate decisions. And the decisions beforehand were always meant as a form of torture.

3) The judge was saying if Michael's plan failed he'd be in trouble- meaning his plan of "The Good Place." Michael made a bet he could screw with the four of them for hundreds of years. That's the trouble he was referring to.

Hopefully this make sense!

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


> If Michael's test was to get the four of them to torture eachother, why would separating the four of them in the reboot still work for his Bad Place model?

Michael went too fast too soon by placing all four of them within 100 yards of each other to start the game. Things blew up too quickly and they jumped to the end game within a month or two, rather than "hundreds of years," like the experiment was supposed to last.

This time, he will start them off at distant parts of the neighborhood with no natural connections between them. It may be years before they really get to find and know each other -- more if the actors work to keep them mostly apart.

And, that's where our cliffhanger comes into play. Eleanor has cleverly sent herself a message and she will actively hunt for Chidi. She may find him and bond with him in a few days rather than a few years. The two of them together may trigger a memory in Janet and she may introduce them to Jason and Tahani. The four of them will be back together by the third episode, much to the annoyance of Michael.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Is he really separating all 4 of them? We don't know that for sure.
In fact, take notice when Elanor said she figured it out - she insisted that Michael sends her and Chidi because the 2 of them together are the problem. Let's face it, Jason is an idiot and Tahani is still self absorbed.

Chidi was the trigger that pushed all of them forward, Michael said so. Well, that and Jason and Janet falling in love. I think that Chidi is the only one being separated from the rest.

For the second issue, Michael flat out says that once Elanor confessed, he was winging everything. So clearly his plans already collapsed.

The judge told Michael that they'll retire him as a *bad* place architect. They just didn't say "bad" or "good".


-If Michael's test was to get the four of them to torture eachother, why would separating the four of them in the reboot still work for his Bad Place model? I know this can be answered by a simple 'We'll see', but still something to think about.

He's not completely separating them. They're still going to interact and live in the same neighbourhood. Its just they no longer all live within a few hundred yards and regularly interact with each other. Michael claims his mistake was he rushed things rather than letting it cause a slow burn.

-If they didn't want the neighborhood to collapse, why not just give Eleanor and Jason the okay to stay in 'The Good Place' or put her on probation or something? They could have had them continue to 'torture' eachother for some time longer. Forcing them to make immediate decisions about who goes and who stays effectively shortened the life-span of their game.

Michael admitted his plan went off the rails after Eleanor confessed, having already established the rules he had to improvise a lot, or they would realise they were being misled. If Eleanor hadn't figured it out, that fake guy would have burst in saved them all at the last minute and thus got everything back on track.

-If the 'judge' was in on everything, why have him and Michael have a conversation alone together where he's told he might have to face retirement? It wasn't like anyone could overhear them. (This is more of a nitpick, I admit)

Cause Shawn really is Michael's boss. That threat was to remind him if this all blew up in his face, he would suffer consequences for wasting there time. Besides Sean is this shows version of the Devil. I imagine he gets some pleasure out of making his underlings squirm.
