Highly Recommend
9/10 for me and the one point drop is for it doesn't have CC and sometimes I cannot quite get the British Accent. (Warning) It took me to the 3rd show to really get drawn in but now kind of binging a few a day when I can. In Season 4 episode 8 now (understanding the accent better too). When the 1st season ended and 2 started with all new comedians, I was hoping it would be as good. It was. It has been interesting as the seasons have gone on I get 'attached" to them a bit. It is interesting to see how their personalities work into the tasks. Some are quite brilliant in how they work them out. Great show. Give 3 or 4 episodes. If you liked Who's Line is it, hmmm adding Practical Jokers but not quite. But it is on that line being with a great group of comedians. The TaskMaster and his sidekick have even grown on me. This was recommended to us in a grief group. There ya go. If it got me to chuckle (often) during this, you know it's the real thing. I found it on Pluto. I am watching the original. It is in some other countries as well. I peeked at Norway and very good too, except it is Norweigen but it is subtitled. I just am amazed USA hasn't made it yet. We get some of our best shows copied from the UK. I hope this gets some here to check it out. Let me Know what you think. :) Anything that even makes me just smile has got to be good.