God's Not Dead II: The Straw Man Returns
And now, the sequel to 2014's cinematic suppository about an "Atheist" who works hard to establish the god he supposedly doesn't believe in, so that the plucky young advocate can smash the straw man's nefarious schemes like so much kindling.
I can't get animated about this because it's prima facie evidence that Christianity is losing power. Used to be, the Christian perspective was the de facto position in American culture. But with the spread of information, communication, and verifiable evidence (such as quotes from the Bible advocating slavery and child murder or the horrors of fifteen centuries of mass torture and murder), people are realizing that once you get past the selectively presented fairy stories, there's a LOT of ugly in Christianity.
The church is having to advertise again because people are not buying their product like they used to. There's a lot of "but those people weren't real Christians!", invoking the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy when advocates are confronted with physical evidence or documentation of the hideous history of their faith. The product they're selling is so dirty--and so obviously dirty--and their denials so blatantly unrealistic that people are turning away in droves; not just from the ugliness of the church, but from the blithe denial of reality its advocates project.
We might just very well be seeing the start of the next great reformation.