Lying is a sin...
...yet Pureflix constantly lies to us with these overexagerated scenarios. they make christians seem like they are in the minority and they must fight for what they believe in, but like 88% of the USA or something like that considers themselves believers of a form of christianity. only 6% of the nation list themselves as atheist or agnostic. of course, Pureflix wants you to believe that only ike 1% of the country is christian and that everyone is an atheist. not only are they atheist, but they think all atheists are horrible soulless heathens. Kevin Sorbo in the first movie isn't even an atheist!!! lmao, good job there, guys. on top of that, Pureflix TOTALLY lied about how this film was based on "true court cases". look up the court cases listed at the end of the film and you find that about 80% are from whining racists or homophobes being sued over denying service to gays or muslims...which is illegal. one court case involved a fireman claiming he was fired for being christian, which is entirely false; an investigation found he had written a book and had been skipping work to go sell his book and convert people, lying to his work that he was sick. but Pureflix will never tell you that.
also, both of my parents and several of my relatives are teachers and they said this sort of thing would never ever happen. because such a massive majority of the american populous is christian, most public school teachers are christian by default. so getting fired because you mentioned jesus for like once sentence would never happen. not only does tenure exist, but casually saying "i am a christian and some of you are too" will only get your fired if you live in like Syria or something.
i am an agnostic believer but many of my friends and family of christian, my family is baptist and even my girlfriend of four years is a pentecostal. there is nothing wrong with being christian and there is nothing wrong with being atheist. there is something wrong with believing the lies of these horrible movies.