MovieChat Forums > God's Not Dead 2 (2016) Discussion > If abortion was illegal...

If abortion was illegal...

Than should any women who undergoes an illegal abortion be punished?


I'd say no, of course there's no reason to logical reason to make abortion illegal but then what's the point in making something illegal if there's no punishment for doing it? In short, go all in with it or use a bit of common sense, don't actually change anything and act like a civilised country.


of course there's no reason to logical reason to make abortion illegal but then what's the point in making something illegal if there's no punishment for doing it?

That's the point behind why I asked the question. The comparison is always made that abortion is akin to murder, yet the punishment for both would be different. If abortion is murder, than the woman needs to be put in jail for aiding and abetting a murder and the "surgeon" would be up for execution.

It just seems like these people who make the case that abortion should be illegal have only thought through about 15% of the issue.


I think abortion is more like manslaughter but the way many women use it for a form of birth control makes me sick. I could scream when I hear women say it is the and their right and they can do what they want with "their" body. It becomes wrong when you chose to harm another life. I can assure you, as a mother of six children, a baby in the womb is alive. Dead things don't grow. There is no reason in the US today for any female to get pregnant when there are so many organizations who provide free or cheap birth control. Laziness and neglect should never be an excuse to end a baby's life. Abortions are ugly terrible things. The actual procedure would make you vomit if you had to witness it. Perhaps a better solution to the problem would for people to become offended by it see how quickly abortion is ended.


No one is denying that its potentially traumatizing, but unless a better solution is provided which could facilitate the fetus in its development after aborted; i dont see why its anyones business what a woman does with her body. Plus making it illegal would simply force illega abortions. I think a well deserved law could be put in place which would make women viably responsible for the life they choose to have. But that obviously raises the issue of having to bring a man to court so you explain why you need an abortion, but i think that could make people change the way they see its use. Perhaps a doctors reference, which is shady but your opinion about the brutality if it doesnt allow you to control what other people can or cant do with their bodies.

By the way, the responsibility law is totally satirical. Theres no law that would be able to control what people do with their bodies.


i dont see why its anyones business what a woman does with her body.

We aren't talking about that. We are talking about the murdering of babies. And if you think it's "nobody's business" when babies are murdered, then you are an insane, evil psychopath - as is anyone else who thinks likewise.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


Ok, so lets make it illegal. Than what would the punishment for an illegal abortion be?


More of a response to your signature. Scientists see the world as is and try to explain it. And while I agree that abortion is generally wrong, I think there should be some exceptions if made illegal. As for punishment, a fine for the mother and suspension of license and possible jail time for the doctor doesn't seem too far-fetched.


a fine for the mother and suspension of license and possible jail time for the doctor doesn't seem too far-fetched.

While thats a sensible punishment,the distinction would have to be made that abortion isn't murder; its merely immoral(unethical?). If a human fetus is the equivalent of a human life, than why would those involved with the abortion not be guilty of (at the very least): manslaughter?


Oh yes, murdering a child is so civilized.....NOT.


So if abortions are illegal, should a woman be punished for "murdering a baby"?


Oh yes, murdering a child is so civilized.....NOT.

It's not a legally recognised person while it's still eligible for abortion, it's a foetus.


there's no reason to logical reason to make abortion illegal

That statement is outright insane. Of course there is. Namely, that it's brutal cold-blooded murder. The fact that that murder is already legal is equally insane. It's the clearest example ever that the people who run society are insane psychopaths.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


it's brutal cold-blooded murder

Phone the police or any legal firm you want and ask them if abortion is considered 'murder'. I think you'll find that all of them will say no.


Abortion is murder. It is against God.

I belong to Jesus: my Lord, Savior, my eternity, my everything. I love you, Jesus!


Than should any women who undergoes an illegal abortion be punished?

NO! Certainly not. That would be an outrage.


Good stuff. But do you think it should be legal?


I support Roe v. Wade

After the first trimester, abortion is illegal in the U.S.

Law of the land.


That would be an outrage.

On the contrary: your post that says murderers should be legally allowed to get away with murders scott-free is an outrage.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


your post that says murderers should be legally allowed

By your own right-wing extremist admission, Navaros, abortion is murder the minute the sperm and egg are united. I pity the poor women who might rely on you to act human.

Your views would allow men to keep women as prisoners from the conception to the birth of their babies, for nine months.


@Digsys: Of course murderers should be punished according to the law. That's the whole point for why law exists. If laws do not even bother to punish murderers, then laws are useless. I find the question in the OP to be highly asinine.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


@Digsys: Of course murderers should be punished according to the law. That's the whole point for why law exists. If laws do not even bother to punish murderers, then laws are useless.

Navaros just openly admitted that women should be charged with murder if they want an abortion, and he wants them charged as accomplices to murder, and punished as accomplices to murder.
He wants them charged with a felony count of first degree murder. You saw it right here folks.

That's right wing fundamentalist public policy, and even Trump recently admitted that he supports the policy of charging women as accomplices to murder.

You're busted Navaros for refusing to directly answer the question when you knew perfectly well what was asked.


Not all right-leaning conservatives or Republicans have the same mindset. Me, I try to be independent and try to not really identify to one party. However, I do agree with the Republicans on more issues than Democrats, except for socially, socially I'm way more liberal. Trump is sh*t, both Hillary and Bernie Sanders are horrible, Cruz is bad and Kasich probably won't win. I can't believe these are the best candidates our country has to offer.


It's an extremely difficult job, and most people don't want it.


The Evil Insanity of Atheism

Summary of digsys' main point in this thread: I [digsys] think that murdering babies via abortion is fine to do, should be legal, and everyone should murder as many babies as they want to and get away with those murders scott-free.

Summary of digsys' main point in this...

...thread: I [digsys] think that atheists are good people who are unfairly misrepresented as bad guys in Christian films!

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


Oh lets just bring this discussion up to speed with current events.

Two states have proposed through legislation in state committee that the biological father of any unborn child has a legal right to require the child be brought to term in nine months, and that the mother does not have an option of abortion or adoption choice, regardless of Roe v. Wade.

That would mean that if Roe was overturned by Navaros's candidate Ted Cruz, and state legislation was signed into law, a woman becomes the unwilling slave to the state government, AND the man that impregnated her, regardless if the father of the baby is a date rapist, incest case from a father at home, bully boyfriend or wife-beating husband.

This means that a right wing extremist like Navaros could barter for a slave wife even within his own church. Example: Navaros walks up to a fellow church member and says, " I'd like to marry your 17 year old penny-less daughter, and I'll offer dad $5,000 so you can buy that used pick up you like. The father intimidates his daughter to marry Navaros, she's impregnated, and forced to have his child without any legal say at all. One baby after another if need be.

There are other examples that could be used as well, such as women brought over to the U.S. as temporary workers.


Actually iv never stated what i think about abortion in this thread, so this is quite sad to see you throwing all these accusations at me for my love of abortions. Im simply asking, that if YOU want abortion to be illegal so badly, than what should the punishment be? Youv evaded the question numerous times already in this thread despite admitting that she should be punished. If a person goes to jail for life for murdering another human, than should that not be the same fate for the mother who performs an illegal abortion?

I [digsys] think that atheists are good people who are unfairly misrepresented as bad guys in Christian films!

Its people like you who dont have even the slightest grip on reality, who are the ones writing the atheist characters in these films. Perfectly explains why you dont umderstand anything we say, and only respond with your preloaded answers about darwinism and worshipping satan.

So again, lets actual continue this train of thought because clearly you never have. Lets take your advice and make it illegal. What shoild the punishment be for a woman whos caught performing an illegal abortion?


To quote and pick a few members that claim to be a part of a group is not a good representation of said group. It's like saying that all Christians believe in the Virgin Mary when that is not true, or saying that all Muslims are terrorist when I have Muslim friends that condemn terrorist acts.


If abortion was deemed murder then it would have to be considered premeditated murder so at the very least the women who get it should get life in prison and at worst the death penalty.

I'm pro-choice but if one is a forced birther then it is intellectually dishonest to give the woman getting the abortion anything but a life sentence at the very least. The doctor gets the same sentence to of course.

In this abortionless world you would hope that the father, whether he was a one night stand or not, would be forced to support the mother and their child until the child is self-sufficient. The child is the father's as well so I'd have a separate police force to force men to take care of the child and mother. If women who don't want to have to go through life endangering childbirth then the men who got them pregnant should have to give up something and be forced to take care of the mess he helped create. As I said I don't care if the father was a one night stand or is married.


If it was the foster system would go to more *beep* than it already is. Ain't a big fan of abortion, wouldn't want one if I were a woman, but I think people should have a choice.


Navaros is obviously insane. The government should have no right to decide what a woman can or cannot do with her body. Did you forget about all of the unwanted children that are already suffering on this earth? Of course you didn't, you small-minded bofoon.


Diggy, this thread answers itself. My opinion would have no bearing on the law.

Which begs the question: Was this just bait for debate on the ethics of abortion issues?


That much is obvious. Digs likes a good debate, and wants to see how people will respond to emotionally charged issues.


Ha ha, yeah. Who doesn't I guess?


Bait? Maybe. But its just to have someone fully flesh out the idea of criminalizing abortions; since pro life people tend to stop their train of thought at "it should be illegal". The next question i would simply want to ask is, "if its illegal, what should the punishment be for partaking in an abortion?"


Once again, it depends on the law, not opinion. Whatever it's illegalized for is what determines the charges. I can't think of another reason that abortion would be illegalized besides murder, so the law would charge her and the doctor accordingly.
