This was not you then?
Your ENTIRE post is replete with control issues, sweetheart
Perhaps you are calling me sweetheart on behalf of someone else. Which is rather presumptuous. And what would I do with you once you were under my 'control'? Get your secret family recipe for cookies?
Condescending? Oh...okay...
once again not an iota of a duty to take abuse or be controlled or censored by folks on a chat board
Once again you say this; it might seems the reiteration is for your benefit than for anyone else who might care. And one still wonders where the 'censorship' comes in - that would appear to be more likely, in effect one someone who puts another on ignore here so no more can be read from a source.
, I always find it amusing/interesting when someone like yourself charges back (as a verbal attack) "oh when you said X, that's not very Christlike, so you can't be a Christian, blah, blah, blah".
I didn't say you can't be a Xian. I said that your tone was not Christ-like. One imagines your Christ would be the standard to aim at.
Especially when that is the very reason folks like yourself come here to begin with. To start picking off Christians...
You are, naturally, entitled to your opinion. But, as I have reminded kurt several times, I find the education and entertainment far more appealing. Since Christians often end up squabbling over issues of doctrine themselves, they do a pretty good job of 'picking themselves off' without my help.
Kurt, if you're reading, I'm convinced the two (2) ONLY reasons the atheists come to a board like this (1) they like the sport of being able to see what abuse they can hurl at Christians without response and (2) if they get a response, so they can abuse some more by saying they are not Christians because the vile abuse was not tolerated, embraced, and loved to begin with
kurt has quite a record in personal abuse and insult - which means he is certainly the expert to ask about such things lol
the love of money is at the root of evil. I believe the desire to "control" the hearts and minds of others is right up there too. Hitler was guilty of it as well. But, at the moment of death in those gas chambers, the one thing that Hitler wanted above else, was for those Jews to go to their death, thinking of HIM, terrified of HIM, in their very last breaths... I think many (if not all) of the atheists on this board suffer from the same syndrome. The pathetic desire to control others
Seeing as I do not use the Holocaust to make trivial points during disputations this must pass without comment except to say the comparison is in bad taste to say the least.
Clearly they reject the idea of a governing God, because they don't want to consider the idea that someone else is in control for all of eternity... But from my perspective, it's just the inability to let things go in life and surrender to the simple idea that they are not in control
Oh yes, and you are the one who rejects being controlled. Got it.
With every word that Film types (for instance "I'm not YOUR sweetheart" when in fact I never suggested a thing nor would I ever) it is more and more apparent how uncomfortable Film is with not being in control of everyone around him.
No, I am just uncomfortable being called 'sweetheart' by someone I don't know.
atheists, in general, I believe want to be thought of as super intelligent, plugged into some knowing the rest of us haven't figured out yet
But here your inferiority complex is showing. No one automatically assumes you are not intelligent, let alone wants to 'control you' nor do they assume high intelligence on their own behalf. (There is however a correlation between educational achievement and prevalence of fundamentalist or traditional religious beliefs.) Unless it a god who tells you what to believe and, you say apparently is the ultimate controller. Perhaps you ought to re examine your fears and address them to see from whence they spring as they are being aimed at the wrong target.
"Yoo-hoo I'm here...give me some attention! I'm starving for attention...I have no where else to go for quick cheap and easy attention so over here....look see....Yoo-hoo...."
Is that why you wrote such a long and convoluted reply all about your theories of the atheistic personality & etc lol? Isn't a string of assertions of what you think, and how you see others, doing exactly that - just drawing attention?
Why on Earth would any STRANGER care if I love God? If I am a fundamentalist?
Since this is the first time this has arisen I am not sure why you would think this is so important to anyone, other of course than making yourself seem important enough to care about - by declaring what no one has asked for. You can love whatever or whoever you want. Just not me, darling.
If any of them are meant to find God and believe in Jesus, it will happen as Gods plan,
It may also be your God's plan to have faith tested and strengthened by opposition. It might also be a different god's plan to use atheists to see your preferred candidate fight for credibility. And there may be no plan at all, whether to 'control' you or 'pick you off', that there is a touch of the Christian persecution complex - an experience, after all that your Christ told you to expect - so that you protest too much.
But I am naturally glad you like GND2. That makes at least two of you, if we exclude imaginary mailing companions.
I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000