It's an issue of logic
It's an issue of you making assumptions, you dishonest troll.
Let's say my car is stolen by an individual. One neighbour tells me Bob stole it, the other says it was Bill. I have no reason to believe either would lie. Who do I believe?
I know you, so believing you is ruled out, since you're a dishonest troll.
You still haven't proved that God doesn't exist. You've built a cutesy assumption nest to counter religion and you attempted to stamp it as 'science'. Not impressed.
God claims do none of this.
God does not speak to jackass atheists, and you have no idea if mistakes were made when the Bible was written. You've gone off half cocked as usual. Assuming the worst with limited information and filling in gaps with negatives. Typical militant atheist.
'Oh it says in his image, but what it means is God put evolution in motion'. So rather than being falsifiable the goalposts move to try to keep the original claim relevant.
How dumb. How would God describe DNA and evolution to people thousands of years ago? This is why the Bible is INTENTIONALLY incomplete. Your ancient family wouldn't have understood the full explanation. Which is also why I don't blame God for crimes against humanity like you do. We don't have all the facts yet. And that's where faith comes in handy. Because after all, if deviates in a hurry to pray to his god of nothingness that waits for atheists after they die, I think the "void of nothingness" will wait.
So rather than being falsifiable the goalposts move to try to keep the original claim relevant.
So if i don't agree with you, I'm guilty of committing sins against science? lol I didn't realize you were finished writing 'Everything you need to know about science.' lol
while simultaneously asking someone to back up their claims.
Then why are you still here attempting to convince people of faith that you're right?
But Pew Research only shows 33% of scientists believe in God. You'd know that if you weren't reading Huffington Post and went directly to their research.
I'll try it again...the Pew poll, [even though I think it's not totally accurate], does show that A NOTEWORTHY PERCENTAGE OF SCIENTISTS BELIEVE IN GOD AND OR THE AFTERLIFE'. Another noteworthy percentage didn't know one way or the other.
Another poll I looked at indicated that even more scientists believe in God and or an afterlife. Great.
I said Pew isn't my favorite polling resource. So what. Pew did prove that dip sticks who actually believe that ALL SCIENTISTS CONSIDER RELIGION TO BE FAKE, are militant atheist wankers who don't know what they're talking about. Because 33% is a lot more than 0%, and 51% is a lot more than 33%. Bite me.
But you don't believe there's any evidence that God exists at all, so wtf difference does any of this have to do with you in the first place????
Please don't use the word 'logic' anymore, because you're not qualified to ethically manage that concept.