
The belief there was absolutely nothing. And nothing happened to the nothingness until the nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and everywhere. Then a bunch of the exploded everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs.

And they mock your beliefs.


And they mock your beliefs.

With such a nonsense explanation of atheism as that it's no wonder that people might mock you, not for your beliefs but for your incredible lack of understanding of everything. You really have gone full on fundamentalist haven't you?


Citation needed. :P

And they mock your beliefs.

Well, there are mountains of evidence for the Big Bang and for Evolution... actually so much that the vast majority of Christians think that thats how your god created everything including us.


If you are going to copy someone, at least give them credit. You didn't write this and you aren't clever "Kurt"


The belief there was absolutely nothing.

There is no such thing as "nothing". There always is, and always has been something (a fact which faithists and atheists can both agree on.) In fact I am surprised that I have to tell a grown up that "nothing" does not "exist".

they mock your beliefs

Why, have your beliefs objected then?

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


Let's skip the bit where you don't understand what 'atheism' actually means, and get straight on to the evolution denial... What's that all about?


Then a bunch of the exploded everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs.

To be fair, this bit made me laugh.


You're basically doing the exact same thing that this movie does: take a straw-man fallacy with no basis in reality, and try to attack the 'other side' with it. Nothing you said in your OP is what atheists or non-christians believe, so your argument is moot.

I simply am not there...


So Film says below that there's no such thing as "nothing"... But STILL won't acknowledge an uncreated creator? Uh..uh...uh....What the heck????

Respectfully, I don't think Film has really studied things carefully...ī€¹

Okay. So if there was ALWAYS something, what or who (hint: a uncreated God) created the something that was always there?

Atheists have no explanation as to how there could always be something but that something didn't have a "creator"... Something had to come before the something which takes place of their nothing. But can they explain what that is without God?

No. It's like Hawking and his "quantum foam" which he says came before the Big Bang. He just has no clue about who created quantum foam or what created the subparts that make up quantum foam.

Revelation 22:13

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Colossians 1:16

The Supremacy of Christ

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. . 18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell; 20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things to himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
The atheists don't get that Jesus is the "glue" that holds the universe together....."through him all things consist" (consist meaning "hold together")

And at the end of time, Jesus will simply "let go" and the universe will collapse according to Revelation at which point the old heaven and the old earth will cease to exist and a new heaven and a new earth will be created.

Atheists keep searching for what holds the universe together. But the answer is in Colossians 1:16. It is Jesus. He is Alpha and Omega and through him all things consist.


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


Strawman of atheist position + argument from ignorance= Another Lena post. Respectfully.


"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau




A misuse of Rousseau, as he was referring to when all a person does is respond with an insult. I packaged two legitimate criticisms of your post with a dig at your usual posting style. It's not really an insult to point out your arguments are often logically fallacious.


"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

You might want to bring this to the attention of your new friend kurt, Lena as he is the most insulting on the board, and has been for months.

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


Atheists have no explanation as to how there could always be something but that something didn't have a "creator"... Something had to come before the something which takes place of their nothing. But can they explain what that is without God?

To say "God did it" is to say absolutely nothing of substance. It is the lazy evasion of the intellectually bankrupt.


I notice no atheist will touch that very short video from Fuel Project discussing the Bible references to "hate" being okay when it is hating evil. The Righteous hate evil and love good.

Why? Because it undermines the whole Schtick of "if you are a Christian you have to sit there and let me attack" you and God theory of atheists.



I notice no atheist will touch that very short video from Fuel Project discussing the Bible references to "hate" being okay when it is hating evil. The Righteous hate evil and love good.

Many Christians are full of hate, though often not towards evil. Many of them embody evil themselves. So that video means nothing to me. It all depends on what they think "evil" is.


Many Christians? Full of hate? At what? Where do you generalize?

Here's an example. I hated Madonnas speech saying she thought about bombing the White House. Am I an intolerant Christian? Or do I get to think bombing the White House is an evil sentiment?

Ashley Judd went to the Women's March and denounced Donald Trump while calling herself a nasty woman who came to Washington to be "nasty. If I think those comments are vile, am I intolerant or can I reasonably think her spewing that verbal vomit suggests a defiled spirit?

Next, lots and lots of stories of people throwing things at people, hitting people, while wearing vagina hats, and carrying signs at the Woman's March with profanity that can't be shown on tv while their 10 year old daughters watched. Do I have a right to believe those actions stem from a spirit which is not at peace at the behavior wrong and possibly evil, or as a Christian do you believe I need to be tolerant and accept the vile behavior?

Bill Clinton raped women. But no one marched on Washington while he was president. But these women marched on Washington before Trump made ANY policy whatsoever? Can I believe Bill Clinton was evil for raping the women and abusing his power as president and also believe the march was not righteous and good because the marchers stood for the right to kill unborn babies?

So, in essence, am I hateful for hating the evil act of killing unborn babies? Or if I was a good Christian would I just take a live and let live stance?

And if it is the latter, that is why Mark Fairley says folks who say that have never read the Bible. Why? God wants us to not only hate evil and love good but to fight against evil.



So, in essence, am I hateful for hating the evil act of killing unborn babies?

Irrational, yes. Hateful? Depends on what you do with your lack of reason.

Looks as if all your hate is directed towards the left of the political spectrum. Interesting, isn't it?

Do you reserve any of your hate for anti-gay bigots, or is their hatred the kind you love?


You never answered the question about whether it's okay to think it is evil to hate the act of killing unborn babies. You think it is irrational? The more rational stance is to love the act of killing unborn babies? I don't even think women who have had abortion glorify their acts as logical and good.

Anti gay bigots? Why would I think those people are acting righteously? I would hate those acts as well. Now, are you talking about hating the act of homosexuality? I don't glorify homosexuality. No. I don't glorify adultery. Do I condemn those people? No. It is for God to judge and we are ALL sinners.

Do I then translate my lack of judgment of the people that do those acts (adultery, homosexuality, slander, murder) into activism to make sure they have a right to do what they want
and change laws that affect all of us? No.

Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV)

"12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realms"

You say I am talking negatively about left leaning values or something? Well, yes, I think more evil stems from left leaning values. I don't share your view that a political conservative needs to apologize for being so.

But, obviously the left believes it can effect change (at least in this country) through violence. Another evil act. And ineffective to be sure.



You never answered the question about whether it's okay to think it is evil to hate the act of killing unborn babies. You think it is irrational?

I don't think of them as babies. I think of them as dependent tissue.

You people don't really think of them as babies, either. You just pretend to. For instance, if you did, your type would routinely have funerals and grave plots for miscarriages. You'd sign up a fetus for citizenship the moment you learned of a pregnancy.

I could make a longer list of the behavioral clues which demonstrate that subconsciously you understand that fetal tissue doesn't rate the same status as a baby, but you get the idea.

Now, are you talking about hating the act of homosexuality? I don't glorify homosexuality. No. I don't glorify adultery.

Please articulate exactly how same sex adults loving one another is comparable to someone cheating on a spouse. This should be rich.

Do I then translate my lack of judgment of the people that do those acts (adultery, homosexuality, slander, murder). . .

Oh, so you aren't "judging" homosexuals, you just think of them the same way you think of cheaters and criminals. You are hilarious!!!!

Actually, you aren't hilarious: you are a disgusting bigot worthy of contempt and nothing more.

You say I am talking negatively about left leaning values or something? Well, yes, I think more evil stems from left leaning values.

Of course you do. You are a fundamentalist. You have more in common with the Taliban and members of Isis than you do with ordinary Christians.

But, obviously the left believes it can effect change (at least in this country) through violence. Another evil act. And ineffective to be sure.

Don't know where you are from, but in the US there is more violence and threats of violence from the right than the left. When is the last time you heard of a militia movement on the left arming against the government?


I don't think of them as babies. I think of them as dependent tissue.

No matter what stage in a pregnancy, would you consider the life form a human one, always in a constant state of development?


No matter what stage in a pregnancy, would you consider the life form a human one, always in a constant state of development?

Completely irrelevant. Next?


Considering it was a simple question as opposed to an argument, I fail to see how you'd rush to such a conclusion. Are you so reluctant to engage in discussion that answering a simple question now gives you pause?


I answered the question. Deal with it.


I answered the question.

No, you didn't. Even a newborn baby could be thought of as 'dependent flesh' by the likes of you. My question was different. Perhaps you're too much of a coward to answer?


I answered the question. It has been duly noted that you didn't like the answer. Deal with it.


OK. Let's assume you did and I'll guess it's a no. When does it become a human being, then?


When does it become a human being, then?

This question is social and political, not biological, so there is no objective finish line that is independent of social norms, customs, and enforceable laws. Counting as a "human being" means being granted various rights and responsibilities in the culture where you reside, and this involves a spectrum that changes over your age--one could argue that society doesn't fully recognize you as a human being until you are granted the status of an "adult".


I do appreciate you answering, but none of that is rooted in fact or science at all. Can you back your opinion up with either of those?


I do appreciate you answering, but none of that is rooted in fact or science at all.

What part of "This question is social and political, not biological" did you not understand? Other than, perhaps, all of it?


Comprehension isn't the problem here, as much as you wish it to be. I'll present it in what is hopefully a more direct manner.

When a life form is produced by two human beings as offspring and I ask when it becomes a human being itself, HOW is biology NOT involved? Can you back up your opinion or not? Hint: This is not answered by restating your opinion.

I'm only attempting a serious conversation here. If you're not interested, just tell me that.


This is a completely out of left field question that really has nothing to do with your debate. But I'd like to know. When do Christians believe a soul forms? Like when an egg or sperm cell die do you believe they have a soul and go to heaven?


Comprehension isn't the problem here, as much as you wish it to be.

The problem is literacy in moral and ethical philosophy.

When a life form is produced by two human beings as offspring and I ask when it becomes a human being itself, HOW is biology NOT involved?

In the context of the morality of abortion, biology is not the issue, and "human being" is just a code word for "personhood". "Personhood" is a status we grant based on political and social norms and biological facts have little to contribute.

If people thought fetal tissue was a human being the way they think a born infant is a human being, then fetal tissue would be granted instant citizenship and miscarriages would have funerals and death certificates without debate.


Before I was formed in the womb, God knew me (Jeremiah 1:5). He created my inmost being; he knit me together in my mother's womb (Psalm 139:13). From my birth, while I was still in the womb, I cast myself into God's loving hands.

You completely misunderstand Roe v Wade. The Supreme Court ruled that until "viability" (which is based on biology not social norms), the state could not put the interest of the fetus ahead of the mother. 41 states now have viability based abortion laws.

The reason why Christians are crying for so many millions of lives lost is that medical science has progressed so far since Roe v Wade that we now have scientific confirmation that the baby is viable much earlier.

But the scriptures ALWAYS instructed us that we are viable at "go." As noted above. Although many of us just rejected it for various reasons. I used to be one of those, "I would never get a abortion myself but the law of the land is the law of the land and it's not my body" women. But I changed my mind. I am very much pro life now. Jesus saved me. It's okay to have views. It's even okay to admit you were wrong and ask for forgiveness for your wrong views and change.

I recently had a case with a baby who was born (and is yes alive and growing out of the womb) at around 1 1/2 pounds. We have medical advances to make it very possible to sustain those teenie weenie preemie precious little ones lives out of the womb. That viable "person" would have or could have been aborted around the time of Roe v Wade. Murder. Even now people support partial birth abortions when the baby is almost full term. Very much murder.

* Heres another one. This sweet pea little baby was born at 11 ounces (less than a can of soda pop). She's a full fledged human and living like anyone else currently. The article says at the time of the article up to 7 pounds. Under archaic notions of viability some woman could have had an abortion and torn that little sweet pea to shreds in the protection of her mamas womb.


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


We have medical advances to make it very possible to sustain those teenie weenie preemie precious little ones lives out of the womb ... Under archaic notions of viability some woman could have had an abortion and torn that little sweet pea to shreds in the protection of her mamas womb.

I am glad to see that you are not being childish and emotional about this very serious topic.

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


Childish? Nice try Film. Your only intent in communicating with me on this board is to try to get a rise out of me (and others) I'm sure. With your witch burning comment and this one today.

Here's some reality for you. Let's hope that you are pro life. Anyone who isn't prolife, look at this 40+ second video and let me know your love to hear your justification..


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


Before we start going on about archaic laws, which is ironic given your opposition on abortion, it should be pointed out for the sake of the facts (what do they mean these days, anyway?) that many states understand that scientific advancements have changed what constitutes 'viable'. Many states allow doctors to make that assessment, with numerous requiring them to prove the pregnancy has not reached viability yet.

The reason why Christians are crying for so many millions of lives lost is that medical science has progressed so far since Roe v Wade that we now have scientific confirmation that the baby is viable much earlier.

Which is why it changed under Planned Parenthood v Casey...

But the scriptures ALWAYS instructed us that we are viable at "go." As noted above. Although many of us just rejected it for various reasons

The easiest reason is that you're using a different definition of 'viable' to Rowe v Wade and the medical profession.


Did you watch the video I posted?

*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


So ignore everything I wrote so you can try and provoke and emotional response. Fair enough. Yes I did.


I also think you are reading Casey wrong. First it was a weak plurality decision dealing with third trimester issues and parental consent. Also it discusses stare decisis as one basis for upholding a case ruled on not to far before. But, the plurality did recognize that continuing advancements in medical technology proved that a fetus could be considered viable at 22 or 23 weeks rather than at the 28 weeks previously understood by the Court in Roe. The dissent which was strong raised the issue that there is nothing in the constitution which allows the right to an abortion.

So, the left should be very worried at this point as more than 40 years later, we know how to keep these little babies alive out of the womb and the court will most likely change very soon.

Also, something like 7 countries and the Vatican City prohibit abortion altogether. It is plausible we will see this change in my life. Come soon is what I say.


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


I also think you are reading Casey wrong. First it was a weak plurality decision dealing with third trimester issues and parental consent. Also it discusses stare decisis as one basis for upholding a case ruled on not to far before. But, the plurality did recognize that continuing advancements in medical technology proved that a fetus could be considered viable at 22 or 23 weeks rather than at the 28 weeks previously understood by the Court in Roe. The dissent which was strong raised the issue that there is nothing in the constitution which allows the right to an abortion.

Which was my point.

So, the left should be very worried at this point as more than 40 years later, we know how to keep these little babies alive out of the womb and the court will most likely change very soon.

Planned Parenthood v Casey was 1992 when it addressed viability, since then viability hasn't really changed. The youngest birth to survive was before that judgement. There's also been very limited success in extending viability in the past decade or so. I wouldn't be surprised if the court does change soon, but it's unlikely to be a scientifically backed decision at this point.

Also, something like 7 countries and the Vatican City prohibit abortion altogether.

Yes, join those nations well known for promoting women's rights and social progress- Chile, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

Let me make one thing clear before this goes too deep - I'd imagine most people who are pro-choice are like myself, and would rather avoid abortion where possible. Sadly attitudes towards contraception and in particular sex education in the US have it more prevalent. That combined with the all too common misconception that women and girls who get abortions and simply careless or it's an easy decision further harms the pro-life movement.


I was more focused on the dissent which questioned the Roe decision altogether. There is always a slippery slope when we start talking about 22 weeks, 25 weeks and set case law on that basis.

But once again you are wrong as obviously the doctors in this article were able to extend viability 1 week to 21 weeks.

You miss the entire point and miss the forest through the trees on this topic. Earlier I cited scripture about how God formed each of us in the womb. Why would science need to advance at all when God, our creator has already created the perfect human incubator?

That's what makes abortion so twisted and evil. The baby is safe and incubating in the womb. But the law is worrying about whether medical advancements have occurred to make that fetus viable outside of the womb? That's not the proper perspective. The child is viable in the womb. That video I showed you (if you dared to even watch) shows that the smallest of babies can survive for some time outside the womb. On its own for long? No. But that baby in the video was hanging on for dear life dying in that doctors hand.

But that is why there is a womb which God created to protect the child. From barbaric acts like that.

Yes, perhaps humans will one day create artificial amniotic sacs to mimic the human sac so that women will then be able to just remove all their children get tummy tucks and go through a drive through 9 months later to pick up their babies. But the dissent in Casey was correct. The issue is simple: whether this is a right women should have.

I submit it isn't.


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


Why would science need to advance at all when God, our creator has already created the perfect human incubator?

Are you also opposed to all the medical advancements made throughout history that mean you'll no longer die somewhere between your mid-20s and mid-30s, because that's how long God supposedly created us to live for?


But once again you are wrong as obviously the doctors in this article were able to extend viability 1 week to 21 weeks.

Yes, as I said very limited progress has been made. Not none.

You miss the entire point and miss the forest through the trees on this topic. Earlier I cited scripture about how God formed each of us in the womb. Why would science need to advance at all when God, our creator has already created the perfect human incubator?

You miss the point by thinking invoking God is going to in some way persuade me, and that the whole 'whose rights supersede whose' point of the entire argument.

That's what makes abortion so twisted and evil. The baby is safe and incubating in the womb.

Well the most obvious point is that in many cases of abortion, the baby isn't safe or may be putting the mother at risk. The second is that to arrive at the assumption it is evil you've made a subjective assessment as to whose rights matter most.

But the law is worrying about whether medical advancements have occurred to make that fetus viable outside of the womb?

Which shows willful ignorance on your part as to why viability is used as the measure. You're the first person I've spoken to about this issue that's bothered to go this route.

The issue is simple: whether this is a right women should have.

Sort of, though I'd phrase it differently. Whose rights are to be prioritised? Does one human being (I'm not interested in arguing about definitions of what that constitutes) have the right to use another's body?


Before I was formed in the womb, God knew me (Jeremiah 1:5). He created my inmost being; he knit me together in my mother's womb (Psalm 139:13). From my birth, while I was still in the womb, I cast myself into God's loving hands

So on a sale of 1-10 how happy are you worshipping a god who has viciously murdered untold numbers of people throughout history who were never born as a result of a miscarriage, as orchestrated by God? It must be nice knowing that God is hands down the most successful serial killer in history whilst still being defended as some sort of loving, nice guy. After all he/she/it apparently 'knitted' all those 'people' together with the sole purpose of dying before they're even born. Perhaps we should reword that to: 'From my birth, while I was still in the womb, I cast myself into God's loving, baby killing hands of death'.


That depends on the Christian but for me personally, I take Jeremiah 1:5 and apply it to everyone. Meaning, our souls were perhaps existent before a physical existence. I don't believe in a physical existence until conception, meaning sperm meets egg. Neither alone is a human life in my opinion.

I'm not as concerned with how the spiritual 'mechanics' of that works, though I have thought about them.


The problem is literacy in moral and ethical philosophy.

No, it's not. Our entire conversation has been centered on physical existence (not ideological), which is based on biology, not ethics. I will admit biology does influence some ethics, but that's outside of our context.

As an example, just because it may be my ideology that I can choose to be whatever I want and I choose an apple, does that make me a physical apple? This goes for society as well as the individual.

So, outside of ethics, when does a human being begin to exist?


No, it's not.

Yes it is. The problem is that you very obviously aren't very well versed in philosophy, so you have no idea that you are actually in a purely philosophical conversation. You are imagining that you are talking about biology. You aren't.

Our entire conversation has been centered on physical existence (not ideological), which is based on biology, not ethics.

You barged into a conversation about the morality of abortion. The subject is ethics.

As an example, just because it may be my ideology that I can choose to be whatever I want and I choose an apple, does that make me a physical apple? This goes for society as well as the individual.

This entirely incoherent and irrelevant "argument" is the best evidence around that you don't understand how to think about complex philosophical issues. This passage reads as if it came from another planet.

So, outside of ethics, when does a human being begin to exist?

There is no objective answer to this question. Any answer you offer is going to be determined by a complex web of social and political factors about which reasonable people can differ. Biology has very little to do with it.

You think this is a scientific issue because you fundamentally don't understand it.


The problem is that you very obviously aren't very well versed in philosophy

Well...he doesn't incorporate all the foul language you do, so it must have been his civility that confused you.

Any answer you offer is going to be determined by a complex web of social and political factors about which reasonable people can differ. Biology has very little to do with it.

You think this is a scientific issue because you fundamentally don't understand it.

Nothing arrogant there.

"Political factors"? Really?



Well...he doesn't incorporate all the foul language you do. . .[quote]

Please document the foul language I've used here. Good luck with that, liar.

[quote]"Political factors"? Really?

Sorry if this subject goes over your head, too. Stick to subjects your intellect at least has a chance of understanding. Saturday morning cartoons would be a good place to start.


Says the "intellectual" who has a cartoon character in his avatar.

Would you like to walk that insult back?


Oh? Is this not childish language then?

those teenie weenie preemie precious little ones lives out of the womb ... torn that little sweet pea to shreds in the protection of her mamas womb.

Perhaps adults speak like that in your neck of the woods?

With your witch burning comment

What's the difference between burning witches and your obsession with burning miscreants in a lake of fire, Lena?

Let's hope that you are pro life

Not in the evangelical way you mean, no. But thank for your the video. Do you have one on the effects of back street, unregulated abortions and the deaths which can arise from bungled operations by non-professionals?

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


The problem is that you very obviously aren't very well versed in philosophy, so you have no idea that you are actually in a purely philosophical conversation. You are imagining that you are talking about biology. You aren't.Ā 

Actually, the problem is that you can't distinguish between a human being (homo sapien) and the invented concept of 'personhood'.Ā  One is biological and one is philosophical.Ā  My question has nothing to do with philosophy, yet you keep dragging it in.Ā  Human beings are uniquely different than other species, in that we have our own place in Taxonomic classification.Ā  Science tells us we are a species and a society can't just arbitrarily decide when we are ready to 'become' a member of that species.Ā  Embryologists, specialists in how we are formed, are probably most equipped to tell us when we are officially a unique human being.Ā  I was just wondering when you thought that was, but clearly you can't get past your desire to divorce biology from a biological question.Ā  It's pretty ignorant to demand that only society can tell us when we're suddenly 'ready' to exist as a unique member of a species.Ā  So if this question is too difficult for you to comprehend, then forget it.Ā  Otherwise, the floor is yours.Ā  By the way, here's some help:


Actually, the problem is that you can't distinguish between a human being (homo sapien) and the invented concept of 'personhood'.

The problem is that you are philosophically illiterate and have no comprehension that the morality around the issue of abortion does indeed depend on the concept of personhood. It has zero to do with purely biological classifications.

My question has nothing to do with philosophy, yet you keep dragging it in.

Your question has everything to do with philosophy. But since you are a complete ignoramus, you pretend otherwise.

Human beings are uniquely different than other species, in that we have our own place in Taxonomic classification.

I guess you are scientifically illiterate as well, since this ludicrous claim has no basis in any science. Every animal has a place in taxonomic classification.


The problem is that you are philosophically illiterate and have no comprehension that the morality around the issue of abortion does indeed depend on the concept of personhood.

How do you know? I've not brought morality, abortion or personhood into this discussion at all. That's you doing that. All I've done is ask a straightforward scientific question and that's all it took to spin you into your own confusion.
Every animal has a place in taxonomic classification.

I never said they didn't. You're confusing yourself again.

Let's try another approach. At what point could a scientist classify human offspring into the Taxonomic chart?

Or are you just completely incapable of distinguishing science from philosophy?



How do you know? I've not brought morality, abortion or personhood into this discussion at all. That's you doing that.

Excuse me, sparky, but you barged into a discussion that was about the morality of abortion. Thatā€™s the context, and it makes your ā€œscientificā€ queries completely off topic.

At what point could a scientist classify human offspring into the Taxonomic chart?

I donā€™t care. That has nothing to do with what I am here to discuss.

Or are you just completely incapable of distinguishing science from philosophy?

Thatā€™s your issue, not mine.


Excuse me, sparky, but you barged into a discussion that was about the morality of abortion. Thatā€™s the context, and it makes your ā€œscientificā€ queries completely off topic.

No one is disputing the context of your conversation with others. Just because I started a new conversation with you by asking a scientific question does not, by default, include me into your discussion with others. That's not logical at all. Oh, and I didn't 'barge' in. These are public forums after all.
I donā€™t care. That has nothing to do with what I am here to discuss.

Now if you would've just told me you weren't interested in answering my question from the start, this would've saved us both a lot of time. But this admission completely undermines your previous insistence that I'm 'philosophically illiterate'. Apparently you know it's a scientific question and you simply just don't want to answer it.

By the way, your people skills need some work.


He's unemployed, and still struggling through a philosophy undergraduate program at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis.

And he calls you "sparky" and then types, "your people skills need some work.".

Apparently these boards are the only occupation Brian can find.


Just because I started a new conversation with you by asking a scientific question does not, by default, include me into your discussion with others. That's not logical at all.

You aren't fooling anyone. Your so-called "scientific" question was merely going to be a way to leverage irrelevant biological claims into the ongoing philosophical and moral argument, where they have no place.

If you really had any interest in science, you would have used the handy resources of the Internet and received your answer by now. But you were never interested in science at any point.

I know your kind all too well.

Now if you would've just told me you weren't interested in answering my question from the start, this would've saved us both a lot of time.

What I have told you, over and over and over from the very beginning, is that the answer to this scientific question was irrelevant.

But this admission completely undermines your previous insistence that I'm 'philosophically illiterate'.

You are philosophically illiterate, since you think the answer to your "scientific" query has a role in the conversation you inserted yourself into.



I do consider them babies. And human life. So does God.

Psalm 149

13 For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my motherā€™s womb.

14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.

15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,

And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,

The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.

17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
This passage shows God puts us in the Book of Life while in the womb and while making us in secret. He knows us as his children in the womb and knows all our parts.

One of the commandments is to not murder. God made it clear through the story of Abraham for one (and Isaac) that we are not to sacrifice or kill our children. Our children belong to God.

There are lots of references to it. The judgments against Molech worshippers etc.

Not sure where you get your views. Not from the Bible though.


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


I do consider them babies. And human life.

Do you sign up fetal tissue for citizenship? Think funerals and grave plots for miscarriages are must-haves?

Nope? Then you don't really consider fetal tissue to be fully human with all the same rights and significance as a baby. Nuff said.


It's not fetal tissue. It's a baby. What is wrong with having a funeral and honoring the life of a teenie weenie that did not make it? Seriously, there is a big shift going on here. The atheists don't seem to care anymore if everyone sees them as cruel. Atheists claim to be so filled with humanity. I don't see it. But before they protested. Now, the atheists here just seem to be okay with letting their cruel intentions and minds be known. What is up with that?


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


It's not fetal tissue. It's a baby.

This is not a statement of fact but merely you insisting we grant fetal tissue certain political and social status.

What is wrong with having a funeral and honoring the life of a teenie weenie that did not make it?

Noting wrong, just pathetic and highly unusual. It is a sign that in their hearts, anti-choicers really understand that they don't think fetal tissue should be treated as fully human. That's why they don't register tissue for citizenship and don't fill out death certificates for miscarriages.


If Faust was strictly referring to an unfertilized egg, then I would tend to agree with him.

But what many atheists clearly don't realize within the context of this subject is that many fundamentalists believe that the human soul is created the second the sperm merges with the egg. Which is fine. People are entitled to their beliefs.

But if someone were to ask me to present evidence that fundamentalists are wrong - I would have no evidence to offer. They could very well be correct.

Just like I can't prove that God exists, since he doesn't appear on command.

Faust is once again serving another helping of 'my beliefs are superior to your beliefs' with nothing to substantiate his claims.

Foul language and insults in three, two, one....


But what many atheists clearly don't realize within the context of this subject is that many fundamentalists believe that the human soul is created the second the sperm merges with the egg.

We atheists understand this idiotic belief system completely. You couldn't produce documentation that atheists "clearly don't realize" this if your pathetic life depended on it.

Which is fine. People are entitled to their beliefs.

Not if their beliefs fundamentally interfere with the lives of other human beings, moron.

But if someone were to ask me to present evidence that fundamentalists are wrong - I would have no evidence to offer. They could very well be correct.

The burden of proof is upon them to demonstrate that their beliefs are true. They can't. Case closed.

Faust is once again serving another helping of 'my beliefs are superior to your beliefs' with nothing to substantiate his claims.

Please cite exactly one claim I've put forward which lacks evidence.

It would appear that in your moronic worldview, the most outlandish and incredible positions (those of religious believers) are the ones which don't need support. You give those folks a free pass.

I guess you are about as interested in objective reality as Donald Trump. Certainly, your standards are no better.


You couldn't produce documentation that atheists "clearly don't realize" this if your pathetic life depended on it.

Reading further on in your rant, you actually presented evidence that your ilk really don't understand.

Not if their beliefs fundamentally interfere with the lives of other human beings, moron.

Alleged killing babies would be an interference in other people's lives.

The burden of proof is upon them to demonstrate that their beliefs are true. They can't. Case closed.

What burden. The majority in America are apprehensive to support abortion. Roe could be overturned in the not too distant future. Case is no where near closed. Just your mind.

Please cite exactly one claim I've put forward which lacks evidence.

The assertion that God doesn't exist.

You give those folks a free pass.

Even though I support Roe v. Wade, I don't have the arrogant nerve to proclaim that fundamentals are wrong and idiots. That's your gig.

you are about as interested in objective reality as Donald Trump. Certainly, your standards are no better.

Actually I disagree with near every one his views and certainly his cabinet selections. But don't let that stop you from swinging your sword wildly in the wind.


The majority in America are apprehensive to support abortion

Not true. Pew research shows 57% of US citizens support abortion in all or most incidents. 39% oppose it in most or all cases. Even a break down of religion showed white evangelical protestants to be the only group to have over 50% opposing.

Gallup polls show similar statistics. 50% of the US supporting abortion in certain circumstances, 29% under any circumstances.


Pew research

I'm always amazed at what you consider to be honest polling.

Pew research shows 57% of US citizens support abortion in all or most incidents. 39% oppose it in most or all cases. Even a break down of religion showed white evangelical protestants to be the only group to have over 50% opposing.

Let me help you with this. An over 50% majority of Americans believe in the Morning After pill. I support it, but it is a form of abortion by general definition. The same majority believe women/girls who are victims of rape or incest should have access to abortion, and so do I. A similar majority of over 50% believe that late term abortions are highly controversial from an ethical standpoint, and so do I. This means that many Americans have seen photos of what a fetus looks like during the second and third month of the pregnancy, and they're apprehensive to advocate abortion 'on demand' for irresponsible couples that were too lazy to use protection. Not to mention killing a developing human being. These polls have been conducted by large newspapers all across America, and by various political organizations that do not lean to the left, like your favorite pollsters.

29% under any circumstances.

Deadbeat dads who refuse to pay child support? Yeah, I've met some of them personally. Don't poll those aholes or their sympathizers. We have a lot of deadbeat dads in America who love orgasms and hate child support. They're jerks and you shouldn't defend them deviates.

Wow...'under any circumstances'....geez deviates. I've met people who've told me that abortion is fair game at any stage of the pregnancy prior to natural birth.

Apparently atheist morality?


I'm always amazed at what you consider to be honest polling.

You made a claim with absolutely no evidence to back it up, and when evidence from two well respected research groups contradict it you attempt to dismiss them without any justification? Trump, is that you?

As if that wasn't 'Trump' enough, you then pulled some statistics out of thin air to 'back up your claim'. Are you stealing from Trump's playbook or is he using yours?


Alleged killing babies would be an interference in other people's lives.

Fetal tissue isn't a baby, idiot.

What burden.

You're such an idiot that you have the attention span of a bumblebee. The burden is to prove that people have souls. You don't even know what you are arguing for moment to moment, so you?

The assertion that God doesn't exist.

I've never made that assertion, manure for brains. The standard atheist position is that since that lack of evidence and basic incoherence in the very concept simply makes the existence of a god staggeringly unlikely.


Fetal tissue isn't a baby, idiot.

Unfertilized, and I would agree, fool. Fertilized, and it's a controversy, unethical and illegal. I wouldn't put anything past you when it comes to handling the unborn.

The burden is to prove that people have souls. You don't even know what you are arguing for moment to moment, so you?

Try typing coherent and complete sentences and perhaps you won't be having these problems, dope.

Show the irrefutable evidence that souls don't exist. The scientific community has stayed clear of that challenge, so you're on your own. Don't try to lie your way out of it either.

manure for brains

Big dummy head. ī€¦

The standard atheist position is that since that lack of evidence and basic incoherence in the very concept simply makes the existence of a god staggeringly unlikely.

After all the hate you've vented against religion, you've been proven as not being a simple atheist. You're a militant atheist bigot. Don't flatter yourself. You don't deserve the respected title of atheist, jackass.


Unfertilized, and I would agree, fool. Fertilized, and it's a controversy, unethical and illegal. I wouldn't put anything past you when it comes to handling the unborn.

Please document a single instance of unfertilized fetal tissue. You are really just about the most scientifically illiterate person around, aren't you?

Show the irrefutable evidence that souls don't exist.

That isn't how things work, moron. The burden is upon those of you who believe in souls to give good reasons for believing them. It is pure intellectual arrogance to think that the default position is that all of your fantasies are true unless proven otherwise.

The scientific community has stayed clear of that challenge, so you're on your own.

Once again you demonstrate your bottomless ignorance. In fact, the scientific community has addressed this issue, and the conclusion of an overwhelming majority of scientists and philosophers is that souls don't exist and that some form of materialism is true. The issue isn't even controversial anymore, and hasn't been for decades.


That isn't how things work

Only in the delusional world of the militant atheist.

The burden is upon those of you

No, there is no burden upon people of faith. This is just more of your arrogance.

In fact, the scientific community has addressed this issue, and the conclusion of an overwhelming majority of scientists and philosophers is that souls don't exist

Two different polls have stated that a very large percentage of scientists believe in a God and afterlife. So now you're caught telling lies again.

The issue isn't even controversial anymore, and hasn't been for decades.

What an ignorant comment.



No, there is no burden upon people of faith.

I think you'd count as a burden upon people of faith.


This is Faustus5 personal information and identity:

Minneapolis, Minnesota


University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Bachelor's degree, Philosophy
1986 ā€“ 1991
This means the loser is in his late 40s/early 50s and spends his whole day posting trash in this board. If you need to find any extra information you can start at:
650 Third Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55402
or ask at the Cenveo office in Minnesota.

Found thanks to this:

You're welcome.


And you're posting this ... why? It looks like someone is taking the internet too seriously.


This is Faustus5 personal information and identity:

Minneapolis, Minnesota


University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Bachelor's degree, Philosophy
1986 ā€“ 1991
This means the loser is in his late 40s/early 50s and spends his whole day posting trash in this board. If you need to find any extra information you can start at:
650 Third Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55402
or ask at the Cenveo office in Minnesota.

Found thanks to this:

You're welcome.


the loser

Says the guy making multiple posts, as well as a whole new thread, supposedly giving out someone else's personal information and identity.


And you're posting this ... why? It looks like someone is taking the internet too seriously.

I think it's interesting. I use to attend the U.of M. Twin Cities when I lived there. But I took accounting and not philosophy. Actually Frog the profiles provide this info.


LinkedIn profiles provide this, but I don't see anything in his IMDb profile that would direct you to his LinkedIn profile. (It looks like the BeliefNet profile with the same user name provided the link.) Most of us have an expectation of some degree of anonymity here, and that someone won't go sleuthing around and publish our personal information here. (Without too much trouble I found an email address for this person, but it would certainly be well out of bounds to post it here.)


supposedly giving out someone else's personal information and identity.

Anyone can access this info cosmo.

It's not a secret.

We know that you live in the U.K. and not London. Not that it makes a huge difference but it is interesting.


Dear The Point

Sorry for writing again, but once more kurt has completely missed you. I'm starting to question whether he does it on purpose or simply doesn't understand what's going on? I think I'm going to plump for option two there. Please forgive him, he knows not what he does. And I'm super cereal about that.

Yours sincerely

Still shocked by his ineptitude.

I suggest you read what TopFrog has posted.

But once again, kurt rushes to the defence of a troll.

it is interesting.

That's questionable. It's certainly a thing, but I don't think I'd describe it as interesting.


No, there is no burden upon people of faith. This is just more of your arrogance.

If you want to see bottomless arrogance, take a look in a mirror. Religious belief does not get a pass to be free from the standards of evidence we apply to everything else in life.

Two different polls have stated that a very large percentage of scientists believe in a God and afterlife. So now you're caught telling lies again.

Talk about telling lies; you reference polls and then donā€™t cite them. Given what an intellectual lightweight you are, this makes me doubt they even exist.

Say they do exist. Are they polls of scientists who are qualified to opine on the existence of the soul? In other words, are they polls of experts on neurology? Otherwise, they donā€™t matter.

What an ignorant comment.

Oh, really? Excuse me, cupcake, but how many books on the subject of philosophy of mind or brain science have you ever read in your life?

Let me try out an answer: zero.

Me? The subject of consciousness is actually my damn academic specialty. I have more books in my library on the subject than I can count. So I know for a fact that the existence of the soul has been rejected by the scientific and philosophical community for many, many decades. You have no clue.

Letā€™s rub some scholarly reality in your face. Choke on this:

The problems that face Descartes' interactionistic dualism, with its systematically inexplicable traffic between the realm of the material and the postulated realm of the immaterial, were already well appreciated in Descartes' own day, and centuries of reconsideration have only hardened the verdict: the idea of the Ghost in the Machine, as Ryle (1949) aptly pilloried it, is a non-solution to the problems of mind. . .materialism of one sort or another is now a received opinion approaching unanimity. . .
-- Daniel Dennett and Marcel Kinsbourneā€™s ā€œTime and the Observerā€ from the journal Behavioral and Brain Science.

This is from the foreword of a collection of papers designed to be taught in college philosophy courses (emphasis mine):

Materialism is now the dominant systematic ontology among philosophers and scientists, and there are currently no established alternative ontological views competing with it. As a result, typical theoretical work in philosophy and the sciences is constrained, implicitly or explicitly, by various conceptions of what materialism entails.
--Contemporary Materialism: A Reader, edited by Paul K. Moser and J.D. Trout


If you want to see bottomless arrogance, take a look in a mirror.

Looking into the mirror would only reveal that I need a shave Faustus5. lol

Appearance doesn't suggest IQ.

Religious belief does not get a pass to be free from the standards of evidence we apply to everything else in life.

Agreed but atheism doesn't get a pass either. Show your evidence that God doesn't exist, or walk back your bold claim that God doesn't exist.

Talk about telling lies; you reference polls and then donā€™t cite them. Given what an intellectual lightweight you are, this makes me doubt they even exist.

You don't know how to use a search engine? Even though I'm not a huge fan of Pew Polls, they did conduct a poll a few years ago stating that a very significant percentage of scientists attend places of worship and believe in a god or creator.

Did you really want me to do the search engine work for you, or does the U.of M. show you how to do that?

By the way Faustus, no university, university department, or sensible scientist has announced that there is no God.

Why you ask? Because people of faith donate and allocate grant money to scientists and universities, and no one wants to get black balled and have their grant money requests turned down by making stupid announcements. See how the real world works, cupcake? Even the U. of M. faculty are careful what they announce.

I took philosophy 101 in college and got an A. But I wasn't stupid enough to declare philosophy as a major, because it was the philosophy of most career advisers that not many jobs are created for liberal arts majors.

Have a nice day.


Show your evidence that God doesn't exist, or walk back your bold claim that God doesn't exist.

I never made that claim, moron. And the burden of proof, as I explained earlier, is always on the person who says ā€œX existsā€ for any and all Xā€™s. Thatā€™s how reason and science work, but of course we all understand that such subjects go way, way over your head.

Even though I'm not a huge fan of Pew Polls. . .

Translation: youā€™ll cite them only when they tell you what you already believe. When they donā€™t, they are flawed and useless. Got it.

. . .they did conduct a poll a few years ago stating that a very significant percentage of scientists attend places of worship and believe in a god or creator.

What counts as ā€œsignificantā€? Given that religious belief is lowest among scientists than in any other profession, it isnā€™t really going to help your case very much for us to be referencing what scientists believe.

At any rate, your little imaginary poll says nothing about the status of dualism in modern scientific and philosophical thought, where it has been a rejected idea for many decades, as anyone who studies these subjects knows very well.

By the way Faustus, no university, university department, or sensible scientist has announced that there is no God.

No one would be that stupidā€”not because they are desperate for money, but because that isnā€™t the position of most atheists. The standard atheist attitude towards the existence of god is that a) there is no evidence for any god and b) the concept is so incoherent and silly as to be unworthy of serious consideration. So we see the existence of God as so absurdly unlikely that it is effectively, though not literally, at near zero probability.


And the burden of proof, as I explained earlier, is always on the person who says ā€œX existsā€ for any and all Xā€™s.

Only according to militant atheists who don't make rules. If you want to pretend to be unbiased, then you simply say 'I don't know if God exists or not'. Which you've never said.

Thatā€™s how reason and science work

The rational wing of the scientific community stays out of the religion issue, because that's not their field. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?

Translation: youā€™ll cite them only when they tell you what you already believe. When they donā€™t, they are flawed and useless. Got it.

Actually the atheists on this board are aware of the Pew Poll which asked:

'How Many Scientists believe in God'. The atheists found the stats to be reasonable.

'How many scientists believe in God?'

"In fact, according to a 2009 Pew Research Center survey, American scientists are about half as likely as the general public to believe in God or a higher, universal power. Still, the survey found that the percentage of scientists that believe in some form of a deity or power was higher than you may think ā€” 51 percent."

You're welcome jackass.

No one would be that stupidā€”not because they are desperate for money, but because that isnā€™t the position of most atheists. The standard atheist attitude towards the existence of god is that a) there is no evidence for any god and b) the concept is so incoherent and silly as to be unworthy of serious consideration. So we see the existence of God as so absurdly unlikely that it is effectively, though not literally, at near zero probability.

Again....most intelligent scientists simply stay out of the religion issue, because they have nothing to gain by doing the same thing you've been doing on this board.

And they don't want to create a negative reputation for themselves in a predominantly religious nation. And grants do factor in.


Only according to militant atheists who don't make rules.

Anyone capable of a rational conversation is aware that the burden of proof lies with the person making the claim, whether we're talking about God, Bigfoot, Chemtrails, unicorns or chupacabra.

The rational wing of the scientific community stays out of the religion issue, because that's not their field

Because 'God' is an unscientific claim - it's unfalsifiable.

Actually the atheists on this board are aware of the Pew Poll which asked:

ī€¦ You dismissed Pew Research as biased when it didn't agree with you, but now it's absolutely fine. Thanks for the most blatant example of your confirmation bias.


burden of proof lies with the person making the claim, whether we're talking about God, Bigfoot,

You just made a claim. Back it up or walk it back.

Obviously you didn't spend three years on GND boards just to type 'I don't know if God exists'. When are you and Trump going to tell the truth for a change deviant.

Because 'God' is an unscientific claim - it's unfalsifiable

Prove it or I'm unimpressed.

You dismissed Pew Research as biased

I found another poll that was far more accurate where they actually sat down and talked to scientists for poll interviews. But the Pew poll also supporting my premise. I believe that was the actual discussion, 'cosmo jr.'.


You just made a claim. Back it up or walk it back.

It's an issue of logic, but sure - if claims were accepted without meeting a burden of proof, then every claim would be simultaneously be held as true - including contradictory ones.

Let's say my car is stolen by an individual. One neighbour tells me Bob stole it, the other says it was Bill. I have no reason to believe either would lie. Who do I believe?

Prove it or I'm unimpressed.

That's easy, for a claim to be scientific it needs to be falsifiable, in other words there needs to be a way to test if the claim is false. In other words - what would be an example of something I could observe that would contradict the hypothesis? A simple example: With gravity, if I were to drop a ball and rather than falling to the ground it stayed where it was - that would contradict our scientific understanding of gravity. This allows us to be build models, allowing us to make predictions. So in the example of gravity, by falsifying that theory we can predict that when I let go of the ball it will fall to the floor.

God claims do none of this. They aren't falsifiable because the claims themselves change to suit our understanding of the world. Take creation - the original claim is a miracle from God. We are made in his image. But there's two problems, the first being that gives us nothing to test and nothing to make scientific predictions from to show the validity of the claim. Secondly, when we discover evolution the claim changes - 'Oh it says in his image, but what it means is God put evolution in motion'. So rather than being falsifiable the goalposts move to try to keep the original claim relevant.

I found another poll that was far more accurate where they actually sat down and talked to scientists for poll interviews. But the Pew poll also supporting my premise.

You're in denial about your confirmation bias Kurt, but then that's only to be expected from someone who so clearly dismisses the burden of proof when it's point at them, while simultaneously asking someone to back up their claims. You seem to understand it fine, unless you have to deal with it. But Pew Research only shows 33% of scientists believe in God. You'd know that if you weren't reading Huffington Post and went directly to their research.


It's an issue of logic

It's an issue of you making assumptions, you dishonest troll.

Let's say my car is stolen by an individual. One neighbour tells me Bob stole it, the other says it was Bill. I have no reason to believe either would lie. Who do I believe?

I know you, so believing you is ruled out, since you're a dishonest troll.

You still haven't proved that God doesn't exist. You've built a cutesy assumption nest to counter religion and you attempted to stamp it as 'science'. Not impressed.

God claims do none of this.

God does not speak to jackass atheists, and you have no idea if mistakes were made when the Bible was written. You've gone off half cocked as usual. Assuming the worst with limited information and filling in gaps with negatives. Typical militant atheist.

'Oh it says in his image, but what it means is God put evolution in motion'. So rather than being falsifiable the goalposts move to try to keep the original claim relevant.

How dumb. How would God describe DNA and evolution to people thousands of years ago? This is why the Bible is INTENTIONALLY incomplete. Your ancient family wouldn't have understood the full explanation. Which is also why I don't blame God for crimes against humanity like you do. We don't have all the facts yet. And that's where faith comes in handy. Because after all, if deviates in a hurry to pray to his god of nothingness that waits for atheists after they die, I think the "void of nothingness" will wait.

So rather than being falsifiable the goalposts move to try to keep the original claim relevant.

So if i don't agree with you, I'm guilty of committing sins against science? lol I didn't realize you were finished writing 'Everything you need to know about science.' lol

while simultaneously asking someone to back up their claims.


Then why are you still here attempting to convince people of faith that you're right?

But Pew Research only shows 33% of scientists believe in God. You'd know that if you weren't reading Huffington Post and went directly to their research.

I'll try it again...the Pew poll, [even though I think it's not totally accurate], does show that A NOTEWORTHY PERCENTAGE OF SCIENTISTS BELIEVE IN GOD AND OR THE AFTERLIFE'. Another noteworthy percentage didn't know one way or the other.

Another poll I looked at indicated that even more scientists believe in God and or an afterlife. Great.

I said Pew isn't my favorite polling resource. So what. Pew did prove that dip sticks who actually believe that ALL SCIENTISTS CONSIDER RELIGION TO BE FAKE, are militant atheist wankers who don't know what they're talking about. Because 33% is a lot more than 0%, and 51% is a lot more than 33%. Bite me.

But you don't believe there's any evidence that God exists at all, so wtf difference does any of this have to do with you in the first place????

Please don't use the word 'logic' anymore, because you're not qualified to ethically manage that concept.


Only according to militant atheists who don't make rules.

No, according to the norms used by all scientists when claims are made about the existence of anything. Your ignorance is simply boundless.

The rational wing of the scientific community stays out of the religion issue, because that's not their field. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?

All claims about miracles, the origins of the universe, and anything else in the universe around us fall into the domain of science. Religion used to be the only game in town when it came to these issues. Now religion has been pushed to the margins, since it can't compete anymore. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?

Actually the atheists on this board are aware of the Pew Poll which asked. . . .

What about the other poll of top scientists in America that showed only 7% self identified as believers? Hmmm?

You're welcome jackass.

Again....most intelligent scientists simply stay out of the religion issue, because they have nothing to gain by doing the same thing you've been doing on this board.

They know that among those most qualified to have an opinion on the issue (mainly cosmologists), the issue has been settled: god is a failed hypothesis and not worthy of consideration by anyone who is intellectually honest.


It's an issue of you making assumptions

This has literally nothing to do with what you're quoting. All I did was point out to you (again) what the burden of proof is, which strangely you seem to only understand when it suits your argument.

I know you, so believing you is ruled out, since you're a dishonest troll.

You're avoiding the point because the uncomfortable truth is you know the burden of proof lies with you, you using your usual tactic of talking enough sh!t to get away from the original topic that you no longer have to deal with it.
You still haven't proved that God doesn't exist.

You've made the God claim - back it up. As you said in another thread, innocent until proven guilty. By that logic God is innocent of existence until proven guilty.

God does not speak to jackass atheists

Just jackass theists like yourself. Got it.

you have no idea if mistakes were made when the Bible was written... This is why the Bible is INTENTIONALLY incomplete.

Yes, those are two statements sometimes used to protect closed belief systems. That just backs up my point that testing the claims of the Bible and God are not scientific claims. They're unfalsifiable. You're trying to disagree with me but everything you say is accidentally backing up my point.

So if i don't agree with you, I'm guilty of committing sins against science? lol I didn't realize you were finished writing 'Everything you need to know about science.' lol

That statement is completely unrelated to what I posted, so either you've misunderstood or you're having a meltdown. Or both. I'm happy to explain if it's the former.


Well with IMDB closing the boards soon, it's nice of you to roll out your greatest hits of hysterical responses. I've never said nor argued that.

I'll try it again...the Pew poll, [even though I think it's not totally accurate], does show that A NOTEWORTHY PERCENTAGE OF SCIENTISTS BELIEVE IN GOD AND OR THE AFTERLIFE'. Another noteworthy percentage didn't know one way or the other.

That's a more honest statement with regards to those who believed - 33%. But I wouldn't call 7% that noteworthy when looking at the 'don't knows'.

Another poll I looked at indicated that even more scientists believe in God and or an afterlife. Great.

Okay, great. So post the link or name of the source.

I said Pew isn't my favorite polling resource. So what. Pew did prove that dip sticks who actually believe that ALL SCIENTISTS CONSIDER RELIGION TO BE FAKE, are militant atheist wankers who don't know what they're talking about. Because 33% is a lot more than 0%, and 51% is a lot more than 33%. Bite me.

Calm down Kurt, you're getting a little testy again. Your maths is sound, 33 is greater than 0 and 51 is greater than 33. But 59 is bigger than all three of those numbers, and that's the percentage of scientists who said they don't believe in God in the Pew research.

But you don't believe there's any evidence that God exists at all, so wtf difference does any of this have to do with you in the first place????

Not that there's no evidence, but that the evidence isn't sufficient to suggest such an entity exists.


what the burden of proof is, which strangely you seem to only understand when it suits your argument.

You have the burden of proof, or simply type that you don't know if God exists and leave. You didn't even see this film.

Pretty easy to see that your ancestors fell out of trees.

You've made the God claim - back it up.

My claim will be backed up when you're fried in hell.

I've never said nor argued that.


But 59 is bigger than all three of those numbers, and that's the percentage of scientists who said they don't believe in God in the Pew research.

Percentage of sniveling atheists who'll be begging for forgiveness on their death beds.
Pathetic lot.

Not that there's no evidence, but that the evidence isn't sufficient to suggest such an entity exists.

Then why are you on another GND board ranting?


You have the burden of proof, or simply type that you don't know if God exists and leave.

Your attempts to police the board aside, the burden of proof is with the one making the claim. You made the claim, so back it up.

Pretty easy to see that your ancestors fell out of trees.

While you're still clinging to the branches, it seems.

My claim will be backed up when you're fried in hell.

So you have no evidence, and thus have failed to meet the burden of proof. Thanks for the admission.


I wasn't accusing you of being liar, Kurt, but perhaps you have lied so often you're starting to believe your own B.S.

Percentage of sniveling atheists who'll be begging for forgiveness on their death beds.
Pathetic lot.

I'll take that as the second concession made in your post that you wrong.

Then why are you on another GND board ranting?

The better question is, that if atheists disagreeing with you upsets you so much why are you still here? You're the only one who makes an issue of it.


Your attempts to police the board aside

Has anyone stopped you for board 0arrest?

Deviates the victim strikes again.

So you have no evidence,

You have no evidence deviates. busted again.

you're starting to believe your own B.S.

Cosmo said that typing "b.s." makes you a potty mouth deviates.

I'll take that as the second concession made in your post that you wrong.

No one is stopping you from professing your atheism right in front of God's face. I look forward to your show of contempt for a God you consider to be evil. Be sure to fit in the part about you being moderately open minded about the subject for extra credit points, professor deviates. LOL

if atheists disagreeing with you upsets you so much why are you still here?

yeah I'm really upset ī€¦ < This is my upset face.

Yeah I keep coming back to get more upset. ī€¦

Deviates and cosmo are going to roast in hell. ī€¦ And I'm just really upset.


Cosmo said that typing "b.s." makes you a potty mouth

Still of the belief that 'bullshĆ­t' isn't a swear word kurt?


Still of the belief that 'bullshĆ­t' isn't a swear word kurt?

I was just quoting you. Now deviates is a potty mouth according to your characterization of 'bullsh*t'. Shouldn't you be telling that tosser to shape up?


Answer the question kurt. Are you still of the belief that bullshĆ­t is not a swear word?

And no, because deviates hasn't been criticising others for using profanities whilst being completely unaware of their own constant use of foul language.


Deviates types b.s. as an expression.

Go hound him about it hypocrite.


You have no evidence deviates. busted again.

I have no evidence for God, correct. Do you?

Cosmo said that typing "b.s." makes you a potty mouth deviates.

And you think I care because...

No one is stopping you from professing your atheism right in front of God's face.

Other than the possibility he doesn't exist, you mean.

yeah I'm really upset

Good to see you're becoming more honest with yourself.


I have no evidence for God, correct. Do you?

Then your proper response should've been, you simply don't know. Unless you have proof God doesn't exist? Because then you'd be making a bold and unfounded claim again.

And you think I care because... keep coming back for more. Normal people would have moved on in 2014.

Other than the possibility he doesn't exist, you mean.

Then why would you spend years on these boards if God doesn't exist? Militant atheist protest.

Good to see you're becoming more honest with yourself.

Tragic to see you lie in every post.


Learn how to read properly, you dopey fĆ¹ckwit.


Then your proper response should've been, you simply don't know. Unless you have proof God doesn't exist? Because then you'd be making a bold and unfounded claim again.

There's not enough evidence to form a belief (different to knowing with certainty) so therefore I don't believe. It's pretty simple, and you do it with every other extraordinary claim. keep coming back for more. Normal people would have moved on in 2014.

Context is important Kurt. The original point you were making was that Cosmo took issue with you for saying 'B.S.'. I asked why I would care about that. Your response makes absolutely no sense.

Then why would you spend years on these boards if God doesn't exist?

More policing of the board? POTUS Putin would be proud.

Tragic to see you lie in every post.

You struggle greatly telling the difference between truth and lies so pardon me if I don't value your judgement of such things.


One of the commandments is to not murder.

Because you have an English translation. The Hebrew word means can mean intentionally or unintentionally causing death, assassinate. It can even mean assault.

Murder as a term refers to unlawful killing, which doesn't include abortion in most enlightened societies.


You never answered the question about whether it's okay to think it is evil to hate the act of killing unborn babies

Your God appears very fond of miscarriage Lena. At least he designed the human body to depend on such a natural form of abortion quite often, presumably knowing what would happen. He also has done quite a bit of 'justified killing' on his own account, going from Bible accounts, right down to the specific slaughter of first borns.

There is also, one ought to note, no mention of abortion at all in the Bible. There is some mention of miscarriage, yes - but even this is not in the context of the welfare of women. In addition, abortion was legal under the Roman occupation, and you would have thought if the Bible authors held against the notion they would have mentioned it, since they found the time to spell out such things as proscribing the gathering of firewood on Sundays. As mentioned above, however scripture is full of examples of 'justified killing', which is not seen as murder. And. as Timothy helpfully tells us, "all " of scripture is suitable for instruction.

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


Many Christians are full of hate

Says the atheist who has nothing but contempt for Christians. Funny stuff.


the Bible references to "hate" being okay when it is hating evil. The Righteous hate evil

So do tell, ought the righteous hate anyone who creates evil, Lena?

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


To say "God did it" is to say absolutely nothing of substance. It is the lazy evasion of the intellectually bankrupt.

Yeah, but didn't you know that it's absolutely impossible for something to have always existed. Apart from God, who has always simply just existed, fully formed no less, because... reasons.


I already quoted the Bible on the "reasons"...alpha and omega...beginning and end. An UNCREATED God... We believe in an uncreated God. There is nothing before him that could create him because what is before him and after him is simply HIM to eternity.

As I stated in the quote about Jesus, "through him all things consist..." That is, through Jesus, all things hold together. Right now he is in a state of creating. He has his finger (not a human finger...this is a metaphor for his power) on creation and the universe is

At the end of days, he will simply take his finger off of creation and things will no longer "consist", i.e., hold together. Things will break apart. The Earth and Heaven (universe) will disappear and then as promised he will "make things new again" by creating for us a new heaven and a new earth.

But, with one difference,.... The fallout from the rebellion in heaven and the chaos of Apollyon will be gone (he will be thrown into the lake of fire with those unbelievers who follow Apollyon and reject God) so that there will be eternal peace in Jesus.



I already quoted the Bible on the "reasons"...alpha and omega...beginning and end. An UNCREATED God... We believe in an uncreated God. There is nothing before him that could create him because what is before him and after him is simply HIM to eternity.

So the reason you believe that the claim made by the Bible of an uncreated creator is true, is because the Bible says so? Never seen such a perfect circle that wasn't drawn with a compass, kudos.


We differ in one important respect. I have faith in God and you don't. My faith has opened my heart, soul, etc to the Holy Spirit which has given me insight into how the puzzle fits together.

Not trying to be being mean, saying you don't get it but you don't. You can't because the Holy Spirit is like a seed that grows.. You have thus far rejected the Holy Spirit (it seems although only God knows your heart and he may be working on you)

But if true that you have thus far rejected the Holy Spirit, If you ever opened your heart to it, the Holy Spirit would gradually open your eyes and allow you to see the world differently.

The Holy Spirit would guide you through the Bible and give you inherent insight to show you
how the Word makes sense in the context of the history of the world, to see where and how bible prophecy has been fulfilled, and to see how
current events all play a role and circle back to the Word.

Yes, to someone who does not have faith in God or the Holy Spirit, it may seem circular. But how can you explain information hitting your senses like lightning that seems to just give you ears to hear and eyes to see how it fits together?

It can't be measure by human instruments. And if that is the test of atheists then perhaps that is where the stalemate will have to lie.

But I hope one day the spark hits you and puts you on that wondrous journey. It is truly magnificent and brings peace to your soul that cannot be described. You just have to sit there and say a prayer asking God very simply to show you through the Holy Spirit. That's all.



We differ in one important respect. I have faith in God and you don't. My faith has opened my heart, soul, etc to the Holy Spirit which has given me insight into how the puzzle fits together.

We differ in more than one respect. For instance, what you call 'insight' I call credulity.

Not sure how any of your post had anything to do with you backing up claims made in the Bible with quotes from the Bible.


There's no point. Why bother arguing with a closed off (in essence) wall.

No offense. It is just a Waste of time.



There's no point. Why bother arguing with a closed off (in essence) wall.

I agree, that's why I killed off an earlier conversation you tried to start. The fact your starting point is believing the Bible, and then you use the Bible to back up that position is a great example of being closed off.


what you call 'insight' I call credulity.

What you call credulity, we called deviates roasting in hell.

Not sure how any of your post had anything to do with you backing up claims made in the Bible with quotes from the Bible.

Not sure if you'll be a sniveling atheist on your death bad begging for God's forgiveness some day, which is why I never waste my time quoting scripture to a heathen.

Thought we covered this ground, you English muffin.


What you call credulity, we called deviates roasting in hell.

I'm well aware of that Kurt, but thanks for the additional example of credulity.

Not sure if you'll be a sniveling atheist on your death bad begging for God's forgiveness some day

But given how often you bring it up, you've obviously spent along time contemplating it.

which is why I never waste my time quoting scripture to a heathen.

I love that term, it says more about those who use it than you clearly realise.


but thanks for the additional example of credulity.


But given how often you bring it up, you've obviously spent along time contemplating it.

No atheists in foxholes?

it says more about those who use it than you clearly realise.



No atheists in foxholes?
Nice quick summary of some relevant research.


Nice quick summary of some relevant research.

More atheist baloney that you seem to specialize in. There are no atheists in fox holes.

Poor deviates. In a few short decades/years you'll be asking God for the forgiveness of the comments you've made here.


More atheist baloney

You really do make an arse of yourself every time you disregard research with what equates to sticking your fingers in your ears.

Poor deviates. In a few short decades/years you'll be asking God for the forgiveness of the comments you've made here.

If your God exists and is really so petty as to care about these message boards then you'll still be begging by the time I reach those pearly gates.


You really do make an arse of yourself every time you disregard research with what equates to sticking your fingers in your ears.

It's a researched fact that when the front line is bombed and shot at, they pray. You'll be sniveling to God too when you're close to death, deviates.

If your God exists and is really so petty as to care about these message boards then you'll still be begging by the time I reach those pearly gates. It's the fact that you're in denial that God even exists that will get you cooked. He's not going to care that you were so impolite to Kurt. lol

It's the non-believing that will get you into trouble. Because you don't get an invitation to a place you don't even believe in, by a God you're in denial of.

Thought we covered this?


It's a researched fact that when the front line is bombed and shot at, they pray.

Not what we were discussing, so it's noted that you're avoiding the point. But while we're on it, where's this researched fact? I've posted sources Kurt, it's only fair that you do the same. Break this Trump impression you've been doing the last few weeks and do something he won't.

You'll be sniveling to God too when you're close to death, deviates.

Sort of like If I was a political prisoner being rounded up by a totalitarian regime and stood in front of the firing squad for having different beliefs? It's the fact that you're in denial that God even exists that will get you cooked.

Yes, I'm aware that the God you believe has no interest in deeds or content of character. Obedience and submission is the name of the game.


Not sure if you'll be a sniveling atheist on your death bad begging for God's forgiveness some day, which is why I never waste my time quoting scripture to a heathen.

I don't believe in God but if he did exist I don't think he'd appreciate such hateful and harsh words,

You seem to actually like the idea of hell and hope your "enemies" go there.

That says a lot about what kind of person you are.


I don't believe in God but if he did exist I don't think he'd appreciate such hateful and harsh words,

Quoting God and proudly stating you don't believe in him all in the same sentence. No self awareness?

You seem to actually like the idea of hell and hope your "enemies" go there.

Deviates and cosmo aren't my enemies. They're my shadows. They follow me everywhere. They followed me from God's Not Dead to GND 2 with their militant atheist agenda to "straighten me out on the facts", which hasn't been working too well for the 'Brit atheist glee club' on IMDb.

You seem to actually like the idea of hell

Would you like me to take a magic marker and cross out all the references to hell?

Which would seem like a strange undertaking since you don't believe in God anyway. Why take offense then? If God doesn't exist in the atheist alternative universe, why worry about hell?

That says a lot about what kind of person you are.

I'm thinking that your comments signify that you're irrational. Does my Bible bother you?


Deviates and cosmo aren't my enemies. They're my shadows. They follow me everywhere.

Have you stopped pouring through my posting history yet? Presumably you gave up after I refused to engage you in discussion on at least 2 completely unrelated boards when you sought me out for an argument. Or perhaps you stopped following Film around trying to find fundamentalists who have commented to him so you can think you've proved a point that isn't there by copy/pasting them? Or maybe you're still struggling along hoping that deviates starts posting on more boards so that you can follow him around the site?

Or maybe it's simply that you're the most hate-filled bigot on here who insists on replying to people even when you apparently don't think they have anything to say, that means we keep engaging you.


Have you stopped pouring through my posting history yet?

I didn't.

I figured all your porn visits would make me ill.

Or maybe you're still struggling along hoping that deviates starts posting on more boards so that you can follow him around the site?

I don't recall inviting you, deviates or film to the GND 2 board, and you're not invited to the GND 3 board when that's available.


I don't recall inviting you, deviates or film to the GND 2 board, and you're not invited to the GND 3 board when that's available.

Is this the same kurt who claims never to speak on behalf of others? I think it is!

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


Is this the same kurt who claims never to speak on behalf of others? I think it is!

Where was I speaking for anyone else? You make no sense. It's not my fault you heathens follow for me to every GND board and beyond.


Where was I speaking for anyone else?

By assuming you give out invitations to some IMDb boards. Unless perhaps you have been given such administration privileges for being such a fair and courteous supervisor here?

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


Yes, I'm the new admin here. Your ranting access to this site will be revoked on 2/20/17, and you will be required to get a life.


Is that on top of you now suddenly being a doctor?


Yes. I've scheduled you for a lobotomy today so that Brit society can take its leave of your stupidity.


I didn't.

Are you sure? You did used to go on about how you'd been looking through my posting history, and anyone who happened to have thread the posts on the GND board at various points last year would have seen it. Always remember kurt, every time you tell a lie the little baby Jesus cries.

I figured all your porn visits would make me ill.

Why are you so obsessed with porn, and things of a sexual nature?

don't recall inviting you, deviates or film to the GND 2 board

I don't recall you having anything to do with who posts on any boards on imdb. Though as it happens, I do actually recall you making thread on the GND board stating that GND 2 was coming out and we should all come and post on here actually, but there you go.

you're not invited to the GND 3 board when that's available.

And if it does start, and I do decided whether or not to post on there, it'll have nothing to do with your belief that you have any control over who posts anywhere. You do know that the boards aren't yours don't you? And also never forget that you used to regularly proclaim that these boards are for Christians only, of course this was before you decided to turn your back on being a Christian, at which point they changed to being for people of faith in general. It almost seems like you have no idea what to be, just as long as it's something that'll allow you to feel like you're justified in hating and being rude to atheists, or Christians who aren't to your preferred standard, or Brits. All of whom seem to be people you think you can justify making homophobic or sexist comments towards.


Quoting God and proudly stating you don't believe in him all in the same sentence. No self awareness?

There isn't one quote from "GOD" or the Bible in my opening post.

Which would seem like a strange undertaking since you don't believe in God anyway. Why take offense then? If God doesn't exist in the atheist alternative universe, why worry about hell?

The fact that you believe in a place of eternal torture and think that not believing in God is a good enough reason to send people there is extremely disturbing. So yes, I would say that's quite an offensive thing.

And it does say a lot about you and the way you view the world if you think that's acceptable. Doesn't matter that I don't believe in it because you do exist.

And I have to share the planet with many like you.


There isn't one quote from "GOD" or the Bible in my opening post.

Well duuuu...

Why would you quote God if you don't believe in God. Why would you even be on this board or have watched this film if you don't believe in God?

You're motives for being here are bizarre at best.

The fact that you believe in a place of eternal torture and think that not believing in God is a good enough reason to send people there is extremely disturbing.

God's rules - not mine. The Bible is clear. If you deny God's existence, you don't get an invite into the kingdom of Heaven don't believe it exists in the first place. Reject God and you're on your own, demon bait.

I would say that's quite an offensive thing.

God's rules - not mine.

And it does say a lot about you and the way you view the world if you think that's acceptable.

How would it say anything about me when I didn't author the Bible? You make no sense.

Doesn't matter that I don't believe in it because you do exist.


And I have to share the planet with many like you.

You weren't my first choice for a planetary roommate either, heathen.


God's rules - not mine...

Reject God and you're on your own, demon bait.

God's rules - not mine.

How would it say anything about me when I didn't author the Bible?

I do believe there was some talk about other people being brainwashed. Care to comment on this?


Why would you quote God if you don't believe in God. Why would you even be on this board or have watched this film if you don't believe in God?

I quote Harry Potter but i don't believe in him. You do believe in God, hence the discussion.

God's rules - not mine. The Bible is clear. If you deny God's existence, you don't get an invite into the kingdom of Heaven don't believe it exists in the first place. Reject God and you're on your own, demon bait.

Yeah and Hitler said Jews weren't welcome in Germany and decided to kill them all. A whimpering appeal to authority doesn't make it right and it makes it even more disgusting that you would stand up for a God who has these rules.

Would you send someone to Hell for not believing in you? Most likely not, which makes you a better person than your bible's "God".

How would it say anything about me when I didn't author the Bible? You make no sense.

See above. You support laws that make no sense. According to the bible you can do whatever you want but as long as you get saved you can go to heaven. Yet you can be a kind person and not believe and you go to Hell? Also infinite punishment for Finite crimes? Again another disgusting thing in the bible.


Pleading ignorance i see. You know good and well that throughout history religion has been a constant detriment to society. That is a fact. It has caused countless deaths, Ignorance and blind hate etc.

Christians constantly try to shove beliefs on us through legislation. People like you try and affect the way i live based on your religion. Period.

You're motives for being here are bizarre at best.

And i don't hang around here. I responded to a post and you replied. Do you wanna investigate my post history???

And i'm sorry i'm such a terrible heathen. A heathen who doesn't wish harm on you for your beliefs as long as you don't hurt anyone. Sorry for being good and thinking about the rules i live by, rather than being told and just accepting it.


I quote Harry Potter but i don't believe in him. You do believe in God, hence the discussion.

Comparing Potter to God. I bet it gets even more insulting as I read further, right?

Yeah and Hitler

Here comes the Hitler reference.

and it makes it even more disgusting that you would stand up for a God who has these rules.

'Standing up for God is disgusting'. I knew more insults were on the way.

Would you send someone to Hell for not believing in you? Most likely not, which makes you a better person than your bible's "God".

Why would God invite you into the kingdom of Heaven when you deny his existence? You make no sense. Then you compared his gospel to Hitler, which was a bonus insult on top of it.

According to the bible you can do whatever you want but as long as you get saved you can go to heaven.

That is an extremely wild assumption on your part. The Bible makes it clear that hell isn't exactly under-populated.

Yet you can be a kind person and not believe and you go to Hell?

Why would you assume that you're entitled to go to Heaven when you don't even believe in it in the first place? Anyone introduce you to the word 'faith'? If you don't have faith, you can go somewhere else, demon bait.

Again another disgusting thing in the bible.

If you're referring to the Christian Bible, it's capitalized. If you're a militant atheist, you intentionally avoid capitalizing it. You're busted.

You know good and well that throughout history religion has been a constant detriment to society. That is a fact. It has caused countless deaths, Ignorance and blind hate etc.

BANG! And there it is. The bigoted militant atheist credo rears its ugly head. 'All social ills are blamed on religion.'

Christians constantly try to shove beliefs on us through legislation. People like you try and affect the way i live based on your religion. Period.

So militant atheists are victims. boo hoo

Do you wanna investigate my post history???

You commented on Gods Not Dead and GND2, for which you hosed both films. I think both films were intended for Christians, and not militant atheists. But after you thought the first one sucked, you then decided to watch GND2. LOL LOL

How weird.

Needed something to whine about?


Here comes the Hitler reference.

Not good is it...

The bigoted militant atheist

Here comes the unfounded comments on bigotry and militancy reference.

think both films were intended for Christians

Oh, are you a Christian again kurt?


Oh, are you a Christian again kurt?

I'm a person of faith who believes that God is real. What I share in common with many Christians is that I basically liked the GND films.

It's not complicated Cosmo, and yes, I'm allowed to talk about Christians or atheists. It's called free speech. Something the lawsuit happy U.K. lacks.


What I share in common with many Christians is that I basically liked the GND films.

And what I share in common with some Christians is that I basically didn't really like GND. That and Christians and I share the fact that most of us are polite, but then I guess you share being impolite with some Christians as well, so we're kind of even on that front aren't we kurt?

yes, I'm allowed to talk about Christians or atheists. It's called free speech. Something the lawsuit happy U.K. lacks.

Yeah, but it wasn't me who was saying that GND is a film for Christians and no one else. How does that fit in with your free speech stance?

Also, at no point have I made any sort of statement in opposition to you talking about anyone, so I don't know what your beef is here.ī—

"I think both films were intended for Christians, and not militant atheists."

At least you summed yourself up in the same section...

"How weird". Indeed it is kurt, indeed it is.


So basically your entire post is deflecting from my point that you are "appealing to authority" to hold disgusting beliefs just because it's in the scripture you believe in. Just because "God says so" people deserve Hell for something so minor as simply none belief? That's what makes your belief system disturbing and disgusting.

So would You send people to hell for simple non belief? I'm not asking about what the Bible says I'm asking if it were 100% up to you. If you answer yes that means your beliefs are extremely disturbing. If you answer no that means your own morals are better than the God you believe in..... and I have no idea why you would continue to worship such a being. Either way that means you believe in or justify some awful things.

That is an extremely wild assumption on your part

False. The Bible clearly says the Only unforgivable sin is being someone who doesn't believe.

Mark 3:28-30: "Truly I tell you, all sins and blasphemes will be forgiven for the sons of men. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin."

So it's ether guess work or me telling you what your religious book says. Which is it Kurt?

If you're referring to the Christian Bible, it's capitalized. If you're a militant atheist, you intentionally avoid capitalizing it. You're busted.

It depends on what you mean by Militant.. i hold the belief that false "facts" should be challenged, debated and exposed. I don't hold the belief that religion should be outlawed lol.

BANG! And there it is. The bigoted militant atheist credo rears its ugly head. All social ills are blamed on religion.'

Looks like you're putting words in my mouth Kurt. And failing badly at that. Please tell me that religion hasn't been a detriment to society throughout history with a straight face. It's a fact. Whether you're talking about Christians, Islam or even state religion.

You commented on Gods Not Dead

Would you care to refresh my memory with a link Kurt? Because I don't remember posting on the board for the original. Or is it a lie you made up on the spot??

I'm thinking it's your paranoia.

Edit: but it's obvious that this discussion isn't going anywhere lol. You do make a point for it to be pointless for atheists to be here. But I could say the same for you. Because you aren't going to convince any of the us "heathens" with the arguments you are using now lol. And you keep on getting in the same debates over and over again from your post history. Seems pointless. Take care

reply point that you are "appealing to authority" to hold disgusting beliefs just because it's in the scripture you believe in.

Do you also believe that false facts should be challenged when this whole point is based on opinion?
Please tell me that religion hasn't been a detriment to society throughout history with a straight face.

Lots of things bring out the hate and evil in people. Why are you singling out religion? Can you honestly tell me that mankind is not the root problem instead of religion, money, weapons, political power, racism, etc.?


Do you also believe that false facts should be challenged when this whole point is based on opinion?

My opinion that it's an ultimately disgusting belief system as far as hell goes? Yea that's an opinion. Or do you mean something else?

Lots of things bring out the hate and evil in people.


Why are you singling out religion?

Because we are having a debate about religion lol. And there are bad things that religion has done to the world.

Can you honestly tell me that mankind is not the root problem instead of religion, money, weapons, political power, racism, etc.?

I didn't say root. I said part and detriment to society. And I will 100% agree with you that mankind is the root of the problem. Because I believe that man created Religion and the concept of a God. And I believe that Religion has caused it's fair share of harm over the years and continues to.

Now if we got rid of all religion tomorrow would things be even close to perfect? Of course not. The things you listed would still be a strong force in the world. But I'd rather have one potential detriment Gone than none at all.

And I will admit of course that like Money and politics. Religion has been used for good in the world as well.


My opinion that it's an ultimately disgusting belief system as far as hell goes? Yea that's an opinion. Or do you mean something else?

If you agree it's an opinion and not based on any facts, then I'm confused as to how you expect to correct 'false facts' without doing so with facts of your own (as apposed to opinion.)
Because we are having a debate about religion lol.

And I will 100% agree with you that mankind is the root of the problem.

Thanks for your honesty. Now here's my point: If you agree that mankind is the root problem then singling out any tool or system that allows mankind to carry out evil says nothing about the tool or system used. Even if one is singled out just because we happen to be talking about it proves nothing. If mankind is the problem, then we could abolish religion, money, guns or any other tool or system used as the means to that end and man would find a way to carry out evil(since they are the root problem.) There's nothing wrong with money by itself, it's the misuse of it for evil purposes by people. Same for religion. Same for guns, etc., etc. Do you see what I'm saying?

By the way, great profile pick. Got a favorite model?



to hold disgusting beliefs

What beliefs do I have that are disgusting?

So would You send people to hell for simple non belief?

Going to Heaven is based on an invitation. If you believe in God and ask God to forgive your sins and ask to be accepted into Heaven, you have a respectable chance of getting there. If you don't even believe in God, why SHOULD the invitation even be extended.

Lets say I accuse you of being a filthy troll and not even human. Would you invite me to your house? Doubt it.

But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin."

I think you'll find that most denominations will advise atheists to accept God into their lives, ask God for forgiveness, and they'll have a perfectly good chance of being admitted into the kingdom of Heaven. Please consult with theologians on this matter.

But taking atheism all the way into death would certainly be a mistake.

You asked for my opinion, and now you have it.

Would you care to refresh my memory with a link Kurt?

The parentheses bracket was on the wrong side of the 2 in that particular link. So as it turns out, you didn't visit the GND board to defecate on that message board as you've done here. But interesting that you first commented on this board, going back to September, and you continue your bashing to this day. Strange that you allege to even have seen this film, since most of film and TV favorites have extreme violence, like 'Saw', and other disgusting projects. And then you claim the Bible is disgusting.

It depends on what you mean by Militant..

The Brits on these IMDb have a huge problem with this word. They think it strictly means, 'gun toting activist', which is wrong. The Vietnam War protesters in the '60's were often characterized in the press as militant. They were peaceful protesters.

I don't hold the belief that religion should be outlawed lol.

I didn't accuse you of that.

Please tell me that religion hasn't been a detriment to society throughout history with a straight face. It's a fact. Whether you're talking about Christians, Islam or even state religion.

Individual men and women caused those problems. Not Christianity. And sorry, I'm not a Trump supporter so I believe the over-whelming majority of Muslims are peaceful law abiding people. I'm not a Muslim basher, and prefer not to get involved with that kind of talk.


What beliefs do I have that are disgusting?

That atheist are 'disgusting filthy animals'. Then there's the Anglophobia. Also the homophobia.

The Brits on these IMDb have a huge problem with this word.

Have you managed to find a definition of it that doesn't completely rule any of us out as being 'militant' yet?


That atheist are 'disgusting filthy animals'. Then there's the Anglophobia. Also the homophobia.

Then start behaving like a civilized Brit, and you'll climb the evolutionary ladder. And yes I believe in evolution, unless that's disgusting. And notice that I made the distinction that you're not a civilized Brit, even though the majority of Brits are civilized. So much for the "anglophobia" hyperbole.

And I couldn't care less if you're gay, cosmo - and no I'm not interested in dating you.

Have you managed to find a definition of it that doesn't completely rule any of us out as being 'militant' yet

Militant atheism - is a term applied to atheism which is hostile towards religion. Militant atheists have a desire to propagate the doctrine, and differ from moderate atheists because they hold religion to be harmful.


Then start behaving like a civilized Brit, and you'll climb the evolutionary ladder. And yes I believe in evolution, unless that's disgusting. And notice that I made the distinction that you're not a civilized Brit, even though the majority of Brits are civilized. So much for the "anglophobia" hyperbole.

And I couldn't care less if you're gay, cosmo - and no I'm not interested in dating you.

And you accuse others of being uncivilised after this 'rant'? I hope you didn't type all of this with a straight face. It's the hate filled diatribe of an angry man, topped off with an attempt at a subtle homophobic comment. You are hands down the single most rude individual I've encountered on the internet, and that takes some doing.

And yes I believe in evolution, unless that's disgusting.

If you would take the time to check back you'll quite clearly see that I consider your love of calling atheists 'filthy, animals' to be disgusting, not belief in evolution. Though I would also like to guide you to the OP of this very thread, that'd be the one you wrote, which appears to be completely in opposition to evolutionary belief. Don't tell me you simply copy and pasted that from somewhere else all for the benefit of hoping to start arguments with atheists, which in turn means you get to call people militant atheists, and with that 'filthy animals'? Colour me surprised!
I do find it telling though that in defence of me very clearly offering an example of a belief you have that is disgusting, you stringently stick by said disgusting belief and insist on replying with a barrage of insults. Truly civilised kurt!ī€¦

Militant atheism - is a term applied to atheism which is hostile towards religion. Militant atheists have a desire to propagate the doctrine, and differ from moderate atheists because they hold religion to be harmful.

Point proven, and may I thank you for once again offering a definition that completely clears that majority of us, certainly Film, deviates and myself, from being militant atheists. I assume this now means we no longer have to put with attempts at calling us that as an insult?


You are hands down the single most rude individual I've encountered on the internet

You're welcome. ī€¦

insist on replying with a barrage of insults.

You resemble that remark.

that completely clears that majority of us, certainly Film, deviates and myself, from being militant atheists. I assume this now means we no longer have to put with attempts at calling us that as an insult?

The post clearly defines your militant atheism as well as your Brit friends.


You're welcome.

I can't believe that you consider yourself to be civilised.

You resemble that remark.

As always, it's all about context kurt.

The post clearly defines your militant atheism as well as your Brit friends.

Then as always it should be easy for you to find examples of the three of us being 'hostile towards religion' and making claims that we believe 'religion to be harmful'? I look forward to reading all your examples.


I can't believe that you consider yourself to be civilised.

Read the news report I just posted about the U.K., and the feeling is mutual.

As always, it's all about context kurt.

You're giving me a lecture on context when you haven't even seen this film? The context on this board is to watch the film and comment on it. Are you really this stupid?

find examples of the three of us being 'hostile towards religion'

I've already done that on numerous occasions.


Read the news report I just posted about the U.K., and the feeling is mutual.

That you consider posthumously pardoning people of a crime, that never should have been a crime in the first place, to be 'uncivilised' does nothing but show you up for your homophobia, Anglophobia, extremely right wing views and all round bigotry. Which further evidences that you're far removed from being a civilised individual or even one who is capable of understanding what it means to be civilised.

You're giving me a lecture on context when you haven't even seen this film?

Having seen this film or not has no bearing on the conversation at hand, so this is redundant.

The context on this board is to watch the film and comment on it. Are you really this stupid?

Actually kurt, the 'context' of these message boards is to contribute to any threads that one feels the need to contribute to. And this thread in particular has nothing to do with having seen this film, you should know this, you started it. As such the 'context' of this particular thread you denying evolution, so shall we discuss that?

And one shouldn't accuse others of being "stupid" after posting something as remarkable (not in a good way) as the OP:

I've already done that on numerous occasions.


Oh, you were being serious?


Actually kurt, the 'context' of these message boards is to contribute to any threads that one feels the need to contribute to.

In your case that's called trolling, and most people just ignore you.

Having seen this film or not has no bearing on the conversation at hand

Everyone else watches films before popping off about them.'re the weirdo.


So you went back two weeks just to show that you don't actually know what trolling is, just that you think it's anyone who holds an opposing view to your own. Not to mention that you still don't know how internet message boards works, or how different people make use of them.


You didn't even see this film and admitted it. Why are you here again? Can you even think of a legit reason for being on this board? I'll wait....

Trolling: it's not a complicated concept, you English muffin.


Can you even think of a legit reason for being on this board? I'll wait....

Calling you out on your pathetic BS is reason enough.


Brian to the rescue.

ī€¦ ī€¦ ī€¦

Brian you better get to work on your philosophy homework if you want to graduate before you reach 50.


You didn't even see this film and admitted it. Why are you here again?

"You still don't know how internet message boards works, or how different people make use of them."

Can you even think of a legit reason for being on this board? I'll wait....

I'm a member of IMDb. There, you can stop waiting now.

Trolling: it's not a complicated concept, you English muffin.

And it's not simply holding opposing views to your own, you American bigot.

Why are you here again?

Do you not find it a bit peculiar, I know I do, that we've all had some interesting discussions on these boards around the subject of religion, ranging from morality to the supposed nature of God (when I say God I don't mean your God complex), yet whenever a discussion involves you it falls apart and turns into an endless stream of insults and inanities? And if anyone would like to disagree and state that they've not had any interesting discussions on these boards, kurt aside, then let yourself be known and I'll apologise for including you.


I'm a member of IMDb. There, you can stop waiting now.

Full admission that you're just here to berate people of faith, since you have no other answer.


Case closed.


Proof, if ever it were needed, that you only see whatever you want to see, not what's actually written down. Maybe respond to the last section of the post, which explains how interesting discussions have been had, at least wherever you've not been involved. Are you prepared to finally admit that you don't actually care about discussing films, as evidence by the insane amount of OT threads you've made, and are mostly here so that you can argue with atheists?

And you still patently don't know what 'berate' means.


And you still patently don't know what 'berate' means.And you still patently don't know what 'berate' means.

In your case, it simply means you're a jerk and a liar.

Proof, if ever it were needed, that you only see whatever you want to see, not what's actually written down.

And you don't seem to know the correct definition of many words even after the definitions are post in front of your snout.

admit that you don't actually care about discussing films

Every film that I've commented on was formally and thoroughly assessed by me. More proof you're a liar. You refused to comment on any films or TV shows, since it's questionable whether you even own a TV. I know you don't have cable, jackass.


Every film that I've commented on was formally and thoroughly assessed by me

Is that why you changed your personal score for one or two after discrepancies were noticed between the score and your remarks here, kurt? For instance I remember you originally had GND2 quite low, then it best suited your claims to bump it up some. LOL

Or does it explain as to why, a while back, you offered some bizarre moralistic criticisms of such films as Apocalypse Now, The Searchers, Blade Runner and so on? Or criticised many films from summaries but not evidently having ever seen them?

I am God's #1 Spokesman on IMDB Navaros


Lets say I accuse you of being a filthy troll and not even human. Would you invite me to your house? Doubt it.

You're right I wouldn't invite you to my home. But I wouldn't turn around and send someone to beat you up as an alternative. Or send you to a place of eternal torture. That's an extreme alternative.

I didn't choose to be born here on this earth. I went to church every day for 20 plus years and never once felt anything. I tried, I prayed and I searched for a long time. And then one day I thought "why would a loving God send someone to a place of eternal torture just because I can't force myself to believe?". And my answer was he probably wouldn't or he doesn't exist(considering I'm a flawed human and wouldn't do the same). And that's when I became a none believer. Or atleast part of the reason why.

Sure I could lie to myself and say I was a Christian but you can't make yourself believe something you don't believe. Just like I can't make you not believe. You believe because you do. Obviously beliefs can change overtime but unless something extraordinary is shown to me I doubt I'll be able to believe.

But interesting that you first commented on this board, going back to September, and you continue your bashing to this day. Strange that you allege to even have seen this film, since most of film and TV favorites have extreme violence, like 'Saw', and other disgusting projects. And then you claim the Bible is disgusting.

Kurt.... dude.. that's one comment. It's not like I've been back here very week. That was September. This is January almost February.

And yea a lot of my favorite films and TV shows have some pretty disgusting stuff in them. But they are fiction. Doesn't mean I think it's okay to do the things shown in real life tho.

Individual men and women caused those problems. Not Christianity.

I believe and accept this as well. Ultimately it's bad people doing bad things. But I believe that religion makes it far easier to brainwash people into doing or thinking a certain way. Certain scientific advancements have even been held back because people think God will just sort it out. And books like the Bible by very definition promote intolerance of certain kinds of people in their text. Like Gays for example. And some people can use religion as a tool to control people and do a great deal of evil. And I don't think all Muslims are bad.


You're right I wouldn't invite you to my home. But I wouldn't turn around and send someone to beat you up as an alternative. Or send you to a place of eternal torture. That's an extreme alternative.

Yeah whoa. I never claimed that [I] would judge you and send you to hell. God does the judging. But God also made it clear in the scriptures how you can get a trip to hell by turning your back on God. God's rules - not Kurt's. If it were up to me, I'd send atheists to Heaven and listen to them explain away their good fortune for being there. The atheist complaints would be funny to listen to.

I didn't choose to be born here on this earth.

Oh life isn't a gift? Wipe the tears from your face. Were you doing something far more rewarding before you were born?

Kurt.... dude..

Stop calling me dude.


But God also made it clear in the scriptures how you can get a trip to hell by turning your back on God. God's rules - not Kurt's. If it were up to me, I'd send atheists to Heaven and listen to them explain away their good fortune for being there.

You better explain this to the Pope kurt, since I remember only recently he has been assuring people that good people, yes even good atheists, can still go to heaven.

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


he has been assuring people that good people, yes even good atheists, can still go to heaven.

Only if they denounce atheism and repent: is the correct Catholic doctrine.

Read much?


Only if they denounce atheism and repent

I don't think the Pope said that, kurt. Apparently good people of all kinds can get into that heaven which you prize so much.

Perhaps you are one of those "little intolerant" people mentioned? LOL

But since you are not a Xian I guess this needn't exercise you too much. And as an atheist I just note that Christians say this, they also say that, and that different versions are available of the faith, rather than worrying about that which is supposedly true or not.

Read much than fundamentalist blogs?

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


Apparently good people of all kinds can get into that heaven which you prize so much.

Well....they have to actually believe in God first, which is why you'll fry in hell for sure. Don't trouble your head with the rest of it.

Read much than fundamentalist blogs?

According to militant atheists like you, that would include anything in writing that supports the existence of God.

Thank you for playing: 'FilmFlaneur is incurably clueless again.'


I already quoted the Bible on the "reasons"...alpha and omega

And there I thought you had me on ignore.

I just find it odd that you consider the idea that there's never been such a thing as nothing as being so preposterous yet are ok with the idea that a fully formed all-powerful, all-knowing deity just happens to have always existed fully formed. All because you read it in a book, written by the hand of man.


I had you on ignore for many many months. I took you off of ignore yesterday or the day before.



So Film says below that there's no such thing as "nothing"... But STILL won't acknowledge an uncreated creator? Uh..uh...uh....What the heck... So if there was ALWAYS something, what or who (hint: a uncreated God) created the something that was always there? Atheists have no explanation as to how there could always be something but that something didn't have a "creator"... Something had to come before the something which takes place of their nothing. But can they explain what that is without God?

Lena, as an atheist I only have an issue with the notion of a deliberate supernatural First Cause. An 'uncreated creator' could just be something eternal at the quantum level, a blind 'brute fact' of reality which, eventually, provokes more from the absence of anything else, perhaps from a slight imbalance in what always is. I hope that helps.

Since you are apparently happy to believe in the 'brute fact' of a magical cause of everything then, especially since we don't know everything about the purely natural (and modern physicists like Krauss have built up a convincing theoretical case for a Cause from the natural), I am sure others ought to be allowed at least equal consideration for a less credulous alternative. I hope that helps.

The atheists don't get that Jesus is the "glue" that holds the universe together....."through him all things consist" (consist meaning "hold together")
And at the end of time, Jesus will simply "let go" and the universe will collapse according to Revelation at which point the old heaven and the old earth will cease to exist and a new heaven and a new earth will be created.
Atheists keep searching for what holds the universe together. But the answer is in Colossians 1:16. It is Jesus. He is Alpha and Omega and through him all things consist.

You are entitled to your opinions. But other religions, such as Islam, would hold a different view of Christ this while, as outlined above, science has come some way of late in theorising the likely Cause of everything. Anthropomorphised deities had a good run amongst primitive and ancient societies, but I think we can be a little more scientific, mathematic and empirical today.

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000


I appreciate your explanation Film as to your distinction. My question would be whether you have ever studied eschatology?

Or bible prophecy? I get that people have a problem with the idea of some man like figure in some other dimension controlling every aspect of life on Earth. The whole part of "in Gods image" from Genesis is still a mystery as to what that means. And when we are in the New Earth receiving our promised glorified bodies, what exactly will a glorified body be at the molecular level. Will it have flesh cells as we know it or will it be similar to our minds being able to project (through pure energy) a solid hologram image etc? Yet another mystery which we don't know on our earthly plane.

But, does it move you at all the coincidences in Bible text and world events? Or do you dismiss them? For instance, can you deny that the beginning of world history of man seems to focus on that small area of land in the Middle East which bible scholars say is the exact location of the garden of Eden where civilization began.

And, that for thousands of years, which is the time we know of the known history of man the fight has pretty much been over the little strip of land in Judea where the Jews and arabs are still fighting. It lines up with thousands of years of specific bible prophecy. For example, Isaac (root of Jews) vs. Ishmael (root of Arabs) as brothers and sons of Abraham in a perpetual rivalry and war.

That for instance Noah's ark was supposed to have landed on Mt Ararat, and when the snow melts on an area on the mountain, folks have documented being on the ark, and even the Russian Czar, etc.

Or, now, end times folks talk about the coming new centralized government with the Pope taking over and on September 27 2015 the Pope and Obama signing on to Agenda 2030?

I can't split hairs with you on every Bible prophecy. I won't. I type my posts on my phone. But the gist is my question whether you can see any pattern development at all in world historical events and prophecy of the Bible?

To believers, i.e., someone like me, I watch archeology shows and history etc and it is truly amazing how bible prophecy lines up and is lining up. I'm not saying Jesus is returning tomorrow. But, I believe the Bible is true and history lines up with prophecy. It's not coincidental. Too many things have been properly predicted and cannot just be random.

How do you explain it?

*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


My question would be whether you have ever studied eschatology?

I have read some books on cults, Millennialist beliefs and those who have always declared that the end is nigh, yes.

Yet another mystery which we don't know

If we don't know then speculation will always be moot, Lena.

can you deny that the beginning of world history of man seems to focus on that small area of land in the Middle East which bible scholars say is the exact location of the garden of Eden where civilization began

The beginning of man is more often taken by archaeologists and genetics to be from the rift valley in Africa. Bible scholars, and those predisposed to belief in the holy myths of course will have their own reasons for prefer myth over what is known from empirical sources.

And, that for thousands of years, which is the time we know of the known history of man the fight has pretty much been over the little strip of land in Judea where the Jews and arabs are still fighting. It lines up with thousands of years of specific bible prophecy

Humanoids have fought over things in other areas too, just as other early civilisations have. You have a very selective view of history.

when the snow melts on an area on the mountain, folks have documented being on the ark, and even the Russian Czar, etc.

Please link to where the Ark has definitely been found. The one lately built Stateside as a tourist attraction does not count.

end times folks talk about the coming new centralized government with the Pope taking over and on September 27 2015 the Pope and Obama signing on to Agenda 2030?

'End times folk' have always talked a lot, with nothing to show for it. The Jehovah's Witnesses, for instance, predicted the end of the world two or three times before 1940 - but I seem to remember have lately calmed down a little in preference to running a profitable world wide business with much less specific proselytizing. And remember the embarrassment of Harold Camping? I do.

But the gist is my question whether you can see any pattern development at all in world historical events and prophecy of the Bible?

No, but I do remember how your Bible warns against false prophets. Which seems sensible given how many it throws up.

I'm not saying Jesus is returning tomorrow

Any news of the second coming yet? Has that generation passed away yet? Didn't CS Lewis call such verse promising a return "embarrassing"?

. But, I believe the Bible is true and history lines up with prophecy. It's not coincidental. Too many things have been properly predicted and cannot just be random.

You are fully entitled to your opinions and beliefs. But fervency and conviction does not necessarily prove such things right, as the history of religious belief shows.

How do you explain it?

A mixture of credulity, political, and social conviction with a healthy dollop of confirmation bias. The fact that such beliefs have been common for millennia shows how common they are, not how commonly right.

I'm well aware that railing does no good kurt2000



Nice over simplification of science there buddy...

Like "god did it" is the most rational answer for life's questions....
