Repent, for the end is near
All good things must come to an end, and I guess this is no exception.
Hey folks, be kind, be gentle, be patient with the faults of others (as you want them to be patient with you), seek truth, question things a lot, think (Think!), treat every person you deal with as someone who has value, look for areas of agreement amid the disagreements, and always remember that there is someone else (a real person with real feelings!) at the other end of that internet.
So I'm left with a few questions:
1. Is Miscella a he or a she? I get it that the avatar is female, and the name is of a feminine form. But it isn't a name but rather a a dictionary word with a decidedly non-feminine meaning ( and the argumentation from said user always struck me as the sort that I associate with the male of the species. I suppose that one is likely to remain a mystery.
2. So where are you all headed? Kurt and Cosmo, where are you taking your endless disputing? (Admit it, you both love it.) Lena, where are you taking your talents? Me I'm already registered as Froggy at and I've seen Film there too, but I'm open to suggestion regarding other places to go.
Finally, a song. This is for you, IMDb:
After you've gone and left us crying
After you've gone, there's no denying
You'll feel blue, you'll feel sad
You'll miss the dearest pals you've ever had
There'll come a time, now don't forget it
There'll come a time, when you'll regret it
Some day when you'll grow lonely
Your heart will break like ours and you'll want us only
After you've gone, after you've gone away
After the years we've been together
Thought joy and tears, all kinds of weather
Someday blue and downhearted
You'll long to be with us right back where you started
After we've gone, after we've gone away
Adios, amigos.