Apparently I watched a different movie... (SPOILERS)
The Time Trap movie I watched on Netflix had a unique concept but failed in execution. Really, really failed.
i. The directing was mundane. So many awkward fight scenes, scenes of kids just looking in confusion at rope, cameras, each other...
ii. The acting by the kids -- especially Furby -- was awful. They are thrown into the far future where they learn that everyone they knew except for their immediate cave explorers are all dead, earth is dead, humans as we know them are extinct... They react with mild surprise.
iii. The kids spend a lot of time just running to and fro, calling out to each other, saying the same thing over and over... variations on "guys, something weird is going on." All that was missing was Scooby Doo.
iv. Special effects and production values were all over the map. Some were very good -- the surface clouds, the fountain of youth, others e.g. Robocop dude and his goofy ladder (what was that all about anyway?) were cheesy.
v. The tone was inconsistent. It started like an adult drama, but once the kids became the focus it seemed more like The Goonies but not in a good way. (I did smile at the inside joke, but I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not.)
With a much better story and a good director I think this would have made an excellent episode of Love, Death and Robots.