MovieChat Forums > La trêve (2019) Discussion > BIG Plot Flaws (SPOILERS)


Mostly I liked this show because it mainly seemed to treat the viewer as an intelligent adult, who would notice big plot flaws. So I had a real problem with the final episode:

Ines must have broken her necklace when she killed Driss. That's OK, but we are then expected to believe that she had the presence of mind to pick it up (presumably blood-soaked) immediately after killing him, take it home, clean it, mend it, and put it in the kitchen drawer. No intelligent person would do this.

We are expected to believe that Driss was first shot, then hit by a car, then hit several times with a spade until his attacker thought he was dead, and yet he was still able to escape to the cabin and make phone calls and have the interaction with Ines without bleeding all over her or mentioning his injuries?

Ines hits him several times on the head with a log. ALL his injuries are therefore upper-body, and yet when the body is found in the river, he has a broken leg (which is one reason they assume he jumped from the bridge).


Ines must have broken her necklace when she killed Driss. That's OK, but we are then expected to believe that she had the presence of mind to pick it up (presumably blood-soaked) immediately after killing him, take it home, clean it, mend it, and put it in the kitchen drawer. No intelligent person would do this.

And then the one piece that we saw rolling on the floor inside the cabin somehow makes its way into the field between the cabin and the river. Yeah.

We are expected to believe that Driss was first shot, then hit by a car, then hit several times with a spade until his attacker thought he was dead, and yet he was still able to escape to the cabin and make phone calls and have the interaction with Ines without bleeding all over her or mentioning his injuries?

And he only called Zoe, so how the hell did Ines turn up at the cabin?

Ines hits him several times on the head with a log. ALL his injuries are therefore upper-body, and yet when the body is found in the river, he has a broken leg (which is one reason they assume he jumped from the bridge).

Really, don't ask me. If this was written for intelligent adults then I'm a banana.

If the opposite of Love is indifference, what's the opposite of Hate?


Yeah, beyond the production value and direction there's a fairly ridiculous story that's hard to reconcile with. Lest we forget Ines just happens to be at the cabin to kill Drummer right before he is about to reveal his discovery to Peeters. Convenient and improbable. How would Ines even know that Drummer had discovered something or that he'd be at the cabin at that time?
