MovieChat Forums > Lights Out (2016) Discussion > Missed opportunity with mother/diana sto...

Missed opportunity with mother/diana storyline

Horror is about being freaked out, and the freakiest scares come from the ones we don't expect. Like the mother saying "Did we wake you?" - This could have gone further, not just a friendship, but a romance.

"We're going to be a family now."
"I don't want her!"
"She's going to be your mum too so get used to it!"

And then you could have a scene where the boy is being soothed to sleep and he closes his eyes and feels Diana's claws on his face.

"Don't freak out honey, she just wants to be mom too."

Eventually the boy accepts the new reality and it is up to the sister to save him.


I think a ghost romance would have come off more silly than scary. The first scene you described actually sounds comedic.

There are maybe five beings I hope I never have to fight and J'onn Jonzz is one of them. - Superman


A lesbian ghost story, lmao. But you could say that she isn't dead, only visible in darkness.


Lmao yeah a lesbian depresso into BDSM skin disorder kinky sex.

Sounds like a whole extra layer to really push this movie into Oscar contender status. ???.


Yeah.....a romance would be incredibly out of place, especially considering that the ghost killed both of the mother's husbands.

And besides, even IF the film took that silly direction, people would just complain that it was somehow "demonizing lesbians". I'm sure some folks already claim it demonizes depression/mental illness.
