MovieChat Forums > Lights Out (2016) Discussion > There is some truth in this with the "li...

There is some truth in this with the "lighs out"

... This may sound like a madman typing, but I did do a lot of spiritisme in my youth, and I regret that part of my life.

I do from time to time, se shadows and I have to sleep with the lights on at the age of 46. I don't know why, but I share a bed with a "dead woman" (Or something not from this earth that just lies there, and "She" tries her best not to be noticed.

So... The only way to prevent that is to have some light from the hallway in to my bedroom.

I never talk about it to anyone I know because its a chapter of my life i try to forget. Even now 22 years later I still se the shadows.

Yeah, The light keeps them away.


Are you for serious, man? You do not know how to spell "see"? ... j/k

Let's have a man-to-man talk. If you are a 46yr old man that needs to sleep with the lights on, it's no wonder you are single. I would call you a pansy, but that's easy pickings, and I am not a bully per-"se" (<-- see what I did there?).

Something tells me "you tell joke". I "se" what you did there... Regardless, your post entertained me. Hope your 46yr old arse is in good health. Cheers.


It does not mean he is single because of that. There are people with real problems that need support, not judgment. I personaly would be with someone who sleeps with lights on because it does not have anything to do with his maturity or smth. So don't be ignorant.


Oh, relax a little, would ya? If you re-read my post, it's quite light-hearted and was meant to be taken as such. Unfortunately, Social Justice Warriors, such as yourself, want to take all humor and free speech away.... because, feelings! Get over it, and get over yourself... And YES, he's single. Have fun with your boyfriend in the lamp-light.

P.S. You would like the father of your children to be "a-scared" of the dark? No, you would want a real man - strong, and fiercely protective. You probably wouldn't admit it, but secretly you would. It's called genetic predisposition, and it's a fact women want a strong, brave, confident man. I didn't make the rules, I just observe human behavior and instinct.


"P.S. You would like the father of your children to be "a-scared" of the dark? No, you would want a real man - strong, and fiercely protective. You probably wouldn't admit it, but secretly you would. It's called genetic predisposition, and it's a fact women want a strong, brave, confident man. I didn't make the rules, I just observe human behavior and instinct."

The man in the Superman costume shares his grains of wisdom. You sound faaar more insane than dude.

- I can feel your insecurity from here...
Shall I do my Magic in your dreams, wanna se me there "super man" !!!


I don't see a costume on anyone, Spud! I also do not read any wisdom offered. I wouldn't put forth the effort to share it for an absurd topic/affliction such as this. You READ an informed opinion. I do not "sound" like anything. Do you hear voices in your head when you read text? I can sense your millennial douche-bag persona even as I type this.

And, for the record, I like Superman - Christopher Reeves' Superman. This is a movie database's forum. Stop being a brat, and go do you homework, Sparky.


Stylin291, Mr "Superman" (by the icon attached to your name) you need to STFU


I am well aware of the avatar (not an icon, dipsh!t) attached to my name. I will not be silenced, and I will not go away. This is like some insane backwards-land where men get to be frightened of the dark at age 46, need to sleep with the light on, and somehow I'm strange? It's a Bizzaro-earth where everyone is so delicate, and politically correct, that a man is no longer supposed to act or behave as such. I will not tolerate that. A sentence telling me to "STFU" is lacking in insight, creativity, and intelligence.

Swami Vivekananda states my sentiments best, "Love me, or hate me. Both are in my favor. If you love me then I am in your heart. If you hate me, then I am in your mind.

... I'm happy to reside in your thoughts. I think I'll stick around, and creatively call-out everyone's silly candy-ass bull$hit. Sit in the corner, Laddie, and let the grownups talk.




You. NEED. To. Shut. The. *beep* UP


Okay, okay - I'll let the baby have his bottle. Here you go Mr. Donald J. Trump! I hope you don't choke on the nipple.

... and you wonder why your country is going to hell. Look in a mirror. Goodbye.



Thank you and I agree.

But, I do think we must go easy on the boy. He do try to use quasi intellectual language, but the kid who loves Superman is a insecure boy and we cant harass a child

He rated "The girl next door" 8 (soft porn)
A typical teenager movie for the boys from 10 to 14

So... Let him keep his superman costume on, and let the boy have the last word, pretend that he won. At that age its very important for his self esteem to "win" and harass others to make him self big as his idol superman.

Lets take the high ground. I do feel sorry for the boy thou :/



He rated "The girl next door" 8 (soft porn)
A typical teenager movie for the boys from 10 to 14

haha really? Too funny.



by Stylin291 ....see what I did there?.
You may not be a bully but you are definitely a little Hipsterish. Using overused pop culture verbiage in your sentence. Are you also androgynous?


You're drunk mate, that's just your wife. Show her some love, she'll notice you.



I believe you.


Since I can remember myself I see shadows/objects/persons and I even talk to them/myself during my sleep. It doesn't occur every night and it happens only when I am alone. That is why I usually keep at least one lamp on.

When I sleep with my girlfriend I don't see anything during the night.

Age 30 btw.

For within each death there is always a new life, a new beginning - Dillon, Alien 3


This may sound like a madman typing

I have no idea how madmen type. Like sane ppl or using their right pinky or left toe or, maybe, slamming their a$$es on the keyboard. Different strokes for different...sounds, I guess.

Your post, on the other hand, does sound crazy! (I've read it out-loud 😀 )

However, look at this: "As a young boy, I was not afraid of the dark. As an old man, I am wiser" from Iverson's pits by Dan Simmons

Feelin' better? I know I'm not. Just more scared.

"Don't believe shi+ until shi+ happens"
Bernie Mac


Dude, she's just playing dead so you won't try to crawl up in her,


Very cool. Albeit creepy to live with.
