MovieChat Forums > Lights Out (2016) Discussion > The white dude was a..

The white dude was a..

Sissy, Hollywood trying to reverse the roles of men and women, that dude was pathetic.


No, I think he was very smart and intelligent when it came to surviving. You don't have to be strong and brawny to be a "man".


He might have been friend zoned but otherwise he was level headed


Not really friendzoned. The very first scene between them is right after they've had sex.

Delicious -


The relationship was going nowhere. He was essentially a "booty call" for her. So when the crazy began to show he bailed.

This was an exaggerated example of what happens when someone finds out their bf or gf is nuts or has some serious luggage. They bail. The ones who don't get sucked into the craziness. Trust me as someone who knows! I didn't bail when I should have cause that would have made me an a**hole but sticking around nearly made me a basket case. You cannot love away madness.

It is like the old adage about the mother. So say you're a guy dating and getting somewhat close to serious with a beautiful girl. Her mother happens to be fuggly and 400 pounds. Well, chances are in 20 years you are gonna be married to mom cause daughter will fall into her patterns. Genetics? Mental? Who knows. But the same goes for insanity. She or he may be fine now but give it 20 years or less. And if they have mild OCD or are a bit bi-polar now? That s**t does not go away. It only gets worse. Meds mask the symptoms but do not get rid of them. Psychiatrists are useless; only good for getting the meds.

Get out while you can.

On the other hand I can see this as part of the current Hollywood trend to emasculate men and make them all weak, cheaters, liars, etc (except in the super hero world).


He didn't bail. He went to go get help. He came back and seemed to be the only smart person in this horrid film, and he was a complete moron.


Yes he did and I admit to writing the above before the film ended. I came here because I was bored stiff and wondered if anyone else had been! I stumbled on this thread and the tone made it seem like he never came back, which as I wrote, would not have surprised me in the slightest.

For both sexes, when the new love in your life starts "sprouting horns" (metaphorically) it is time to run or slowly back out of the room! Though sometimes even early in it is too late, especially for women who get mixed up with a homicidal psycho.


Eh, he was very likable to me


I didn't see it that way.
He was a calm, level mannered guy... Also, he was pretty clever in keeping himself alive.
And, he was smart enough to go outside to check if the lights being out was only inside, or if the whole neighborhood was out.




You might need to watch the entire movie. There was nothing "sissy" about him. He stayed true to his relationship and was there for her when it counted.

American Horror Story Season 6: Donald Trump


The white dude...really ?? 3 of the 5 main characters were "white dudes" The only black character was the cop !!! And another poster that never responds to the posts they make !!


What do you expect from a guy who still calls people "sissies"? Posting outdated insults online and then never daring to read the responses is probably how he feels like a "real man".


Look at his recent posting history. He has issues with white people.


So....if you were attacked and almost killed by some being/presence/force you don't believe in, yet you can't see it and it's super strong, thrashing you around like a toy, you'd...what? Stand and fight? Get killed bravely "like a man"?

The dude ran away because he was scared out of his mind. Yet he STILL came back with the cops, he didn't just abandon them. He was smart enough to realize that there was no way he could fight that thing on his own.
